Eager to discover the truth about his late father, King Derek and Queen Odette set off on an epic undercover adventure. With the help of their friends, Derek and Odette piece the mystery together, only to have it all unravel. Will they ever know the truth about King Max?
Eager to discover the truth about his late father, King Derek and Queen Odette set off on an epic undercover adventure. With the help of their friends, Derek and Odette piece the mystery together, only to have it all unravel. Will they ever know the truth about King Max?
A princesa Odette e o príncipe Derek vão a um casamento na princesa Mei Li e seu amado Chen. Mas as forças do mal estão em jogo e os planos do casamento estão manchados e o amor verdadeiro tem condições difíceis.
A princesa Odette e o príncipe Derek vão a um casamento na princesa Mei Li e seu amado Chen. Mas as forças do mal estão em jogo e os planos do casamento estão manchados e o amor verdadeiro tem condições difíceis.
A princesa Odette e o príncipe Derek vão a um casamento na princesa Mei Li e seu amado Chen. Mas as forças do mal estão em jogo e os planos do casamento estão manchados e o amor verdadeiro tem condições difíceis.
A princesa Odette (Nina Herzog) está apresentando uma competição de música em comemoração ao aniversário da princesa Alise, e o vencedor irá cantar para ela em seu baile. Enquanto isso, a princesa Mei Li procura Odette e Derek (Yuri Lowenthal) para ajudar Chen, que foi amaldiçoado a viver na forma de um dragão para sempre.
A princesa Odette (Nina Herzog) está apresentando uma competição de música em comemoração ao aniversário da princesa Alise, e o vencedor irá cantar para ela em seu baile. Enquanto isso, a princesa Mei Li procura Odette e Derek (Yuri Lowenthal) para ajudar Chen, que foi amaldiçoado a viver na forma de um dragão para sempre.
A princesa Odette (Nina Herzog) está apresentando uma competição de música em comemoração ao aniversário da princesa Alise, e o vencedor irá cantar para ela em seu baile. Enquanto isso, a princesa Mei Li procura Odette e Derek (Yuri Lowenthal) para ajudar Chen, que foi amaldiçoado a viver na forma de um dragão para sempre.
A marca da letra Z misteriosamente aparece nos residentes do palácio, a Princesa Odette, Scully e seus amigos trabalham juntos na investigação.
A marca da letra Z misteriosamente aparece nos residentes do palácio, a Princesa Odette, Scully e seus amigos trabalham juntos na investigação.
A marca da letra Z misteriosamente aparece nos residentes do palácio, a Princesa Odette, Scully e seus amigos trabalham juntos na investigação.
Depois que visitantes misteriosos chegam ao Reino, a Princesa Alise, Lucas e seus amigos embarcam em uma aventura como espiões secretos para saber se esses recém-chegados são confiáveis. Eles vão precisar bancar os detetives e também usar super-engenhocas para resolver o mistério real e salvar o Reino.
Depois que visitantes misteriosos chegam ao Reino, a Princesa Alise, Lucas e seus amigos embarcam em uma aventura como espiões secretos para saber se esses recém-chegados são confiáveis. Eles vão precisar bancar os detetives e também usar super-engenhocas para resolver o mistério real e salvar o Reino.
Depois que visitantes misteriosos chegam ao Reino, a Princesa Alise, Lucas e seus amigos embarcam em uma aventura como espiões secretos para saber se esses recém-chegados são confiáveis. Eles vão precisar bancar os detetives e também usar super-engenhocas para resolver o mistério real e salvar o Reino.
Com os país viajando no verão, a jovem e apaixonante princesa Alise deve passar seu tempo com a rainha Uberta, aprendendo com ser uma perfeita realeza... Mas o que ela realmente quer é se tornar uma grande pirata! Sendo assim, a princesa Alise zarpa com o Lord Rogers Jean Bob, o sapo e Speed a tartaruga em uma ousada viagem ao alto mar, numa incrível aventura, cheia de perigos e descobertas.
Com os país viajando no verão, a jovem e apaixonante princesa Alise deve passar seu tempo com a rainha Uberta, aprendendo com ser uma perfeita realeza... Mas o que ela realmente quer é se tornar uma grande pirata! Sendo assim, a princesa Alise zarpa com o Lord Rogers Jean Bob, o sapo e Speed a tartaruga em uma ousada viagem ao alto mar, numa incrível aventura, cheia de perigos e descobertas.
A Lady e o Lobo entram em Ferias com a Família, em uma Aventura cheia de emoção.
Há décadas, os lobos têm medo de entrar na Floresta da Sombra e em sua misteriosa caverna. Apesar de vários avisos, o filhote de lobo ômega Runt quer tomar a floresta para os lobos.
Toda primavera, os animais "juniores" de cada região entram numa competição amistosa de jogos. Porém, nos últimos anos, os jogos se tornaram ponto de honra para os lobos alfa que dominaram as competição.
Toda primavera, os animais "juniores" de cada região entram numa competição amistosa de jogos. Porém, nos últimos anos, os jogos se tornaram ponto de honra para os lobos alfa que dominaram as competição.
