Mary Treen

Mary Treen

Nascimento : 1907-03-27, St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Morte : 1989-07-20


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Mary Treen (born Mary Louise Summers, March 27, 1907 – July 20, 1989) was an American film and television actress, a familiar face who brought levity to the screen. A minor actress for much of her career, she managed to secure a plain, unassuming niche for herself in the Hollywood of the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s. Early years She was born in St. Louis, Missouri, the daughter of attorney Don. C. Summers and actress Helene Sullivan Summers. In 1908, when Mary Louise was 11 months old, her mother sued her father for divorce on the grounds that he failed to provide for her. Her father died while she was an infant. She was reared in California by her mother and her stepfather, a physician. Treen attended the Westlake School for Girls and a convent where she tried out successfully in school plays. Career During her career, Treen was seen in over 40 films. Among her film roles were Tilly, the secretary of the Building and Loan, in It's a Wonderful Life (1946) and the role of Pat in the drama Kitty Foyle (1940) starring Ginger Rogers. Her longest-running role was as Hilda, the maid and baby nurse, in 64 episodes from 1962 to 1965 of the NBC and CBS sitcom The Joey Bishop Show. Earlier, in the 1954–1955 season, she was cast in thirty-eight episodes as Emily Dodger on the CBS sitcom Willy. Death Treen died of cancer in Newport Beach, California, July 20, 1989. She was 82. Her only survivors were distant cousins. One of her cousins was actor Mort Mills.


Mary Treen


James Stewart: A Wonderful Life
Self (archive footage)
Documentary about James Stewart's long career as an actor and positive personal life.
Goodbye, Franklin High
Comic melodrama following the day-to-day life of high school senior Will, a promising but naive athlete struggling with choices that could determine his future, romance and family difficulties.
O Homem Mais Forte do Mundo
Dexter Riley e seus amigos acidentalmente descobrem um novo produto químico que parece dar temporariamente super-força a quem utilizá-lo.
No Paraíso do Havaí
Mrs. Belden
Após ser demitido de empresas aéreas por ser muito namorador, um jovem piloto (Elvis Presley) se associa a um amigo inaugurando um serviço de charter no Havaí, para levar os turistas aos lugares mais belos. Lá ele aproveita para namorar algumas das beldades locais, que passam a lhe fornecer uma boa clientela. Mas tudo pode ir por água abaixo quando ele, ao transportar os cães de uma milionária, acaba quase provocando um acidente com o chefe da Agência de Aviação Federal.
Errado pra Cachorro
Mattress Customer
Phoebe Tuttle (Agnes Moorehead) é a dona de uma cadeia de lojas de departamentos que descobre que Barbara Tuttle (Jill St. John), sua filha, está apaixonada por Norman Phiffier (Jerry Lewis), um rapaz pobre que ela não aprova. Phoebe decide então contratar o jovem para demonstrar que ele é um desmiolado, dando-lhe tarefas complicadas para humilha-lo, esperando assim que Barbara o deixe. Porém sua filha sai de casa, passando a trabalhar em uma das lojas da mãe usando o nome Fuller. Assim, Norman não imagina que se casará com uma rica herdeira, mas se souber disto desiste do casamento.
O seresteiro de Acapulco
Mrs. Stevers (uncredited)
A primeira grande exposição de arte pop tornava-se a maior sensação do momento. A boate Whisky-A-Go-Go era inaugurada. E Elvis, "O Seresteiro" de Acapulco, vai para o sul da fronteira, demitido de uma marina, contratado como guarda costas e cantor, paquerado pelas beldades locais e inspirado a pular de uma montanha de mais de 40 metros. Em outras palavras: ele vai superar seu medo de altura em grande estilo. Você vai ver cenários, vistas e canções latinas espetaculares.
Garotas! Garotas! Garotas!
O guia de pesca Ross Carpenter (Elvis Presley) tem duas paixões... o mar e Garotas! Garotas! Garotas! Sonhando em ter seu próprio barco algum dia, o carismático pescador trabalha também como cantor de um hotel para ganhar dinheiro. No placo ele atrai a atenção de todos e os olhares de mais de uma garota. Dividido entre a festiva atração principal da boate (Stella Stevens) e a charmosa socialite, que posa de moça trabalhadora (Laurel Goodwin), Ross tem que decidir qual será a garota de sorte que vai fazer seu coração cantar.
