Aniela and Oscar, a murderous couple united by a distorted love full of horrors, lives in paranoia after discovering that Cynthya, one of their victims, survived.
On her fifteenth birthday, life reminds Vianney that it isn’t easy being different.
During the Mexican Revolution, Leandro and Odón, two war vultures, find a zebra. They mistakenly believe this to be an American horse and thus begin a journey in search of General Obregón, who they assume, will appoint them as colonels given their peculiar beast of burden. They partake in several adventures during their journey.
The story is about a young man suffering mental retardation and sexual awakening, poet is charismatic and has the ability to pay attention to those little insignificant details of everyday life. His new status as a lover will bring popularity and with it problems will expose prejudice and false morality of a blinded people to wash their sins charged with the death of the less guilty.
Vet Assistant
Uma grande onda de sequestros e criminalidade varre a Cidade do México, fazendo com que muitos de seus cidadãos mais ricos contratem guarda-costas para seus filhos. John Creasy é um ex-agente da CIA. Sem emprego e bebendo mais do que deveria, ele aceita a proposta de ser guarda-costas da pequena Pita, uma garota de 9 anos que é filha de um industrial. O sequestro de Pita faz com que ele, mesmo ferido, parta para resgatá-la a qualquer custo.