Os personagens memoráveis da série A Princesa Encantada estão de volta para uma nova aventura! Pouco depois de a Família Real adotar uma menina chamada Alise, ela é levada para a floresta. Princesa Odette, Derek e seus amigos da floresta, Jean-Bob, o Sapo, e Speed, a Tartaruga, devem trabalhar juntos para encontrar uma maneira de trazê-la de volta para o castelo. Com amizade, trabalho em equipe, canções originais e muitas risadas, A Princesa Encantada - A Fábula Da Família Real é uma série imperdível para toda a família!
Os personagens memoráveis da série A Princesa Encantada estão de volta para uma nova aventura! Pouco depois de a Família Real adotar uma menina chamada Alise, ela é levada para a floresta. Princesa Odette, Derek e seus amigos da floresta, Jean-Bob, o Sapo, e Speed, a Tartaruga, devem trabalhar juntos para encontrar uma maneira de trazê-la de volta para o castelo. Com amizade, trabalho em equipe, canções originais e muitas risadas, A Princesa Encantada - A Fábula Da Família Real é uma série imperdível para toda a família!
Os personagens memoráveis da série A Princesa Encantada estão de volta para uma nova aventura! Pouco depois de a Família Real adotar uma menina chamada Alise, ela é levada para a floresta. Princesa Odette, Derek e seus amigos da floresta, Jean-Bob, o Sapo, e Speed, a Tartaruga, devem trabalhar juntos para encontrar uma maneira de trazê-la de volta para o castelo. Com amizade, trabalho em equipe, canções originais e muitas risadas, A Princesa Encantada - A Fábula Da Família Real é uma série imperdível para toda a família!
Kate e Humphrey estão ansiosos para passar o próximo inverno com seus três filhotes de cachorro fedido, Claudette e Runt, como ele vai ser o primeiro que passamos juntos como uma família. Infelizmente essa alegria é de curta duração, como Runt acaba desaparecendo pouco antes do grande neve. Isto significa que o pacote deve sair em uma busca através do deserto para encontrar onde seu cachorro passou e voltar para casa antes da queda de neve iminente torna impossível.
A princesa Odette e o príncipe Derek se divertem preparando seu primeiro Natal juntos. Mas um malvado fantasma traçou um plano para se vingar do príncipe e acabar com a melhor época do ano.
A princesa Odette e o príncipe Derek se divertem preparando seu primeiro Natal juntos. Mas um malvado fantasma traçou um plano para se vingar do príncipe e acabar com a melhor época do ano.
A princesa Odette e o príncipe Derek se divertem preparando seu primeiro Natal juntos. Mas um malvado fantasma traçou um plano para se vingar do príncipe e acabar com a melhor época do ano.
O filme mostra as aventuras de um casal de lobos formado pela fêmea Kate (Hayden Panettiere) e pelo macho Humphrey (Justin Long). Eles não poderiam ser mais diferentes, mas têm que encontrar uma forma de conviverem juntos, já que terão que viajar lado a lado por mais de mil e seiscentos quilômetros para se reunirem à sua alcatéia.
Self (archive footage)
O documentário mostra os bastidores dos estúdios de Wall Disney e todo o processo de criação das melhores e mais famosas animações em 2D realizadas entre os anos de 1984 e 1994, época que ficou conhecido como a nova era da animação.
In Jerusalem the temple was the Holy Place, a place that King David’s son had built for worship. The enemy of the Jews had destroyed this temple and the Greeks had begun to attack and ruin the sacred treasures previously used in temple ceremonies. The spirit of the faithful Jews was broken as they saw their world falling about them.
In Jerusalem the temple was the Holy Place, a place that King David’s son had built for worship. The enemy of the Jews had destroyed this temple and the Greeks had begun to attack and ruin the sacred treasures previously used in temple ceremonies. The spirit of the faithful Jews was broken as they saw their world falling about them.
Even as a young boy, Beethoven marched to the beat of a different drummer. Trained in the traditional music methods by his father, Beethoven was an accomplished pianist by the age of 12. But he yearned to try new sounds and persevered until audiences heard his music. By his early twenties, this persistent young man performed for Joseph Haydn, who compared him to the great Mozart. Sadly, Beethoven began to lose his hearing, but he threw himself even more deeply into his music, composing "Fur Elise," "Sonata Pathetique" and the dramatic "Fifth Symphony" years later, audience members heard what he could not and leapt to their feet in ecstatic appreciation for such passionate music. His creativity gave the world then, as it does today, music that stirs the soul. The video begins in 1827 with 30,000 people paying tribute to the great Beethoven in Vienna, Austria. Then the video switches to his life as a child...
Even as a young boy, Beethoven marched to the beat of a different drummer. Trained in the traditional music methods by his father, Beethoven was an accomplished pianist by the age of 12. But he yearned to try new sounds and persevered until audiences heard his music. By his early twenties, this persistent young man performed for Joseph Haydn, who compared him to the great Mozart. Sadly, Beethoven began to lose his hearing, but he threw himself even more deeply into his music, composing "Fur Elise," "Sonata Pathetique" and the dramatic "Fifth Symphony" years later, audience members heard what he could not and leapt to their feet in ecstatic appreciation for such passionate music. His creativity gave the world then, as it does today, music that stirs the soul. The video begins in 1827 with 30,000 people paying tribute to the great Beethoven in Vienna, Austria. Then the video switches to his life as a child...
