Arturo Ramírez


Without Destination
El Motas
Sin Destino follows the life of a 15 year old Mexican boy, Francisco, as he struggles to survive on the streets. His primary source of income is money raised by prostituting himself to men for sex, and the film implies that this learned behaviour has arisen as a result of a contact with a single man when Francisco was 9 years old. This man, Sebastien, is an "artist" who initially claimed to want to photograph the boy, but it is clear that their relationship at one time extended far beyond that of photographer/model.
A Beautiful Secret
Art Direction
A amada lenda da tela, Katy Jurado, ilumina uma última vez na história de uma amizade especial que se desenvolve entre uma velha mulher solitária e Jorge, um adolescente rebelde na Cidade do México em 1984. Através do uso de flashbacks, Jorge, agora um adulto, lembra-se de lições inesquecíveis e conversas sobre a natureza humana e a sociedade em geral. Este filme fascinante proporciona uma bela homenagem à lendária atriz em uma história de coração que vai fazer você rir e refletir.
Angel of Light
An ancient warrior is looking to correct the error that cost him to lose heaven. He is reincarnated in the body of a man who notices the strange supernatural powers he has and acts without thinking of the consequences causing a race between good and evil with nothing clear and anything possible to happen