Mocinho Encrenqueiro
Commissary Cashier
Em um dos grandes estúdios de Hollywood, a Paramutual Pictures, o big boss da companhia, T.P. (Brian Donlevy), está muito irritado, pois a empresa dia a dia está perdendo dinheiro. Porém isto não acontece na bilheteria, e sim dentro do próprio estúdio. Durante uma reunião de diretoria, onde o assunto é levantado, T.P. apresenta para os diretores um técnico em eficiência, mas Irma (Isolbel Elsom), uma das sócias da companhia, se indispõe com ele, dizendo que isto não ira funcionar. O técnico se retira irritado, então T.P. e a diretoria concluem que precisam de uma pessoa totalmente desconhecida para fazer esta inspeção. Eles acabam escolhendo um colocador de cartazes, Morty S. Tashman (Jerry Lewis), que é uma pessoa muito boa e honesta, mas com uma incrível capacidade de arrumar confusões.
Solteiro no Paraíso
Mrs. Bruce Freedman (uncredited)
A. J. Niles is the author of a series of 'Bachelor Books'. These books describe the romantic life of a bachelor in various cities of the world. But when he runs into trouble with the I.R.S. for back taxes, he needs to write another book fast, to pay them. His publisher decides a book about life in the American suburbs would be a hit and settles him into Paradise Village. One bachelor plus lonely housewives equals many angry husbands.
A Dama da Madrugada
Miss Schuster
After the sudden death of magazine publisher Colonel Ryder, his nephew, Tony inherits the magazine and has big plans to expand it. While negotiating a loan from the bank, Tony gets a call from a detective surrounding his uncle's death. It turns out Colonel Ryder died in his hotel room with a smile on his face and a young woman was seen fleeing his room wearing only a towel. Suspicious of this woman and afraid the magazine's wholesome image may be tarnished and their loan denied, Tony asks the detective to stick around and find her.
Calvário da Glória
Marie, Secretary to Shirley Drake
Playwright James Lee adapted his off-Broadway play for the screen in this high-strung adaptation, directed by Joseph Anthony. In this simplistic, backroom show-business-success saga, Anthony Franciosa plays Sam, a struggling young actor who will forsake his family and take any type of menial job in order to become a Broadway star. Dean Martin is on hand as Maury, an aspiring director also trying to claw his way up the ladder of success. When Maury gets his big break, Sam wants a part in his show, but when Maury, who is unwilling to cast Sam in the production, turns down Sam's request, Sam seduces and marries Maury's girlfriend (Shirley MacLaine). In spite of everything, Maury wants his girl back, and Sam agrees to a divorce on the stipulation that Maury cast him as the star in his next show. Once again, Maury reneges and, before Sam can exact his revenge, Uncle Sam comes to the rescue and he is drafted into the army.
Casei-me com um Monstro
Mother Bradley (uncredited)
Aliens from Outer Space are slowly switching places with real humans -- one of the first being a young man about to get married. Slowly, his new wife realizes something is wrong, and her suspicions are confirmed when her husband's odd behaviour begins to show up in other townspeople.
Bancando a Ama-Seca
Clayton Poole (Jerry Lewis) mora em uma pequena cidade chamada Midvale e ainda é apaixonado por Carla Naples (Marilyn Maxwell), uma moça da cidade que se tornou uma grande estrela do cinema. Quando Carla engravida, seu empresário lhe diz que um filho pode arruinar sua carreira. Com medo das consequências e responsabilidades da maternidade, a atriz pede ajuda a Clayton e ele, ingenuamente, acaba aceitando cuidar dos trigêmeos de Carla. Clayton será obrigado fazer alguns sacrifícios se quiser ficar com a guarda das crianças. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
O Bamba do Regimento
Sgt. Hansen
Bixby (Jerry Lewis) é um desastrado recruta que é um dos poucos americanos capazes de montar um determinado equipamento bélico. Esta qualidade vai deixá-lo em maus lençóis quando comerciantes de armas no Marrocos precisam do seu auxílio.
Chorei por Você
Heckler (uncredited)
Prohibition-era nightclub crooner Joe E. Lewis has his career and nearly his life cut short when his throat is slashed as payback for leaving the employ of Chicago mob boss Georgie Parker. A broken alcoholic, Joe is brought back from the abyss by his faithful piano player, Austin Mack, who helps turn the former singer into a successful stand-up comedian. But Joe's demons plague his romantic life even as he reaches new heights of success.
Last Stagecoach West
The coming of the railroad to Cedar City spells the end of the stagecoach as the government gives the mail contract to the fastest means of delivery. McCord loses the stagecoach line gambling with the new buyer, but has enough hidden money to buy a ranch and some cattle. To make more money, he starts a gang to rob the railroad, express offices and steal cattle. But the railroads send out special agent Cameron to end his reign of violence.
Gun Duel In Durango
Miss Henderson
A former outlaw must prove himself innocent after he's accused of bank robbery. Western.
Bundle of Joy
Kitschy musical remake of "Bachelor Mother". Debbie Reynolds plays an over-eager clerk in a large department store and Eddie Fisher plays the boss' son. After getting fired from her job, she finds an adorable baby on the steps of the foundling home and the folks inside mistake her for the mother. Fisher, well-meaning, but obtuse, tries to help her out with the baby, and the buds of romance begin to appear. Meanwhile old Merlin, the owner of the store, thinks he just might be a grandfather...
