Quando o précio do suceso significa vender a alma
Samantha Vance inherits the Tiki Hotel when her father dies. She decides to fix it up but has problems drumming up business. Her friends throw a party at the hotel and an idea is born to make it the "Bikini Hotel" with all of the staff members wearing bikinis. This elicits jealousy in the nearby Regent Hotel who wish to turn Samantha's hotel into a parking lot. It all culminates in a competition where the winner gets to stay.
Num futuro no qual as relações sexuais são proibidas, homens e mulheres viajam para o passado em busca de prazer. Um robô é encarregado de perseguir os dissidentes e exterminá-los.
Tom (as Chris Wolf)
Cientista cria soro capaz de transformar seres humanos em vampiros. Um de seus colegas luta para impedir que ele leve adiante plano macabro.
Karate Wars is an all or nothing tournament where the prize is honor, self respect and a million dollars. Karate master Oyama, trains his loyal students in the ancient, mystical arts of Kung Fu. His top student Jason is faced with the challenge of fighting his hated rival in a fight to the finish. Oyama's students train vigorously in the secret Chinese style of the snake and crane... When the "Karate Wars" tournament gets canceled, another war begins on the streets, where there is no rules...and no million dollars...
State Trooper
Tango é um agente da polícia de narcóticos que possui métodos frios e calculistas. Cash faz parte da mesma divisão, mas atua de forma bem mais explosiva. Agindo separadamente eles espalham terror no submundo do crime e das drogas. Mas agora apesar de não morrerem de amores um pelo outro, terão que se unir para escapar do inferno que acabaram se metendo.