Built Upon the Rock is a story of two brothers and how an inheritance teaches them about their own foundation and eternal life. In the beginning of the video, Gideon is dying and has asked that his two sons, Thomas and Sahara work together overseeing his vineyards after he is gone. When Gideon dies, Sahara takes control of the vineyards and begins to sell grapes that are not yet ripe to loyal customers. Thomas is greatly disturbed and seeks out a lawyer named Josiah to help him regain his part of his inheritance. Josiah has left law practice to follow Jesus. He encourages Thomas to listen to the words of Jesus to find the answers to his problems. Jesus is giving his sermon on the mount and shares the beatitudes, or the actions, attitudes and blessings true believers should experience. He tells the people they need to go beyond just believing and act upon their faith. Jesus uses the parable of the wise man who built his house upon a rock...
Built Upon the Rock is a story of two brothers and how an inheritance teaches them about their own foundation and eternal life. In the beginning of the video, Gideon is dying and has asked that his two sons, Thomas and Sahara work together overseeing his vineyards after he is gone. When Gideon dies, Sahara takes control of the vineyards and begins to sell grapes that are not yet ripe to loyal customers. Thomas is greatly disturbed and seeks out a lawyer named Josiah to help him regain his part of his inheritance. Josiah has left law practice to follow Jesus. He encourages Thomas to listen to the words of Jesus to find the answers to his problems. Jesus is giving his sermon on the mount and shares the beatitudes, or the actions, attitudes and blessings true believers should experience. He tells the people they need to go beyond just believing and act upon their faith. Jesus uses the parable of the wise man who built his house upon a rock...
Experience the Passion of Christ. Witness the fulfillment of ancient prophecies. Pray with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, “Not my will, but thy will be done.” Feel the betrayal of Judas’ kiss. Endure the trial and crucifixion as Jesus willingly submits. Rejoice in the knowledge that Jesus’ death and resurrection provides pardon for our sins.
Servant #1 (voice)
Jesus uses the parables of the King’s Wedding Feast and the Thief in the Night to teach His disciples to have to repent and to be prepared for the day He comes again. Jesus teaches His disciples to patiently watch for the signs of His Second Coming. You’ll see how the disciples misunderstood the meaning of His parables. Even with these insights, will we also misunderstand the signs of His coming today?
Jesus uses the parables of the King’s Wedding Feast and the Thief in the Night to teach His disciples to have to repent and to be prepared for the day He comes again. Jesus teaches His disciples to patiently watch for the signs of His Second Coming. You’ll see how the disciples misunderstood the meaning of His parables. Even with these insights, will we also misunderstand the signs of His coming today?
In His final days, Jesus cleanses the Temple, but He cannot cleanse the hearts of the people. Even His disciples struggle to understand Him and His mission. Following Jesus’ death, He visits His disciples on the road to Emmaus. Afterwards they finally gain understanding: Jesus delivers all from the bondage of sin and death, giving hope of eternal life through His atonement.
This story reinforces the principles of forgiveness, compassion and stewardship. The parables teach us to be good stewards of our time and the things we have been given. The Parables of Jesus includes three of the most loved parables: The Two Sons, The Rich Man and Lazarus and The Talents. The video begins with Jesus telling the story of the two sons. It is harvest time and the two sons cannot be found. Their father searches out to find his sons so the harvest would not be lost. The oldest son, who is suppose to inherit the vineyard, is found relaxing by the shore and promises to come help but does not. The younger son is frustrated about doing all the work since his brother will inherit the land. He refusing to come help, but changes his mind and returns to the vineyard to ask his father for forgiveness and to help with the harvest. In the end, the father rewards the youngest son with the vineyard because he was always there for him and used his time wisely...
More than fourteen centuries ago, Mecca was filled with gambling, drunkenness, slavery, the mistreatment of women, and greed. The holy Ka'bah was littered with idol gods. Pilgrims came by the thousands to worship them. Quarysh, Mecca's ruling body, reveled in the their good fortune but cared little for the welfare of the pilgrims of Arabia.Against this dismal scene, a man named Muhammad (pbuh) retreated to a cave high above Mecca to pray. The events that transpired in that cave changed the course of human history.This is the story of the blessings of Muhammad (pbuh) - The Last Prophet.
Quando nascem trigêmeos numa família de cisnes, todos ficam cheios de orgulho. Tudo parece perfeito até que eles descobrem que seu único filho macho, Louie, não tem voz e sem ela, ele não pode ocupar um lugar no mundo musical de sua família. Com uma inesperada ajuda de um amigo humano e um presente muito especial de seu pai, Louie descobre que sua voz diferente traz um novo sopro à música tocada pelos cisnes.
Lord, I Believe is a collection of three stories where Jesus teaches His disciples the power of faith. First, a kind Roman centurion pleads for his dying servant. The servant is healed because he asked in faith with nothing doubting. Saying “weep not,” Jesus raises the son of the poor widow of Nain. Lastly, a man with weak faith begs the Master to make his son whole, as Jesus answers, “all things are possible to him that believeth.”
Jesus taught His disciples the power of prayer through parables and example. After Jesus’ resurrection and ascension into Heaven, Peter is arrested and cast into a Roman prison. As Herod plots Peter’s death, the believers gather together and follow the example that Jesus taught. Through faith and prayer, Peter’s chains are broken and the Angel of the Lord opens the prison gates.