Calling Homicide
Flo Burton, script girl
Cop Andy Doyle investigates a car-bombing murder and the killing of a sleazy modeling agency owner. Are they connected?
When Gangland Strikes
Emily Parsons
In this crime drama, mobsters swear to get revenge upon a zealous public prosecutor as he tries to get them put into prison. The desperate mobsters try to stop him by using his innocent daughter in a blackmail scheme.
Clipped Wings
Slip and correspondence school pilot Sach, go to an air base to help a pal out...but find themselves in when they mistakenly sign enlistment forms. Can the Air Force turn these dodos into eagles? The guys may be airborne airheads, But just watch them find a way to ground a spy network that's infiltrated the base.
Let's Do It Again
Composer Gary Stuart (Ray Milland) and his wife, Connie (Jane Wyman), have an argument over her alleged affair with Courtney Craig (Tom Helmore). The Stuarts agree to get divorced, and each tries to move on to a new love: Gary with socialite Deborah Randolph (Karin Booth) and Connie with businessman Frank McGraw (Aldo Ray). However, they start to realize that they still have strong feelings for each other. The Stuarts must make a decision before their divorce is final.
O Biruta e o Folgado
Ms. Regan (uncredited)
Em mais um filme da dupla Martin e Lewis, Bill Martin (Dean Martin) é um comediante sem sucesso que, para inovar seu show, coloca o comparsa Ted Rogers (Jerry Lewis) na platéia para interagir com ele durante a apresentação. Mas, rapidamente, Ted começa a se tornar a estrela do espetáculo.
Wife in Hotel Bar
Thornton Sayre, a respected college professor - secretly formerly a silent films romantic action hero - is disturbed, feeling his privacy has been violated, and his professional credibility as a scholar jeopardized, when he learns his old movies have been resurrected and are being aired on TV. He sets out to demand this cease. However, his former co-star is the hostess of the TV show playing the films, and she has other plans.
O Marujo Foi na Onda
Melvin (Jerry Lewis) entra para a Marinha por ordens médicas. Lá conhece Al (Dean Martin) e os dois se tornam amigos. Juntos se envolvem em muitas confusões e estão sempre a procura de belas mulheres. Comédia musical de grande sucesso de bilheteria da famosa dupla Jerry Lewis e Dean Martin. Com um detalhe: A participação do jovem James Dean não foi creditada.
Sempre Cabe Mais Um
Grace Roberts (as Mary Lou Treen)
Anne and "Poppy" Rose have three quirky kids. Anne has a generous heart and the belief in the innocence of children. To the unhappy surprise of her husband she takes in the orphan Jane, a problem child who already tried to kill herself once.
Young Daniel Boone
Helen Bryan
Frontier scout Daniel Boone is sent out to locate the only two survivors of General Braddock's men that are believed two have lived through an Indian massacre.
And Baby Makes Three
Pregnant woman
A recently divorced couple see things differently after learning they are going to be parents.
Let's Live a Little
Miss Adams
A harried, overworked advertising executive is being pursued romantically by one of his clients, a successful perfume magnate ... and his former fiancée. The latest client of the agency is a psychiatrist and author of a new book. When the executive goes over to discuss the ad campaign, the psychiatrist turns out to be a woman. But what does he really need? Romance? Or analysis?
Na Cova da Serpente
Nurse Jones
Uma crônica detalhada da estadia de uma mulher em uma instituição mental. Virginia Cunningham se encontra em um asilo de loucos... E não consegue se lembrar de como chegou lá. Em flashback, seu marido Robert relata seu namoro, casamento e seus sintomas em desenvolvimento. O pessoal do asilo não é demonizado, mas o medo, a ignorância e os preconceitos mantêm a Virgínia em um estado de miséria, enquanto o Dr. Mark Kik luta para encontrar a raiz de seu problema. Mas uma recaída leva Virgínia de volta para a angustiante 'Cova da Serpente' ...
Texas, Brooklyn & Heaven
Wife (uncredited)
Eddie Tayloe's grandfather leaves him six thousand dollars and the money belt it came in, freeing Tayloe to leave his dull newspaper job in Texas and move to New York to become a playwright. Along the way, his car breaks down and a girl walking along the highway asks for a lift. It turns out she's a nice girl, named Perry, running away from a job at a gasoline station. Soon they're off to New York together, but part ways once they arrive. Time passes and Eddie is failing to sell his play; Perry is failing to find a job. Odd circumstances, involving an old pickpocket named Mandy, bring them together again.
Shed No Tears
Hilda (Uncredited)
A man listens to his wife and fakes his own death so that she can get her hands on his insurance policy.
