Gonzalo Gavira

Nascimento : 1925-10-31, Mexico City, Mexico

Morte : 2005-01-09


Por si no te vuelvo a ver
Five elderly men form a music group and run away from the nursing home where they are interns with the hope of playing for an audience. They confront th city, the nursing home authorities, the police and all those who wish to destroy their dream which finally comes true when they are contracted to serve as musical background for strippers of a second class cabaret. In case i never see you again, is a movie about life, death, melancholy and the quest for happiness.
Los cómplices del infierno
Sound Effects Editor
Sandra and Deborah are two women trying to escape from a tragic recent event. They go for a vacation on a beach house but are then followed by an evil cult.
Mecánica Mexicana
Sound Effects Editor
Traficantes de muerte
Sound Effects
A city is terrorized by vicious drug dealers.
Octagon and Mascara Sagrada in Fight to the Death
Sound Recordist
Heroic Mexican wrestler duo Octagon and Mascara Sagrado take on a bevvy of sexy female catburglars led by Lina Santos
El Fiscal de Hierro 3
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Mario Almada returns as "el fiscal de hierro", in this entry his family is kidnapped by gang leader Ramona Pineda.
Programado para morir
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Mafia members go after a father and a son who know too much.
Al margen de la ley
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Apuesta con la muerte
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A young man tries to get away from his disfunctional family by working with his friend, a rich boy who lives in excess and sleaze, but he will soon realize how reckless his friend is and that he is submerged in a life of crime, vice and deadly bets.
Casos de Alarma
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Stranger with a dark past infects a small-town girl with HIV, and the contagion spreads out from there. Public health officials get involved...
Forbidden Beach
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An engineer moves into a bungalow on the beach next to a widow and her two boys. The older boy has a bit of an Oedipal complex and seems to like his mom. Of course, that means that no other man can come and break up their "happy" family.
Perico el de los palotes
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Showgirls and troll-dudes mix and mingle for a weekend, musical-beds style, at a fun motel in the middle of nowhere.
Sexo contra sexo
Special Effects
The engineer José Luis, husband of the fichera and dancer Estrella Raleigh, dies in a plane crash. During the burial, Estrella discovers that her husband was having an affair. It's quickly revealed that things are a bit more complicated than they initially appear.
Cazador De Asesinos
A retired police officer looks for revenge after his family is attacked by a gang of criminals.
El sexo de los pobres
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Courtroom drama focused on the background of a man accused of rape.
With a Borrowed Body
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El barrendero
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Um humilde varredor de rua é a única testemunha de um crime cometido por ladrões de arte.
Al cabo qué ni quería
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El Cain del bajio
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Family conflicts and shady business practices lead to fratricide. And then...
La leyenda de Rodrígo
Sound Effects Editor
Rodrigo is a seminarist that soon will be a priest, but a demon woman seduce him. He doesn't know what path choose.
A Rat in the Darkness
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Two sisters buy an old dark house, soon they discover it's haunted.
El sexo sentido
Sound Effects Editor
About a nymphomaniac and an artist that constantly spies on her.
Los Reyes del Palenque
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Os cunhados de Paloma têm planos muito ambiciosos em relação a sua fazenda, porque eles querem transformá-lo em um centro turístico, mas ela transforma em um palanque onde ela canta e há brigas de galo.
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A young girl's arrival at a convent after the death of her parents marks the beginning of a series of events that unleash an evil presence on the girl and her mysterious new friend, an enigmatic figure known as Alucarda. Demonic possession, Satan worship, and vampirism follows.
O Ministro e Eu
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Mateo Melgarejo (interpretado por Mario Moreno "Cantinflas") é um notário e escreve para o analfabeto de Santo Domingo, um bairro ao norte do Zócalo da Cidade do México. Um amigo invasor pede sua ajuda na negociação com o escritório do censo de terras para regularizar um título de propriedade. Depois de uma grande frustração com a burocracia do governo, ele escreve uma carta ao ministro, conquistando uma audiência com ele. O ministro contrata Melgarejo para reformar o escritório e o designado passa a dar uma conferência aos funcionários sobre seus deveres em uma sociedade democrática. No final, ele deixa o cargo, regressando a Santo Domingo para ajudar os seus pobres moradores.