Uma bruxinha tenta ajudar uma bela jovem órfã que, com muita dificuldade, tenta comprar a sua liberdade e a de outros três órfãos que ela cuida. Pensando que estava prestes a conseguir, ela se despede de um espantalho que é apaixonado por ela.
Uma bruxinha tenta ajudar uma bela jovem órfã que, com muita dificuldade, tenta comprar a sua liberdade e a de outros três órfãos que ela cuida. Pensando que estava prestes a conseguir, ela se despede de um espantalho que é apaixonado por ela.
Mortals' greatest fear is the fear of death. Lazarus Lives gives assurance that Jesus has all power over death. Jesus mourns Lazarus' death and His friends witness the deep love He has for His friends. Martha and Mary’s tears of sorrow change to joy when their brother Lazarus’ life is restored and they understand the Savior's promise of eternal life to all who believe in Jesus.
A inglesa Anna Leonowens que junto com seu filho de 10 anos, Louis, viaja de Londres para o exótico reino do Sião, em 1863. Contratada para lecionar as crianças do reino, Anna logo descobre que seu maior desafio será domar o obstinado e autoritário imperador de Sião. Ao mesmo tempo em que cresce a amizade entre a governanta e o arrogante monarca, um feiticeiro malvado conspira pra roubar o trono.
Jesus uses the lives of Miriam, Jonah and Matthew along with the parables of the lost coin and the lost sheep to show how mercy, forgiveness and love are generously extended to all sinners. One sinner's repentance is rejoiced by many. The Lost is Found is the story of three sinners, Miriam the harlot, Jonah, a sick man, and Matthew the publican. The parables of the lost coin and the lost sheep are weaved into these three stories to show forgiveness for all sinners who repent. The video opens with Miriam working in a pub as a waitress and harlot. She is trapped in this life due to debt and guilt. A letter comes from her brother, Jonah, to the house of a scribe. The scribe reads the letter which tells of her brother's expected death. The scribe does not invite Miriam inside his house because he believes a sinner should not enter the house of the righteous.
O reino da princesa Odete e seu grande amor, Derek, está ameaçado pela bruxa Zelda, que elaborou um diabólico plano para pôr as mãos nas anotações que lhe darão o mais terrível poder: a força para destruir o reino.
O reino da princesa Odete e seu grande amor, Derek, está ameaçado pela bruxa Zelda, que elaborou um diabólico plano para pôr as mãos nas anotações que lhe darão o mais terrível poder: a força para destruir o reino.
O reino da princesa Odete e seu grande amor, Derek, está ameaçado pela bruxa Zelda, que elaborou um diabólico plano para pôr as mãos nas anotações que lhe darão o mais terrível poder: a força para destruir o reino.
Após um ano de casamento, Derek e Odette estão se afastando. Enquanto a princessa se preocupa com o aniversário de casamento, Derek dá atenção às suas atividades de caça. Um dia ocorre um incêndio nos campos do Reino e Derek sai para saber o que está acontecendo. Ao mesmo tempo, sua mãe, a Rainha Uberta, é sequestrada como uma armadilha para o príncipe, que só poderá ser salvo com a ajuda de Odette em abrir mão de sua forma humana e se transformar em cisne.
Após um ano de casamento, Derek e Odette estão se afastando. Enquanto a princessa se preocupa com o aniversário de casamento, Derek dá atenção às suas atividades de caça. Um dia ocorre um incêndio nos campos do Reino e Derek sai para saber o que está acontecendo. Ao mesmo tempo, sua mãe, a Rainha Uberta, é sequestrada como uma armadilha para o príncipe, que só poderá ser salvo com a ajuda de Odette em abrir mão de sua forma humana e se transformar em cisne.
The Greatest is Least is the story of how a man named Blastus tries to improve his standing with King Herod Agrippa by arranging a celebration with the neighboring lands of Tyre and Sidon. Blastus is shocked to find out Agrippa is already determined he must become the supreme ruler and has decided to invade these countries.
Marco Polo (September 15, 1254-January 8, 1324) was a well-traveled Venetian explorer and trader. He intrigued audiences with his tales of magnificent palaces filled with precious stones, rivers filled with gold, and "men with tails" (aka, monkeys) who threw nuts as large as a man's head (aka, coconuts). He described things that no one had ever witnessed, and so no one believed him. His audiences were certain he had never visited these wondrous places. . . .yet he had! Teach honesty, adventure, and courage with this 30-minute animated educational DVD about Marco Polo. Source: Nest Family Learning
Bread from Heaven is an account of how Jesus has compassion for the multitudes that have come to hear Him minister. The story begins with a young street urchin named Jonas who is begging for each bit of food he can get. After an incident of trickery, he takes bread from the local bakers, Zeke and Jethro. He refuses to share his bread with an old man who is weak and clearly in need of nourishment. Later Jonas finds himself listening to the words of Jesus on the mountain.
Bread from Heaven is an account of how Jesus has compassion for the multitudes that have come to hear Him minister. The story begins with a young street urchin named Jonas who is begging for each bit of food he can get. After an incident of trickery, he takes bread from the local bakers, Zeke and Jethro. He refuses to share his bread with an old man who is weak and clearly in need of nourishment. Later Jonas finds himself listening to the words of Jesus on the mountain.