Merton of the Movies
Gladys (uncredited)
In 1915, Kansas theatre usher Merton Gill is a rabid silent-movie fan. When he brings Mammoth Studios free publicity by imitating star Lawrence Rupert's heroics, they bring him to Hollywood to generate another headline; he thinks he'll get a movie contract. Disillusioned, he haunts the casting offices, where he meets and is consoled by Phyllis Montague, bit player and stunt-woman. When Merton finally gets his "break," though, it's not quite what he envisioned.
A Likely Story
Nurse (uncredited)
A shell-shocked young GI mistakenly believes he is dying, and a young artist takes it upon herself to prove to him that he's not.
Do Céu Caiu Uma Estrela
Cousin Tilly
Com tanto problemas a atormentá-lo, George Bailey está decidido em acabar com tudo de vez, embora seja véspera Natal. Enquanto os Anjos conversam sobre George, a sua vida passa em retrospectiva. Mas quando George está prestes a saltar de uma ponte, é salvo por Clarence, o seu Anjo da Guarda, que lhe mostra como seria a cidade se ele não tivesse feito tantas coisas boas. Será que Clarence consegue convencer George a regressar à sua família e esquecer o suicídio?
One Exciting Week
Mabel Taylor
The citizens of the small town of Midburg are thrilled when one of their native sons, Dan Flannery, becomes a war hero while serving in the Merchant Marines. But before arriving he is stricken with amnesia and falls in with a gang of crooks...
Swing Parade of 1946
Marie Finch
A struggling young singer falls for a nightclub owner whose father, a millionaire, is trying to shut it down.
Strange Impersonation
Talkative nurse
A female research scientist conducting experiments on a new anesthetic has a very bad week. Her scheming assistant intentionally scars her face, her almost-fiancee appears to have deserted her and she finds herself being blackmailed by a women she accidentally knocked down with her car. So what is one to do?
From This Day Forward
Alice Beesley
A young American soldier, with an honorable discharge, returns home from World War II to his bride, whom he married after a short courtship and has not seen for several years. The two come together with many trials and tribulations in trying to preserve their marriage in the post-war years.
A Guy Could Change
Grace Conley
A playboy is reformed by his daughter and fiancee.
Chamam a Isto Amor
Train Passenger at Bar
Susan Lane is a gifted psychiatrist, grounded in self-control. Before returning by train to her practice in Chicago, she spends time back East with war veterans, building their self-esteem, but frowning on the impulsive, as represented by a favorite comic strip called "The Nixie." She bumps into Michael Kent, an officer and the comic strip's author. He likes her instantly and she dislikes him. He's headed to the Pacific, sees her on the train, gets off in Chicago, and with her father's help, pursues her and hatches a plan to marry her. Meanwhile, she has her own plan to get rid of him with the help of a blond patient. Will the Nixie get into her psyche?
I Love a Soldier
Cecilia 'Cissy' Grant
During World War II in San Francisco, Eve Morgan and her single girlfriends spend their days welding ships and their nights dancing with soldiers and sailors shipping out that night. Eve is determined to avoid any romantic entanglements until the war is over she refuses to spend her days and nights worrying about getting bad news about a man she has fallen for. But she doesn't count on meeting a soldier who is determined to change her mind.
Blonde from Brooklyn
Diane Peabody
A brash young singer and an unemployed "jukebox girl" hire an elderly Confederate "colonel" to teach them to be "southern" so they can land a radio gig for sponsor Plantation Coffee. Comedy.
Don Juan Quilligan
Lucy Blake
When a an overly romantic barge captain marries two women, each reminding him of his mother, he finds himself resorting to prison to escape them.
High Powered
Cassie McQuade
Tim takes a job as a lowly chipper because he has been afraid to go high ever since a bad fall in which he was injured and another workman was killed.
Casanova Júnior
Monica Case, the Maid
Cass Brown is about to marry for the second time; his first marriage, to Isabel was annulled. But when he discovers that Isabel just had their baby, Cass kidnaps the infant to keep her from being adopted. Isabel's parents hunt for the child and discover that Cass and Isabel are still hopelessly in love.
Swing in the Saddle
Addie LaTour
In this tuneful western, two curious actresses head West to find out the name of their secret admirer. Songs include: "Amor," (Sunny Skylar, Gabriel Ruiz), "Hey Mabel" (Fred Stryker), "By the River Sainte Marie" (Edgar Leslie, Harry Warren), "She Broke My Heart in Three Places" (Oliver Drake), "When It's Harvest Time in Peaceful Valley" (Robert Martin, Raymond McKee), and "There'll Be a Jubilee" (Phil Moore).
The Navy Way
The experiences of a disparate group of young men as they make their way through Navy boot camp.
Hands Across the Border
Sophie Lawrence
Horse breeders Adams and Brock are vying for the Army contract. When Adams is killed trying to ride his horse Trigger, Roy saves the horse from being shot. He trains him and then plans to ride him in the race to win the contract.
