Pier Giovanni Anchisi

Pier Giovanni Anchisi


Pier Giovanni Anchisi


Cento giorni a Palermo
In the late 1970s and early 80s, assassinations in Sicily get the attention of Communist deputy, Pio La Torre, who appeals to General Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa to become prefect in Palermo and take on the Mafia. Dalla Chiesa approaches the job with the same focus and methods he used in hunting down the Red Brigade.
I ragazzi della periferia sud
The existence of which is condemned almost all young people born and brought up to the edges of large cities, in a corrupt because of despair and misery that leads to drugs, murder, and prostitution.
A Boy Like Many Others
Pino comes to the big city from his village and quickly falls in with the wrong element. Turning to prostitution to support himself, he quickly becomes in petty crime and drugs dealing. When he meets a gay artist he may have a chance at changing his life. Will he?
State buoni se potete
Around the year 1500, the Italian priest Don Filippo Neri helps street kids and orphans in his poor little chapel. He is no clergyman by the book, but a true believer in terms good and bad and he teaches this to his children. Neri is not very well-seen by the church and his only "friend" is the dry, humorless Ignatius De Loyola. But Neris real counterpart is the devil himself, working in endless incarnations in Neris direct neighborhood, trying to seduce his kids. His newest kid is the young thief Cirifischio, making a lot of problems. When Cirifischio has an argument with a young boy of a local aristocrat, the boy turns out to be a girl, the young Leonetta, some kind of a sex slave for her owner. Neri adopts her too, and the young people fall in love. 15 Years later, the devil is back and leads Cirifiscio onto a murder. Now lawless, the thief must flee Neri and leave Leonetta back...
Lost in the City of Sarzana
Italian TV-Drama
L'agnese va a morire
Riccardo, belonging to an upper-middle class family from Puglia, studies religion in a Swiss boarding school. He has an incomplete relationship with his half-sister Stefania, who one day announces his engagement and the next marriage. Riccardo, wearing his cassock below, desperately tries to conquer the now reluctant half-sister.
C.I.A. Secret Story
Faccia di spia tries to tell the story of the CIA and other government intelligence agencies with lots of re-creations and dramatizations and points out some of the more brutal aspects of the intelligence community from around the world. Wars are started, all facets of everyday life are controlled, innocent people are tortured needlessly and subjected to extreme violence.
Archivist at Criminal Museum (as Piero Anchisi)
A series of random suicides in Rome, Italy are attributed to a heatwave, but a young pathologist named Simona—who is working on a thesis about murders disguised as suicides—suspects otherwise. When a young girl associated with Simona's playboy father ends up dead in another apparent suicide, Simona teams up with the girl's priest brother to prove she was murdered and track down the unknown serial killer.
Il piatto piange
In Luino, on Lake Maggiore, during the fascist twenty years, a group of friends belonging to the bourgeoisie spend the nights in the underground gambling den of the Metropolitan Hotel between poker games, gossip, manly goliards and escapades to the house of tolerance.
After the 1815 Restoration, an aging revolutionary finds himself reluctantly involved in an attempted insurrection in Southern Italy while growing increasingly disillusioned with his cause.
O Poder da Inquisição - As Excomungadas de São Valentin
Acusado de heresia e perseguido por soldados, Esteban busca refúgio no convento local — o mesmo para onde sua namorada Lucita foi banida pelos pais. Para se reunir com ele, Lucita deve resistir a sedução de sua colega de cela lésbica e suportar as tormentas perturbadas da Inquisição.
No More Time
This Italian black-and-white film, based on a true story, was originally made for television. It concerns the life and sad end of Evariste Gallois (Mario Barriba), a brilliant student mathematician whose republican politics and hot-bloodedness resulted in his death; it is unclear whether he died by political assassination or as a result of a duel.