Animated movie of Harriet Tubman
Jesus, the Son of God begins with Jesus, Mary and Joseph traveling to Jerusalem for the Passover in 13 A.D. Young Jesus, age twelve, walks behind His parents carrying a lamb. Jesus is to present the lamb to the priest as a sacrifice for sins. Once inside the busy, noisy city full of trading and bartering, Jesus and His family sell and buy the things they need before taking the lamb to the priest. Jesus presents the lamb to the priest, and the priest tests Him by asking some questions about the law. Jesus' answers are correct and the priest congratulates Him.
The great French scientist, struggling with his own limitations from a stroke, is not deterred by scientific criticism nor failed experiments. Pasteur had the courage to look into the unseen world and his perfected vaccines are his gifts to mankind.
The great French scientist, struggling with his own limitations from a stroke, is not deterred by scientific criticism nor failed experiments. Pasteur had the courage to look into the unseen world and his perfected vaccines are his gifts to mankind.
Durante a preparação da batalha contra o povo filisteu, os soldados de Israel são surpreendidos por uma criatura estranha mas muito poderosa: Golias - o gigante guerreiro!
Com esta magnífica história, vamos aprender como um pequeno pastor de nome David encontrou a coragem para enfrentar esse poderoso e forte inimigo, munido somente com uma minúscula faca e claro - com a sua inquestionável fé em Deus!
Discover how innovation and determination can lead to world-changing inventions as Alexander Graham Bell and his partner, Thomas Watson, turn a project to improve the telegraph system into the dream of the telephone! His speech lessons with deaf children give Bell the passion to pursue this discovery.
Discover how innovation and determination can lead to world-changing inventions as Alexander Graham Bell and his partner, Thomas Watson, turn a project to improve the telegraph system into the dream of the telephone! His speech lessons with deaf children give Bell the passion to pursue this discovery.
Except for the courage of Pocahontas, the English settlers at Jamestown in the early 17th century would have died from starvation and exposure. Her brave intervention saved the settlers’ lives and brought peace between two very different peoples. History comes alive as you meet an inquisitive girl who grows into a great ambassador for peace.
Except for the courage of Pocahontas, the English settlers at Jamestown in the early 17th century would have died from starvation and exposure. Her brave intervention saved the settlers’ lives and brought peace between two very different peoples. History comes alive as you meet an inquisitive girl who grows into a great ambassador for peace.
A Princesa Encantada conta a vida dos jovens Derek e Odette que desde pequenos estavam destinados ao casamento (motivo de negocios entre os reinos envolvidos), mas tudo é interrompido quando Odette é raptada pelo feiticeiro Rothbart, que havia jurado vingança anos atras ao pai dela.
A Princesa Encantada conta a vida dos jovens Derek e Odette que desde pequenos estavam destinados ao casamento (motivo de negocios entre os reinos envolvidos), mas tudo é interrompido quando Odette é raptada pelo feiticeiro Rothbart, que havia jurado vingança anos atras ao pai dela.
A Princesa Encantada conta a vida dos jovens Derek e Odette que desde pequenos estavam destinados ao casamento (motivo de negocios entre os reinos envolvidos), mas tudo é interrompido quando Odette é raptada pelo feiticeiro Rothbart, que havia jurado vingança anos atras ao pai dela.
When the Israelite Naomi and her two Gentile daughters-in-law, Orpah and Ruth, are left as widows, Naomi begs them to return to their own people. Orpah agrees, but Ruth declares she will never forsake Naomi and accompanies her mother-in-law back to Israel. Her faithfulness is rewarded when Naomi’s kinsman, Boaz, falls in love with Ruth and marries her.
Over a century ago, only one man stood in the way of the disintegration of the United States of America—and he was a gangly, storytelling country lawyer from Illinois with no political experience at the national level. And yet by the sheer force of his will and his uncompromising stand on critical issues, Abraham Lincoln not only saved the nation but carved out an immortal place in world history.
Over a century ago, only one man stood in the way of the disintegration of the United States of America—and he was a gangly, storytelling country lawyer from Illinois with no political experience at the national level. And yet by the sheer force of his will and his uncompromising stand on critical issues, Abraham Lincoln not only saved the nation but carved out an immortal place in world history.
Thomas Edison opens up the laboratory of America’s most celebrated inventor and invites you to explore its secrets. Sprinkled with humor and packed with little-known details about the search for a working electric light bulb, this story will help you see for yourself why Edison quipped, “Genius is about one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.”
Thomas Edison opens up the laboratory of America’s most celebrated inventor and invites you to explore its secrets. Sprinkled with humor and packed with little-known details about the search for a working electric light bulb, this story will help you see for yourself why Edison quipped, “Genius is about one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.”
Eli, the high priest of Israel, knowingly disobeys the Lord, and he and his sons are punished. Hannah fulfills her promise to God, and gives up her son to His service. In return, God blesses Hannah by making her son, Samuel, the chosen Prophet of the people of Israel. At the tabernacle of Ark of the Covenant, Hannah prays for a son. She promises God that she will offer the boy up to His service. Eli, the high priest, overhears her prayer and sends her off with vague promises. Eli's sons abuse their position and steal from those who come to offer sacrifice.