Mystery Broadcast
A radio-show mystery writer and her rival solve real murders.
A Legião Branca
Lt. Sadie Schwartz
During the start of the Pacific campaign in World War II, Lieutenant Janet Davidson is the head of a group of U.S. military nurses who are trapped behind enemy lines in the Philippines. Davidson tries to keep up the spirits of her staff, which includes Lieutenants Joan O'Doul and Olivia D'Arcy. They all seek to maintain a sense of normal life, including dating, while under constant danger as they tend to wounded soldiers.
Hit Parade of 1943
When amateur songwriter Jill Wright moves from the Midwest to New York City, she is dismayed to discover that Rick Farrell, the owner of Miracle Publishing Co., has claimed as his own the song she submitted to his company. One of the many films made at Republic with a year attached to the "Hit Parade" title, which came from the "Hit Parade" radio program sponsored by Lucky Strike cigarettes.
They Got Me Covered
Bumbling reporter Robert Kittredge has been fired after bungling his latest assignment. His career isn't all he's botched up: his girlfriend Chris is tired of waiting for him to marry her. When he gets a hot tip on some Nazi spies operating in Washington, D.C., he convinces Chris to help him break the story so he can get his job back. The pair soon find themselves in several awkward predicaments as they track the criminals down in a night club, a burlesque show, and face a final showdown at a beauty salon.
The Powers Girl
Two small-town sisters who've come to New York City for very different reasons find themselves competing for the affections of a brash magazine photographer. Comedy.
Lady Bodyguard
Miss Tracy
A.C.Baker, advertising executive for an insurance company, approaches test pilot Terry Moore with a proposition that in return for using his picture and endorsement he will get a paid-for-a-year $1000 policy. High-risk Terry agrees. George MacAlister fires his secretary, Miss Tracy, just as she is typing up the policy and she, for spite, changes the amount from a thousand dollars to one million dollars. A.C. delivers the policy, without noticing the difference, to Terry at a party at the Frolics Club, a cheap joint wedged between a burlesque house and a flop house hotel. Three characters, an elderly hat-check "girl" known as Mother Hodges; Avery Jamieson, a broken-down actor; and bartender Harry Gargan are named beneficiaries. When the company discovers the error, A.C. is sent to get back the policy and, pending that, don't let Terry make any test flights.
My Heart Belongs to Daddy
A distinguished professor finds his well-ordered life tospy-turvy after he is forced to take in a pregnant widow.
Stand By All Networks
Nora Cassidy
An intrepid radio reporter sets out to track down and expose Nazi agents.
Between Us Girls
Mary Belle
A 20-year-old stage actress takes on her most challenging role when she pretends to be her own mother's 12-year-old daughter. Comedy.
Eles Beijaram a Noiva
Susie Johnson
Margaret Drew runs her trucking company single-mindedly, if not ruthlessly. The only thorn in her side is writer Michael Holmes who is writing a book on some of her tough ways. With no time for men, the effect an attractive stranger has on her at her sister's wedding is unnerving. When it turns out this is the hated writer, she starts seriously to lose her bearings. Surely it can't become Maggie and Mike?
Até Que a Morte nos Separe
In Hoyt City, a statue of founder Ethan Hoyt is dedicated, and 100 year old Hannah Sempler Hoyt (who lives in the last residence among skyscrapers) is at last persuaded to tell her story to a 'girl biographer'. Flashback: in 1848, teenage Hannah meets and flirts with pioneer Ethan; on a sudden impulse, they elope. We follow their struggle to found a city in the wilderness, hampered by the Gold Rush, star-crossed love, peril, and heartbreak. The star "ages" 80 years.
The Night Before the Divorce
Marital comedy with a dash of murder.
Pacific Blackout
Falsely convicted of murder, young Robert Draper (Robert Preston) escapes custody during a practice blackout drill. Under cover of darkness, Draper hopes to find the real killer, who turns out to be a member of a Nazi sabotage ring. Completed shortly before America entered WW2.
Você Me Pertence
A playboy marries a woman doctor then grows jealous of her male patients.
Father Takes a Wife
A famous actress has to win over her ready-made family when she weds a shipping magnate.
Tall, Dark and Handsome
Robin Hoodish gangster in 1929 Chicago is an object of affection, kind to New York hood and bad to a bad crook.
Kitty Foyle
Pat Day
Kitty Foyle, a hard-working white-collar girl from a Philadelphia, Pennsylvania low, middle-class family, meets and falls in love with young socialite Wyn Strafford but his family is against her.
Rodeo Dough
After a trip to Hollywood, two young ladies attempt to hitchhike home but end up at a star filled rodeo.
Black Diamonds
Nina Norton
A reporter on a visit to his hometown hears of dangerous conditions at the local coal mine, and proceeds to investigate.
