Sandra Weintraub


Born to Ride
The US Army has decided to modernize its cavalry, so Colonel James E. Devers is ordered by a general to convert a horse unit to motorcycles, but his men are easily outclassed as riders by a pack of rowdies, especially Grady Westfall; when he is arrested risking a long jail term, he's given one way out: enlisting as Corporal, assigned as driving instructor. Unit commander Captain Jack Hassler reviles his unorthodox boyish methods as undermining discipline and tradition, not to mention flirting with the Colonels daughter Beryl Ann, but he's needed, especially when his unit is deployed on a secret mission in Spain.
China O'Brien 2 - Quanto Mais Quente Melhor
This time China O'Brien has trouble with a dealer who puts a prize on her head because she had spoiled an important drug deal of his. But all the world's criminals will not be enough to catch up with China O'Brian, one of the masters of the martial arts.
China O'Brien 2 - Quanto Mais Quente Melhor
This time China O'Brien has trouble with a dealer who puts a prize on her head because she had spoiled an important drug deal of his. But all the world's criminals will not be enough to catch up with China O'Brian, one of the masters of the martial arts.
China O'Brien - Uma Kickboxer a Serviço da Lei
China O'Brien; big city police woman; martial arts trainer, is forced to hand in her badge and head home to her father and the small town where she grew up. The peaceful town she knew is now struggling against the clutches of organized crime. When her father, the town sheriff, is killed China decides to run for his position and clean up the town. The poll results spark a series of confrontations that finally decide who runs the town . . .
The Best of the Martial Arts Films
The most explosive barehanded combat sequences ever filmed. An electrifying video of martial arts mastery and mayhem. This program takes a behind-the-scenes look at the weapons, the mystical eastern philosophy, and the incredible skills that have made martial arts films one of the most popular genres in the world today.
The Best of the Martial Arts Films
The most explosive barehanded combat sequences ever filmed. An electrifying video of martial arts mastery and mayhem. This program takes a behind-the-scenes look at the weapons, the mystical eastern philosophy, and the incredible skills that have made martial arts films one of the most popular genres in the world today.
The Princess Academy
Cindy Cathcart is a student out of place at an exclusive Swiss finishing school, Von Pupsin Academy. A poor orphan, Cindy is attending on a scholarship, and is resented by her snobby peers as well as Fraulein Stinkenschmidt. She soon finds allies: her British roommate, an outgoing Texan, Lulu Belle, an Italian Mafiosi's daughter, Isabella, and most crucial, the school's headmistress, Countess Von Pupsin.
The Women's Club
Patrick is a struggling screenwriter who takes a second job as a male prostitute. He is supposed to write by day and do right by his lonely clientele at night, but he develops writer's block. When Patrick decides to draw from his amorous experiences as inspiration for his next screenplay, the women conspire to prevent it.
The Women's Club
Patrick is a struggling screenwriter who takes a second job as a male prostitute. He is supposed to write by day and do right by his lonely clientele at night, but he develops writer's block. When Patrick decides to draw from his amorous experiences as inspiration for his next screenplay, the women conspire to prevent it.
Fora de Controle
Upon graduation from high school eight teens take a seaplane trip, intending to celebrate on Keith's parents' private island. Stormy weather causes the plane to crash and they end up on a deserted isle. They find evidence of other visitors, and soon must fend for their lives against drug smugglers.
Na Rota do Oriente
A biplane pilot is saddled with a spoiled industrialist's daughter on a search for her missing father through Asia that eventually involves them in a struggle against a Chinese warlord.
Taxi Driver: Motorista de Táxi
Creative Consultant
O motorista de táxi de Nova York Travis Bickle, veterano da Guerra do Vietnã, reflete constantemente sobre a corrupção da vida ao seu redor e sente-se cada vez mais perturbado com a própria solidão e alienação. Apesar de não conseguir fazer contato emocional com ninguém e viver uma vida questionável em busca de diversão, ele se torna obcecado em ajudar uma prostituta de 12 anos que entra em seu táxi para fugir de um cafetão.
Alice Não Mora Mais Aqui
Associate Producer
Depois de perder o marido caminhoneiro num acidente, Alice começa a trabalhar como cantora para sustentar o filho Tommy, mas acaba se envolvendo com um homem casado e agressivo e precisará ir embora da cidade se quiser refazer sua vida.
Caminhos Perigosos
Post Production Supervisor
Harvey Keitel é Charlie, um homem que trabalha para crescer no submundo dos guetos de Little Italy, em Nova York. Ao seu lado, porém, está Johnny Boy (De Niro, em sua primeira parceria com Scorsese), um jovem revoltado, agressivo e sem escrúpulos, que vive se metendo em confusões por causa de dívidas de jogo. Caminhos Perigosos retrata o cotidiano desses dois indivíduos, em meio à realidade violenta do subúrbio das grandes cidades. O filme é um retrato visceral do ambiente em que crescera o diretor Martin Scorsese, cuja infância vivera no mesmo bairro nova-yorkino em que se passa a obra.