Isabelle Manquillet


Sons of Ramses
Thirty-four year old Ramsès has established himself as a clairvoyant in La Goutte d’Or, Paris. A shrewd manipulator and something of a poet, he built a sound business consoling people. Elusive and dangerous youths, freshly arrived from the streets of Tangier, disrupt his business and the whole neighbourhood. Until the day Ramses has an actual vision.
The Dam
Merowe Dam in North Sudan. Maher works in a traditional brickyard fed by the waters of the Nile. Every evening, he secretly wanders off into the desert to erect a mysterious construction made of mud. Despite a disturbing wound in his lower back that seems to be eating away at his skin, he continues his labor day after day. While the Sudanese people rise to claim their freedom, his mud creation starts slowly to take a life of its own.
I santi
In the old city of Taranto, an industrial center of the Apulia region, Maria tries to help her junkie brother Donato, who is threatened with death for an unpaid debt. She only has one option: to steal. As much as possible, as soon as possible.
À medida que o inverno se aproxima e P.A. vê o mundo mudando ao seu redor, ele começa a observar fenômenos estranhos no ambiente. As mudanças são imperceptíveis no início, mas gradualmente todo o seu mundo parece estar à beira do precipício.
O Professor Substituto
Pierre, um professor universitário, encontra-se encarregado de ensinar uma terceira aula experimental, composta por doze alunos superdotados, após o suicídio de seu professor. A vinda de Pierre é desaprovada por essa classe, que em breve o fará sentir isso. Conforme os dias passam, a professora suspeita que tudo está errado e logo descobrirá a verdade.
A Noite Devorou o Mundo
Depois de acordar para se encontrar sozinho em um apartamento onde uma grande festa estava sendo realizada na noite anterior, Sam é imediatamente forçado a enfrentar uma realidade aterradora: os mortos vivos invadiram as ruas de Paris.
Black Sun
Antonia is a lyrical singer whose beauty is uncommon, lush and somber. Recovering from a suicide attempt in a rehabilitation institution, all her family ties are irreparably broken. But her sister remains deeply affected by what happened.
Neither Heaven Nor Earth
Afeganistão, 2014. Com a aproximação da retirada das tropas, o capitão Antarès Bonassieu e seu pelotão vigiam um vale distante, na região de Wakhan, fronteira com o Paquistão. Um setor supostamente calmo. Porém, soldados começam a desaparecer misteriosamente. Bonassieu tenta então, de todo modo, achar seus homens.
Domestic Life
Juliette was simply not sure about coming to live in this residential suburb of the greater Paris metropolitan area. All the women here are in their forties, have children to raise, houses to keep and husbands who return home late at night.Today she has an appointment in Paris that is important for her career, but she also has to run errands and pick up the kids from school. During the course of her day, monopolized by petty, everyday tasks, Juliette can feel the noose of domestic obligations and household chores slowly tightening around her neck.
The Philosopher
A man whose life has smiled, decides to leave everything. He abandoned his house, his car and offered astonished passers-by his possessions and his freedom of action. By freeing himself from all constraints, he hopes to become a philosopher.
Sobre o Amor e a Água Fresca
Julie Bataille, com 23 anos, está formada e nao quer pegar pequenos trabalhos. Procura um emprego de verdade. Em uma entrevista conhece Ben, que escolheu viver o dia-a-dia com sua inventiva e pequenos contrabandos. Ele lhe propõe passar o verão no Sul com ele. Julie se recusa mas um dia, num impulso, larga tudo e vai atrás dele.
The Year After
Emmanuelle lives in the suburbs near a shopping mall. Since her father's death, she feels increasingly out of sync with the world around her. Her mother is distracted, high school bores her. She has just turned 17 and, this particular year, her life will take an entirely different turn.
Primrose Hill
On Christmas Eve, a West suburb of Paris. Stéphane, Joëlle, Xavier and Sonia (25 years old) decide to take a stroll down the big park overhanging the city of their youth, musing on pop music, their work, sex and their disappointed ambitions.