Nebuchadnezzar orders that all Hebrew boys be brought to his palace in Babylon. Daniel, along with Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, are captured and taken to the palace. They are to be trained alongside Babylonian boys to become wise men and are given Babylonian names. David demands that the Israelites be given their own food, and they become much healthier than their Babylonian counterparts. God gives Daniel and his friends great wisdom. To Daniel, God gives the special power to interpret dreams. The King has frightening dream and when Daniel interprets the dream, the King makes Daniel and the Hebrews his closest advisors. The King has a magnificent golden statue built and demands that all worship the idol. When Daniel's three friends refuse, Nebuchadenzzar has them thrown into a fiery oven. An angel of God appears and protects them in the furnace. Time passes. Daniel becomes the closest advisor to Darius, the new king...
Nebuchadnezzar orders that all Hebrew boys be brought to his palace in Babylon. Daniel, along with Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, are captured and taken to the palace. They are to be trained alongside Babylonian boys to become wise men and are given Babylonian names. David demands that the Israelites be given their own food, and they become much healthier than their Babylonian counterparts. God gives Daniel and his friends great wisdom. To Daniel, God gives the special power to interpret dreams. The King has frightening dream and when Daniel interprets the dream, the King makes Daniel and the Hebrews his closest advisors. The King has a magnificent golden statue built and demands that all worship the idol. When Daniel's three friends refuse, Nebuchadenzzar has them thrown into a fiery oven. An angel of God appears and protects them in the furnace. Time passes. Daniel becomes the closest advisor to Darius, the new king...
At the height of the Crimean War, English soldiers were wounded and dying by the hundreds. Into the rat and flea-infested facilities stepped a woman of uncompromising convictions, great patience and an iron will. Florence Nightingale, “The Lady of the Lamp,” changed the science and practice of nursing all over the world.
At the height of the Crimean War, English soldiers were wounded and dying by the hundreds. Into the rat and flea-infested facilities stepped a woman of uncompromising convictions, great patience and an iron will. Florence Nightingale, “The Lady of the Lamp,” changed the science and practice of nursing all over the world.
Ahab, a great king of the Israelites, has fallen under the spell of Jezebel, a daughter of the King of the Sidonians. He has rejected the Israelites' God and embraced Jezebel's religion: the worship of the idol Baal. At Jezebel's command, Ahab has ordered the execution of the prophets of Israel, replacing them with Baal's false prophets. But one man, Elijah, filled with power of the true God, directly challenges Ahab and Jezebel.
Ahab, a great king of the Israelites, has fallen under the spell of Jezebel, a daughter of the King of the Sidonians. He has rejected the Israelites' God and embraced Jezebel's religion: the worship of the idol Baal. At Jezebel's command, Ahab has ordered the execution of the prophets of Israel, replacing them with Baal's false prophets. But one man, Elijah, filled with power of the true God, directly challenges Ahab and Jezebel.
As Ben Franklin watched the lightning in Philadelphia’s night sky, he came up with a brilliant discovery—one that would change the world forever. Now, through this remarkable story, you can join this remarkable scientist, inventor and statesman as he rewrites human history because of his experiments with electricity.
As Ben Franklin watched the lightning in Philadelphia’s night sky, he came up with a brilliant discovery—one that would change the world forever. Now, through this remarkable story, you can join this remarkable scientist, inventor and statesman as he rewrites human history because of his experiments with electricity.
Abraham and Isaac is an emotion-filled story of complete obedience and unreserved sacrifice. This heart-rending story is one of the greatest tests of obedience, faith and trust in God found anywhere in the Bible. Abraham passes the test and renews God's promise that he will become the father of many nations.
William Bradford fled with the Pilgrims to the new world, where he discovered that the price for religious freedom was hunger, sickness and death. As a peacemaker, he befriended the Native Americans who taught the struggling Pilgrims how to survive. By the end of the first year, William Bradford became Governor of the new land. After their first critical harvest, he set aside time for the Pilgrims and their new Native American friends to feast together and express their thanks to God. Thus, William Bradford became the Father of Thanksgiving Day.
William Bradford fled with the Pilgrims to the new world, where he discovered that the price for religious freedom was hunger, sickness and death. As a peacemaker, he befriended the Native Americans who taught the struggling Pilgrims how to survive. By the end of the first year, William Bradford became Governor of the new land. After their first critical harvest, he set aside time for the Pilgrims and their new Native American friends to feast together and express their thanks to God. Thus, William Bradford became the Father of Thanksgiving Day.
George Washington, “The father of America,” comes to life in this remarkable story about his extraordinary accomplishments as a military leader. This inspiring tale shows Washington at his best—courageous, determined, humble, brave, and patriotic.
George Washington, “The father of America,” comes to life in this remarkable story about his extraordinary accomplishments as a military leader. This inspiring tale shows Washington at his best—courageous, determined, humble, brave, and patriotic.
The Ministry of Paul is a dramatic story of adventure, faith and endurance. From his encounter with King Agrippa to his terrifying shipwreck, Paul’s powerful preaching and example bring amazement and conversion as persecution is answered, again and again, with the gospel of love. Paul’s timeless example beckons each Christian to faithfully witness for Jesus.
