Antonia López


I Feel Strange
Laura is a pianist who leaves her home fed up with her abusive husband's mistreatment. Then she meets Marta, a vedette and television star with whom she will work on the preparation of her new show. From the moment Laura moves to Marta's home, the neighbors' gossips and rumours begin.
Esposa y amante
Luisa's daughter attempted suicide. While attending the clinic and, contemplating the state of his daughter, Luisa recalls the early happy years of her marriage to Pedro, a popular and friendly sports journalist. Soon after came the first deception of her husband.
Secretos de alcoba
Esclava te doy
Santo vs. Doctor Death
Masked Mexican wrestler and superhero Santo plays private investigator, called in by government officials to investigate the mysterious vandalism of a high profile painting. With the help of his two counterparts, he uncovers the truth behind an art collector/chemist who may be murdering female models.
Don Quijote cabalga de nuevo
Dom Quixote é obcecado pela cavalaria e seus códigos de honra. Juntamente com seu escudeiro singular Sancho Panza, Dom Quixote lembra as aventuras que eles compartilharam.
O Massacre dos Pistoleiros
Uma noite de 1881, Doc Holliday, um famoso jogador de poker, entra no 'No Name Saloon'. Lá, ele desafia um homem no poker, apostando seu cavalo contra a mulher de seu oponente. Doc vence e de agora em diante, Katie Fisher, também conhecida como Katie Elder, vai segui-lo aonde quer que vá.
Quando os Bravos se Encontram
O velho xerife mexicano-americano Bob Valdez sempre foi um refúgio de sanidade em uma terra de loucura quando se tratava de defender a lei e a ordem. Mas o contrabandista de armas Frank Tanner é ganancioso e impulsivo. Quando Tanner provoca um tiroteio que causa a morte de um homem inocente e Valdez lhe pede para compensar financeiramente a viúva, Tanner se recusa a fazê-lo e humilha severamente Valdez, que fará justiça e vingará sua honra, não importa o que seja preciso.
Vivo ou Preferivelmente Morto
Dois irmãos, Monty e Ted, herdarão US $ 300.000 se conseguirem viver juntos por seis meses.
Esa mujer
Dr. Coppelius
Film based on the ballet 'Coppelia.' This version is completely silent, not containing the songs/narration, or animation of the later reworking, Mysterious House of Dr. C.
La mujer perdida
Sara is the daughter of a fisherman. She leaves her small village but she goes to Madrid to work as a flamenco singer in a club
La barrera
Assistant Makeup Artist
In a small town, the administrator, confronted with the baker, forbids his children fto talk with those of the baker, and vice versa. One day, Paco and Pablo, the baker's children, listen to two builders who plan to kidnap Mary, the daughter of the administrator. Children decide to keep the secret and save the girl themselves. Meanwhile, a young teacher arrives to the village with his wife and kids get back to school. But the administrator's wife is furious because it is not her brother the one who gets the job and, along with her husband, will try to convince everyone to get rid of the teacher.
The Sign of the Coyote
California, 1847. The territory is about to be incorporated into the United States. Parker, the new governor, is a cruel man who believes that the time has come to get rich regardless of the means, but he will soon find a mysterious opponent driven to end his tyranny.
Plaza de Oriente
The Shadow of Zorro
A battle between revolutionary Mexicans and the U.S. cavalry brings Zorro onto the scene to enact vengeance for violent acts incurred by the cavalry Sergeant. Once the Sergeant is killed, Don Jose de la Torre retires from being Zorro and settles down to live a quiet life. The brother of the Sergeant, in an act of his own justice, dons the costume of Zorro and terrorizes the countryside. In an act to draw out the true Zorro, the imposter kidnaps Don Jose's wife, making him once again don the mask to rescue her.
El pobre García
García is employed of advertising at a factory of razor blades and goes out in secret with Conchita, the daughter of the director. One day, taking advantage of the cycle return to Spain, García puts into practice a new and risky system of making him an advertising, but Raúl, the director, dismisses García because he didn´t like the idea. From here, García will gain the life himself in the most varied works: barber, bootblack and guide of the Prado Museum. A difficult situation in order that his former chief accepts the relation that it supports with his daughter.
Os Últimos Dias de Pompéia
Retomando à Poméia de sua última aventura na fronteira, Glaucus (Steve Reeves) vê a bela jovem Ione (Christine Kaufmann) perdendo o controle de sua biga e a salva de um acidente. Após deixar a dama a salvo, Glaucus finalmente regressa à Pompéia e a encontra totalmente aterrorizada. Um escravo informa que um grupo de bandidos encapuzados estava assassinando famílias inteiras e saqueando todas as casas, inclusive sua fazenda, tendo como principal vítima seu pai. Glaucus, sedento por vingança, segue à caça dos assassinos.