Canoa: A Shameful Memory
Sound Effects Editor
A group of students arrives in a small town during a hiking expedition. Once there, the local priest accuses them of being communist agitators on the run from an army crack-down against student demonstrations in nearby Mexico City and rallies the townsfolk to lynch them. Based on a true story.
The Pact
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When they were children, siblings Sergio and Teresa made a promise to never leave each other. An unhealthy co-dependence developes into adulthood.
Pink Zone
Special Effects
In a whorehouse in Acapulco, lives Leonor, a young and beautiful woman who is awaiting to reunite with an old lover. Suddenly, the man reappears to take her away from her life of vice. But the debt owed by Leonor to the "Madame" of the house causes a series of conflicts.
Atas de Marusia
Chronicle of the repression that a foreign company exerts on the miners of a small nitrate town in Chile, whose workers decide to claim their most essential rights. A reflection of the historic union struggles in the northern Chile that ended with terrible repressive acts.
The Intruder
Sound Effects Editor
The lust for gold and the reading of a will brings eleven visitors to a remote island retreat, but an unseen, seemingly unstoppable evil follows to stalk them one by one. The bodies don't stop dropping until the final shattering conclusion. Who - or what - is the intruder? One thing is for certain: it will not stop until it kills them all.
La mujer del diablo
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A man who lives in a house in a little town in Guatemala that has a reputation of being a sinful place, falls in love with a young girl.
Zelador de Condomínio
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After reading in the newspaper, Úrsulo runs to seek employment. It is the position of caretaker of a luxury apartment building habited by people more heterogeneous: the professional model, the spiritualist, hippies and all turn to him to solve their problems. But someone in the building, kidnapped an important person and Úrsulo becomes a private investigator.
A Montanha Sagrada
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Um alquimista reúne um grupo de pessoas para representar os planetas do sistema solar. Sua intenção é submetê-los a estranhos rituais místicos antes de enviá-los para a Ilha de Lotus, onde escalarão a Montanha Sagrada para substituir os deuses que secretamente governam o universo.
The Mansion of Madness
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The inmates of an insane asylum take over the institution, imprison the doctors and staff, and then put into play their own ideas of how the place should be run.
La satánica
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She's got a sugar-daddy paying her bills, and while she's stringing him along, she meets somebody her own age that she reallytruly falls in love. And it turns out he's the son of her rich dude.
Las cautivas
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Raimundo, a wealthy man, died of a heart attack. The notary reads out Raimundo's will, leaving all his estate and companies to the widow, Luz, with the surprising clause that she will remain without a man for the period of two years, during which his trusted attorney, Arturo, will be in possession of the whole patrimony. Luz being much younger than her late husband, resents this clause that will keep her captive of the dead man for so long. Her attempts to seek release in the night spots of the town do not prove satisfying. Lucia, the maid, starts an extortion scheme against the widow, menacing to denounce the murder of Raimundo with venom, as Luz and Arturo were lovers. The faithful cook and the gardener are dismissed and Lucía literally takes her employer's image, clothes, and manners - forcing Luz to play humbly to her (progressively insane) demands.
O Catedrático
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Sócrates (Cantinflas), um professor dedicado que dedicou a sua vida ao ensino, sacrifica o conforto da grande cidade para marchar em direção à cidade de Romeral, onde seus serviços são necessários. Lá ele deve lutar contra o poderoso cacique local, interessado em incentivar a ignorância dos seus habitantes. Sócrates tem o apoio do padre da vila e de Hortensia, uma jovem que concorda em alugar um quarto em sua casa. Eles e as crianças que rapidamente começam a admirar o seu professor são os que terão que lutar contra as forças do chefe e de seus aliados.