Swing with Bing
A short-subject golf film at the fourth annual Bing Crosby Pro-Am at Rancho Santa Fe.
Queen of the Mob
Billy's Nurse
Ma Webster (Blanche Yurka) and her boys rob a bank on Christmas Eve; G-men stop them with Tommy guns.
Girl in 313
Jenny, Hotel Maid
A priceless necklace goes missing at a plush party. Police close in on the jewel thieves but is one cop getting too close to one of the crooks?
Double Alibi
Hospital Switchboard Operator
A man's ex-wife is found murdered, and he finds himself to be the prime suspect.
Danger On Wheels
During a test, a race car using an experimental oil fueled engine blows up, killing the driver. Lucky Taylor, a stunt driver, is initially blamed for the accident, but is later cleared. He thinks the engine design has a real chance to win races, but the racing association has banned it since the accident. He devises a scheme to have a car equipped with the engine entered into a race, without race officials-- or the engine designer's sassy daughter -- finding out about it.
First Love
Agnes, Barbara's Maid
In this reworking of Cinderella, orphaned Connie Harding is sent to live with her rich aunt and uncle after graduating from boarding school. She's hardly received with open arms, especially by her snobby cousin Barbara. When the entire family is invited to a major social ball, Barbara sees to it that Connie is forced to stay home. With the aid of her uncle, who acts as her fairy godfather, Connie makes it to the ball and meets her Prince Charming in Ted Drake, her cousin's boyfriend.
Sangue de Artista
Receptionist (uncredited)
Mickey Moran, son of two vaudeville veterans, decides to put up his own vaudeville show with his girlfriend Patsy Barton. But child actress Rosalie wants to make a comeback and replace Patsy both professionally and as Mickey's girl.
Rhumba Rhythm at the Hollywood La Conga
Two starstruck visitors to Hollywood sneak into the famous nightclub and end up in a Conga contest and get more than they expected.
A Star Is Shorn
Danny Webb plays wanna-be Hollywood agent, Speedy Williams, while Mary Treen plays Patsy, the best friend of Hazel Hackenschmitt (Ethelreda Leopold). Having just won the hometown title of "Miss Maple Syrup", Hazel decides to move to Hollywood to be a star. Speedy cooks up a scheme to get her seen by important Hollywood producer, B.O. Botswaddle (Raymond Brown) who is known to never make a move without Astrological guidance. This scheme involves making up Patsy with turban and a 3rd Eye, and introducing her to Botswaddle as a mystical seer... one, of course, who see's Hazel as the star of his next motion picture. Naturally, things do not go as planned. Treen is especially memorable in a wonderfully goofy role.
Happily Buried
For some unexplained reason, sales of waffle irons have plummeted. Evelyn Foster, president of the Magic Circle Waffle Iron Company, and Richard Wright, president of the Four Square Waffle Iron Company, decide to merge their companies and get married as well. When Richard insists that the new company make square waffle irons rather than round ones, Evelyn calls off the marriage and the company merger. Richard meets a Hindu yogi, who helps him win Evelyn back.
Três Meninas Endiabradas
Three sisters who believe life is going to be easy, now that their parents are back together, until one sister falls in love with another's fiancé, and the youngest sister plays matchmaker.
I'll Give a Million
After saving a tramp from suicide, a millionaire takes his clothing and disappears. Word is out that he will give a million dollars to anyone who is kind to a tramp.
Young Fugitives
A young man befriends the last surviving Civil War veteran, intending to rob him of $50,000.
Adeus Para Sempre
Al's Bride-to-Be (uncredited)
Uma mulher deve decidir entre dois homens - um que ela ama, o outro que ela admira e respeita.
Waiting Room Patient
A Gypsy band takes lots of stuff but always in a good cause. Led by Jane Withers, they pick up a socialite (Hundson) who has amnesia. She works as a fortune teller and raises enough money for an operation to regain her memory.
Kentucky Moonshine
Sugar Hatfield
The Ritz Brothers pretend to be Kentucky hillbillies in order to get a booking on a radio show.
Sally, Irene and Mary
Miss Barkow
Manicurists Sally, Irene and Mary hope to be Broadway entertainers. When Mary inherits an old ferry boat, they turn it into a successful supper club.
Swing It, Sailor!
Gertie Burns
Comical exploits of two Navy pals, at sea and on shore.
Second Honeymoon
Raoul McLish stops over in Miami Beach where he runs into his ex-wife, Vicky Benton, and her new husband Bob, a belt manufacturer. At first Bob enjoys Raoul's presence - in part because Vicky is his not Raoul's and in part because Raoul is a lot of fun. The fun wears thin for Bob as his seriousness and possessiveness take over. When Bob leaves for a few days to settle a labor dispute at his factory, Vicky and Raoul spend time together, Winchell's column implies untoward behavior, Bob barks at Vicky, and that gets her back up. Can things be sorted out? Help comes from Raoul's upright valet, McTavish, and a principled cigarette girl, Joy, whom Raoul picks up.