Jesus uses a series of short stories, parables, to help us learn about the Kingdom of Heaven and about how to live each day. Eternal life, faith, judgment, obedience and preparedness are the principles explored in this video. The Kingdom of Heaven begins with Jesus in the clouds and angels in the background. There are people from different times and different races looking into the clouds and seeing Jesus. Jesus begins to speak to the people about the Kingdom of Heaven and how the treatment of others is the same as actions toward Him. Slowly, Jesus' shining garment is traded for an earthly robe and He is preaching to a gathering of people. Two Pharisees watch and listen. Boaz, one of the Pharisees, is angered by what he hears Jesus saying and the other Jeremiah is intrigued. David and Sarah, brother and sister, listen also. Boaz says that all Jesus does is tell silly stories. Jeremiah tries to explain that perhaps Jesus wants everyone to discover the meaning from the stories...
Treasures in Heaven is a wonderful story of contrast between two men who seek to follow Jesus. The young rich man asks how to gain eternal life and leaves saddened because he won’t forsake worldly wealth; while Zacchaeus, the publican, gives half of his wealth to the poor and restores four-fold anything wrongly taken, to follow Jesus and receive salvation.
This animated video tells the story of the miracles of Christ through the eyes of Benjamin, the widow's son brought back to life by Jesus. Benjamin travels the roads Christ did and reminisces of such miracles as the wedding where Jesus turned water to wine, the healing of the centurion's servant, and walking on the water.
We first meet Christopher Columbus as an exuberant boy of Genoa, Italy, who wants only one thing - an adventurous life at sea. As he grows into young manhood, he becomes an expert sailor. When King John offers a handsome reward for the captain who can find the fastest route to the treasures of India, Columbus realizes he has found his calling. Columbus is convinced that the most direct route to the Far East is by sailing due west around the globe. But King John only laughs at Columbus. "No one has ever sailed to the west on the great ocean. It cannot be done." Columbus' determination keeps his dream alive. Many years later, in search of support for his voyage of discovery, Columbus is in the court of Queen Isabella of Spain. He tells her, "I have met many men who say it is impossible to sail west. They all have one thing in common - none of them has sailed west." The Queen is intrigued by Columbus' determination, but Spain is at war. She can spare neither ships nor money for such ...
Forgive Us Our Debts combines a classic parable with the teachings of Jesus to His disciples. Jesus teaches that forgiveness comes from God as He instructs Peter to catch a fish that contains a coin to pay Peter's debt. Jesus also teaches about a man who is forgiven by his king of an enormous debt. Yet, the forgiven man leaves and immediately casts a man, who owes him almost nothing, into prison. The king then rescinds his forgiveness. To receive forgiveness we must also forgive.
The prophet Lehi had a dream that brought joy and concern for the eternal welfare of his family. The symbols of Lehi’s dream contain teachings important to us even today. The meaning behind the symbols are brought to life, from the mists of darkness to the great and spacious building. The importance of holding— and helping others grasp— the iron rod so that we can partake of the fruit of eternal life becomes clear.
Zoram and his prideful people have corrupted their religion which teaches them to boast of their righteousness and persecute the poor. Alma and Amulek fail to persuade the rich Zoramites to repent. Alma ministers to the poor believers and teaches one of the most important lessons on faith and humility. Zoram forces the believers in Antionum from their land where they finally find refuge with Lamanite converts in Jershon.
Saul of Tarsus is one of the most dramatic stories of repentance found in the Bible. Rabbi Gamaliel is unable to convince his friend Saul, the arch-enemy and persecutor of Christians, to mend his ways. Saul is changed forever when the resurrected Lord miraculously appears to him on the Road to Damascus. Saul becomes reborn as Paul, one of the greatest missionaries and apostles ever for Jesus Christ’s gospel.
John the Baptist is a story of courage and conviction seen through the life of one of God’s greatest prophets who gave everything to prepare the way for the Lord. It begins with the blessing John’s birth was to his aged parents. John grows in strength and integrity as he stands against political and spiritual adversity to preach the coming of the Lord. Finally, John beholds and baptizes Jesus, the Lamb of God.
The Righteous Judge recreates the events that surround Jesus in teaching the principles of love, forgiveness and righteous judgment. In the story of the adulteress Jesus confronts the Pharisees with the simple phrase, “let him without sin cast the first stone,” and thereby teaches us of God’s immense mercy and grace. Caiaphas, who unrighteously judges a blind man sinful, is contrasted against the gratitude of the blind man when Jesus freely heals him.
Mahonri, the brother of Jared, is a righteous man in wicked Babel. After the tower of Babel is destroyed and the language of the people is confused, the Lord shows Mahonri how to build barges to carry the righteous across the sea to the Promised Land. When the brother of Jared asks the Lord to touch stones to light the barges, his faith is so strong that he receives a great revelation.
The people of Ammon, a group of Lamanites, take an oath to never kill again. They rear their children with great faith. One day the wicked Ammoron threatens the peace. 2,000 young men, not bound by the covenant of their parents, are led by Helaman to defend their people. Despite their youth and inexperience these stripling warriors bravely fight because they trust their mothers’ promise that they will not be harmed.