Shadows Unseen
When a journalist is murdered Inspector Micheli begins to investigate. Although someone comes forward to confess to the crime, Micheli doesn't believe he acted alone and keeps investigating despite coming under pressure to close the case.
O Justiceiro Cego / Preso na Escuridão
Ele é um pistoleiro mortal. Com seu rifle tem um tiro certeiro e jamais perde um alvo. Ele é “Blindman” (Tony Anthony). Embora completamente cego, usa com exatidão seus sentidos para compensar sua deficiência. Agora, foi contratado para acompanhar, em segurança, 50 noivas até Fort Fork no Texas onde seus noivos mineiros as aguardam ansiosamente. Porém, ele é traído por seu parceiro de negócios, que vende as mulheres a Domingo (Lloyd Battista), um perigoso bandido. Apenas com a ajuda e a companhia de seu cavalo e obcecado com o desejo de vingança, “Blindman” inicia uma jornada solitária pelas pradarias do México, a procura das noivas perdidas.
Sacco & Vanzetti
Defense Committee member
Boston, início dos anos 20. Nicola Sacco (Riccardo Cucciolla) e Bartolomeo Vanzetti (Gian Maria Volonté) são dois imigrantes italianos, sendo o primeiro um sapateiro e o outro um peixeiro, que são detidos pela polícia. Ninguém negava que eram anarquistas, na verdade eles mesmo admitiam, pois acreditavam que era a única forma de o homem não ser explorado pelo homem. Porém era duvidoso que Sacco e Vanzetti fossem culpados de um assassinato, que aconteceu em 15 de abril de 1920. O julgamento deles deixou de ser algo baseado na justiça e sim na política, pois deviam ser condenados por serem estrangeiros e seguirem uma doutrina política que se opunha ao conservadorismo, que tinha as rédeas do poder nos Estados Unidos.
traditore di Cavriago
The real story of the partisan Silvio Corbari. He starts his career killing publicly one of his friends that was a fascist. Than, he set up a band of partisans in north Italy, completely independent from the Italian organized resistance (CLN). Ines, leave his husband to join the band and became Silvio's lover. Silvio Corbari succeeded also to set up a free-zone, his personal republic, independent from the Nazi occupied Italy, in a little village called Tregnano. But the opponent Nazi-Fascist army is too much for any kind of resistance, especially if not included in the organized CNL. All his partisan friends are captured and sentenced to death, Ines, close to be captured, suicides. Corbari, even if survives to a first hanging, can't escape to a second one. After WWII he deserved a gold medal to the memory from the Italian Republic.
Love Birds
Two couples live their erotic fantasies out until one of the women is murdered.
O Pistoleiro Esquecido
Mann é um pistoleiro informado por um amigo de infância de que seu pai foi assassinado anos antes por sua mãe e seu amante. Para piorar a situação, a irmã de Mann, que está apaixonada por seu amigo, é mantida sob o controle de sua mãe assassina. Os dois pistoleiros partem para fazer um balanço com ela. Escrito por Anônimo.
Hate is my God
Oliver - the Journalist
A young man returns to his village, and with the help of a black-clad stranger, seeks revenge for the murder of his brother against three men who are now notable men of the town.
Hate is my God
A young man returns to his village, and with the help of a black-clad stranger, seeks revenge for the murder of his brother against three men who are now notable men of the town.
It Was Good to Love You
Andrea, a young man from the provinces, leaves his home, his friends and his girlfriend to go to the city in search of new intellectual satisfactions that he believes he can no longer find in his small world. The young idealist meets Eleonora, a beautiful woman romantically linked to Luca, a rich and unscrupulous businessman, and becomes his lover. In order to live forever next to Andrea, Eleonora does not hesitate to abandon Luca and the luxurious life that he allowed her. The death of Eleonora in a car accident, however, abruptly cuts off Andrea's dreams of happiness, who returns to his provincial town, where he finds his fiancée waiting for him and comforting him.
A Mulher do Lago
While visiting his favorite resort village during winter, a writer investigates the apparent suicide of a woman he was infatuated with.