Mr. Dodd Takes the Air
Fan with Locket (uncredited)
A country bumpkin becomes a singing sensation on the radio.
Talent Scout
Janet Morris
A Hollywood heartthrob helps a small-town girl achieve stardom.
Ever Since Eve
Employment Clerk
Madge Winton (Marion Davies), a beautiful secretary, makes herself look homely in order to avoid advances by lecherous bosses. When her new employer, writer Freddy Matthews (Robert Montgomery), accidentally sees her without her disguise, she has to pretend to be her roommate Sadie.
Marry the Girl
Nurse locked in room
Frantic screwball comedy about a meek personal assistant (Frank McHugh) who is promoted to managing editor of a newspaper features syndicate that is owned by and staffed with cuckoos.
Dance Charlie Dance
Jennie Wolfe
A stage-struck small-towner is tricked in backing a bad straight play, but it turns out to be a unintentional comedy hit. Problems arise, when he is sued for plagiarism.
A Day at Santa Anita
Orphaned horse-trainer's little daughter has reciprocated bond with horse, which needs her presence to win races.
The Go-Getter
Mrs. Blair
A Navy veteran with one leg fights to make himself a success.
They Gave Him a Gun
With no other prospects, a World War I veteran puts the skills they taught him in the War to use.
A Donzela de Salém
Susy Abbott
When a young woman named Barbara Clarke has an affair with adventurer Roger Coverman, it causes a scandal in the Puritanical town of Salem, Massachusetts. After a meddling girl arouses their suspicions, the town's elders accuse Barbara of being a witch. She is tried, convicted of sorcery and sentenced to death. As the townspeople prepare to burn Barbara at the stake, Roger tries desperately to save the woman he loves.
God's Country and the Woman
Miss Flint
Hard-nosed Jefferson Russett runs a logging company; his brother, Steve, is the prodigal son. Steve becomes stranded on the competition's property and slowly learns the business and of his brother's dirty tricks.
Fugitive in the Sky
Agatha Ormsby
Reporter Terry Brewer goes to the Los Angeles airport to say goodbye to his sweetheart, airline hostess Rita Moore. He notices G-Man Mike Phelan among the passengers and assuming Phelan is on the trail of a criminal, decides to go along to get a story.
The Captain's Kid
Libby, the Housekeeper
In this children's adventure, the children of a small town are enthralled by the tales of the town drunk.
Sangue Esportivo
A jockey tries to overcome the reputation of his father, who once threw a race.
Love Begins at Twenty
Alice Gillingwater
A henpecked husband tries to help his daughter marry the man she loves and his wife loathes.
Gladys Joy
A reporter gets himself sent to prison so he can solve a murder behind bars.
Public Enemy's Wife
Telephone Operator
Judith has just been paroled for a crime which her vindictive, jealous, violent husband, Gene, fingered her for. Gene is in prison for life. She claims that she had no knowledge of Gene's criminal activity, but FBI agent Lee Laird doesn't buy it.
Murder by an Aristocrat
A wealthy family is blackmailed. Murder results. And a nurse at the scene of the crime is determined to figure out who-done-it.
A Flecha de Ouro
Appleby's Secretary (uncredited)
A fake heiress marries a common reporter to thwart the advances of gold-digging playboys.
Brides Are Like That
Fred, the wealthy owner of apple groves, has sent his nephew to college, but the only job that his nephew has after graduating is the job of not working. Bill is a dreamer, a talker and a golf player and he has a lot of ideas, but still lives off Fred. When Hazel gets engaged to Doc Jenkins, it takes a while, but Bill talks her into marrying him instead. The only problem is that now, he needs to find a job.
Snowed Under
Secretary Taking Mike's Dictation (uncredited)
Alan Tanner's new play opens in a week, but Tanner just can't finish the third act. He's retreated to a snowbound cottage to work, but blonde neighbor Pat Quinn wants to play. Producer Arthur Layton sends Alice, Alan's first wife, to help him stick to business. But then Daisy, his second wife, shows up wanting her alimony. Stranded with two wives, a girlfriend, and a jug of applejack, Alan still has to finish his play!
Miss Hively (uncredited)
Musical about dingaling millionaire businessman Cedric Ames and his various employees
Freshman Love
A star rower is forced to join a good school under a pseudonym because his wealthy dad doesn't like schools that have high academic standards.
The Murder of Dr. Harrigan
Nurse Margaret Brody
A young doctor is determined to expose the killer when a surgeon is found stabbed to death in a hospital elevator.