El Topo
Sound Effects Designer
O criminoso El Topo desafia os invencíveis Quatro Mestres do Deserto pelo amor de uma mulher, e acaba vencendo. Seu nível de consciência aumenta, mas, entretanto, ele é traído pela mulher. Começando uma nova existência como homem santo, El Topo se compromete a libertar uma comunidade de excluídos.
As Minhas Pistolas
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Fidencio Barrenillo (Cantinflas) parte para o Arizona em busca de uma antiga mina de prata que pertencia ao seu bisavô. Mas logo após atravessar a fronteira é capturado pelos apaches com a intenção de sacrificá-lo. Felizmente para ele, o chefe tribal sofre uma terrível dor de dente e manda suspender a execução até novo aviso. Fidencio então vê uma clara oportunidade de se livrar da morte e cura o chefe indiano, tornando-se imediatamente o filho adotivo da tribo. Mais tarde, ele viajará para a cidade de Hot Dog Springs e encontrará mais problemas. Lá, o bandido do mal Pat O'Connor e a sua quadrilha de pistoleiros esperam por ele, que lhe causará muito mais problemas do que os índios.
O Senhor Doutor
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Salvador Medina é um médico do interior que chega a uma grande cidade e não sabe sequer usar os equipamentos que precisa em seu ambiente de trabalho. Um filme mexicano de pura comédia.
Cantinflas, o Bom Pastor
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Para o povo mexicano de San Jerónimo el Alto vem o Padre Sebastián, enviado para ajudar o idoso Padre Damián nas suas funções sacerdotais. O padre 'Sebas' colide com a oligarquia da cidade abrindo uma escola onde ele explica as encíclicas dos trabalhadores e também os ideais do trabalhador, e com a irmã do padre Damián, convencida de que só vem para ficar com o trabalho do seu irmão. A cidade começa a gostar do novo padre, criando muitas situações jocosas.
Sound Effects Editor
O pobre e faminto camponês Macario sente saudades de uma boa refeição. Então, no Dia de Finados, a esposa prepara um peru assado. Na hora do jantar, Macario recebe a vista de três espíritos: o Diabo, Deus e a Morte. Cada um quer dividir o peru com Macario, mas ele só oferece a comida a Morte. Como recompensa, a Morte dá a ele uma garrafa de água capaz de curar qualquer doença. Logo Macario está mais saudável do que qualquer um na cidade. Mas isso desperta a atenção da população e, mais que isso, causa medo a todos, levando Macario a uma verdadeira inquisição.
Sound Effects
Baseando-se na novela de Benito Perez Galdós, Luis Buñuel, o cineasta mais importante da língua hispânica de sua época, atualiza o argumento, dando-lhe grande força dramática (uma vez que os problemas manchengos da trama são adaptados ao universo mexicano). O humilde padre Nazarín, interpretado por Francisco Rabal, vive e compartilha sua pobreza com os necessitados que moram perto da pousada de Chanfa. Após proteger uma prostituta que provocou um incêndio, é obrigado a fugir da cidade. Em sua peregrinação, as ações de Nazarín provocam uma série de problemas que se contrapõem fortemente a visão da caridade cristã.
Sound Effects Editor
The life of the famed Mexican bullfighter Luis Procuna, from his boyhood through his training and the triumphs that followed as Procuna rose to the peak of his profession. Written by Jim Beaver
Ensaio de um Crime
Sound Effects Editor
A bizarre black comedy about a man whose overwhelming ambition in life is to be a renowned serial killer of women, and will stop at nothing to achieve it - but not everything goes according to plan...
Subida Ao Céu
Sound Effects
Newlywed Oliverio receives disturbing news that his mother is on her deathbed. He travels to a remote part of Mexico to fetch a lawyer who can sort out her will. Leaving his wife behind, he embarks on a bus ride that’s interrupted by an increasingly absurd series of episodes, including an impromptu birthday celebration; a one-legged man writhing in the mud; come-ons from an insatiable small-town belle, Raquel; and Oliverio’s frequent, Freudian nightmares.