Dan Bellows finds former stage star Joyce Heath a penniless drunk and takes her to his Connecticut home for rehabilitation. Unaware that she is married to Gordon, he asks his fiancée Gail to free him and offers to sponsor Joyce in a play. When Gordon refuses to give Joyce a divorce, she runs the car into a tree crippling him for life. Joyce urges Dan return to Gail, opens her play, and begs Gordon for forgiveness.
Miss Pacific Fleet
Violet Johnson - Butch's Girl (uncredited)
A down-on-her-luck showgirl sets her eyes on the cash prize that comes with winning the title "Miss Pacific Fleet".
Broadway Hostess
Nurse (uncredited)
Melodrama about the professional and romantic problems of an aspiring singer.
Shipmates Forever
Cowboy's Girl (uncredited)
An admiral's son with no interest in carrying on the family tradition is a successful crooner. He finally joins the Navy to prove he can, but with no real love in it.
The Case of the Lucky Legs
Spudsy's Wife
A con man who stages phony "lucky legs" beauty contests and leaves town with the money is found with a surgical knife in his heart by Mason.
I Live for Love
A failed actor finds success as a radio singer.
Page Miss Glory
Beauty Shop Operator
A country girl goes to the city and gets a job in a posh hotel, and winds up becoming an instant celebrity thanks to an ambitious photographer.
Broadway Gondolier
2nd Irate Caller
A taxi driver travels to Venice and poses as a gondolier to land a radio singing job.
Don't Bet on Blondes
Owen's Secretary
Owen, a small time bookie, decides to open an insurance business as it involves lesser risk. His first client is Colonel Youngblood who insures his daughter, Marilyn, against marriage.
Miss Repórter
Nurse (uncredited)
Ace reporter Curt Devlin and fellow reporter Ellen Garfield love one another, but Curt believes women are "bum newspapermen". When a murder investigation ensues, the two compete every step of the way, determined to not be scooped by the other.
Contra o Império do Crime
Gregory's Secretary (uncredited)
James Cagney interpreta o jovem advogado criminalista, Brick Davis, que tenta resistir as tentações do mundo do crime, embora sua educação tenha sido paga por um gângster. Sua vida dá uma reviravolta quando um amigo e agente federal tenta recrutá-lo para o FBI, e é assassinado por um gângster.
A Noiva Curiosa
Telegraph Office Clerk (uncredited)
After giving the District Attorney another stinging defeat, Perry plans to take a vacation in China. That is, he was, until Rhoda, his old flame, meets him at a restaurant. It seems that her husband Moxley, who had been allegedly dead for four years, is alive and demanding money as she has married into wealth. The case escalates when the police find the body of Moxley and charge her with the murder.
Traveling Saleslady
Miss Wells
A toothpaste magnate's mischievous daughter, tired of her father's traditional ways of conducting business, joins forces with her father's rival and a crazy inventor. Together they create "Cocktail Toothpaste". The new concoction tastes like whiskey in the morning, a martini at suppertime, and champagne at night.
A Night at the Ritz
A PR man talks a swanky hotel into hiring his girlfriend's brother as chef.
Sweet Music
Woman at train station (uncredited)
A midwest band leader and his lead singer share a love-hate relationship as they try for success in New York.
Red Hot Tires
An escaped convict redeems himself by becoming an auto racing champion.
Maybe It's Love
Secretary (uncredited)
Director William C. McGann's 1935 film stars Gloria Stuart and Ross Alexander as a young couple in love who face economic woes once they're wed.
Miss McGoun
Middle aged George F. Babbitt is a leading citizen in the town of Zenith, the fastest growing community in America according to its town sign. George is a large part of that growth as a property developer and realtor. He is lovingly married to his wife Myra, the two who have two children, Ted and Verona who are approaching adulthood. George has always had a fearless attitude, much like that of a naive child, which has led to his business success. He encounters some personal stresses when he faces what he believes is a potential home-wrecking issue, and when his oldest friend Paul and his wife Zilla deal with domestic problems. These stresses make George want to provide even more to his own family, leading to George agreeing to participate in a less than scrupulous but lucrative business dealing. George's bravura gets him into a potential scandal. This situation makes him question his general behavior, especially toward his family.
Happiness Ahead
Bob's Friend Celebrating New Year's Eve
Society heiress Joan Bradford rebels against her mother's choice of a future husband by masquerading as a working class girl and dating a window washer.
Blue of the Night
Gamma Gamma Gamma Girl in Nightclub with Glasses
Starring Bing Crosby as himself in a short comedy/romance telling a tale of mistaken identity. Two-reeler; directed by Mack Sennett
Viennese Nights
Shocked Woman on Street (uncredited)
In 1890, Gus Sascher joins the Austrian Army and romances the impoverished girl Elsa Hofner. Elsa instead marries the wealthier officer Franz von Renner, in an attempt at social climbing.
Mary - Oswald's Wife
Tom Dugan trying to go on a date behind his wife's back gets a surprise.