Samuel the Lamanite preaches of the birth of Jesus Christ and the sign of His coming but wicked Nephites drive Samuel from their city. Some Nephites believe Samuel but they are threatened with death for their beliefs. Will they be killed by Giddianhi and the evil Gadianton robbers before the sign is fulfilled?
The Good Samaritan tells the most touching parable that Jesus ever taught. The story begins with the lawyer’s trick question, “What is the greatest commandment?” As Jesus answers with the story of the robbers, the Rabbi, the Levite and the wounded traveler becomes real. Imagine the traveler’s emotion as his own countrymen pass by while his enemy, a Samaritan, stops to help him. Jesus teaches us to love and serve one another no matter how we differ.
The Good Samaritan tells the most touching parable that Jesus ever taught. The story begins with the lawyer’s trick question, “What is the greatest commandment?” As Jesus answers with the story of the robbers, the Rabbi, the Levite and the wounded traveler becomes real. Imagine the traveler’s emotion as his own countrymen pass by while his enemy, a Samaritan, stops to help him. Jesus teaches us to love and serve one another no matter how we differ.
Alma the Younger and the Sons of Mosiah rebel against their parents and work to destroy the church of Christ. In answer to their parents’ prayers, they are visited by an angel. Alma is struck as if dead and his soul suffers the torment of sin. Alma later awakes as new person, converted by the mercy of Jesus Christ. Alma and Mosiah’s sons become the greatest missionaries in the Book of Mormon. Mosiah 26–28; and Alma 36.
Ammon, one of the sons of Mosiah, forsakes kingship to become a missionary to the Nephites’ mortal enemy, the Lamanites. Ammon shows great humility as he asks to become servant to the Lamanite king, Lamoni. Later, Ammon defends the king’s flocks against a band of robbers. His faithful example brings Ammon the opportunity to preach unto the king, bringing him and many others to humility, repentance and conversion.
In the years following the sign of Jesus’ birth the Nephites grow wicked. Then a great storm and earthquakes ravage the land, followed by three days of darkness. When hope seems lost, the resurrected Savior appears in glory to the Nephites. He ministers, preaches, and calls disciples to His work. His perfect love and teachings cause the Nephites to be spiritually changed and live peacefully.
He is Risen is the story of the greatest miracle of all, the resurrection and ascension of Jesus. Sorrow and despair at the Lord’s crucifixion become complete joy and love as the disciples behold their resurrected Master three days later. The events of the real story of Easter teach of the atonement and resurrection, providing hope to Christians around the world.
Abinadi courageously stands before wicked King Noah and his evil priests, calling them to repentance and testifying of Christ. Though Abinadi is killed after fulfilling this mission, his words touch Alma’s heart. Alma, one of the priests, repents and soon brings many people to the waters of baptism as a missionary of the coming Christ. Will these true believers also escape persecution from King Noah?
Lehi and his family, led by the Liahona, arrive to the shores of a great sea after traveling far from Jerusalem. Nephi, son of Lehi, is commanded by the Lord to build a ship. They practice faith and obedience to overcome every obstacle and sail to the Promised Land. Witness their gratitude as they kneel on the shore of their new home and give thanks to God for the successful journey.
The King is Born is a video classic about the birth of Jesus based on the Bible. Beginning with Gabriel announcing God's blessed plan for Mary, this video brings all the elements of this timeless store to life. Journey with Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem and witness the humble birth of our Savior together with the shepherds.
The King is Born is a video classic about the birth of Jesus based on the Bible. Beginning with Gabriel announcing God's blessed plan for Mary, this video brings all the elements of this timeless store to life. Journey with Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem and witness the humble birth of our Savior together with the shepherds.
The prophet Lehi preaches repentance to the people of Jerusalem and is persecuted. After he and his family leave Jerusalem he is told by the Lord to return and obtain the brass plates containing the sacred books of Moses. Nephi and his brothers muster their faith, obedience, and determination as they return to obtain the plates from the wicked Laban. 1 Nephi:1–5.
Taran é um cuidador de porcos com sonhos de se tornar um grande guerreiro. No entanto, ele tem que deixar seu sonho de lado quando um porco chamado Hen Wen, é sequestrado por um senhor maligno conhecido como Rei Chifrudo. O vilão espera que Hen mostre o caminho para o Caldeirão Negro, que tem o poder de criar um gigantesco exército de soldados invencíveis.
Taran é um cuidador de porcos com sonhos de se tornar um grande guerreiro. No entanto, ele tem que deixar seu sonho de lado quando um porco chamado Hen Wen, é sequestrado por um senhor maligno conhecido como Rei Chifrudo. O vilão espera que Hen mostre o caminho para o Caldeirão Negro, que tem o poder de criar um gigantesco exército de soldados invencíveis.
Raposa e cão crescem juntos como amigos, mas descobrem aos poucos que são inimigos na ordem natural das coisas. Quando adultos, põe a amizade em jogo.
A história mostra a amizade de um menino com o seu Burrinho, o Pequenino.
Assistant Director
Em três deliciosas aventuras, Puff e seus amigos enfrentam uma enchente, se envolvem com um enxame de abelhas e se divertem com um tigre saltador!
Assistant Director
Rabbit is tired of Tigger always bouncing him, so he gets Pooh and Piglet together to come up with an idea to get the bounce out of Tigger. Then, Tigger and little Roo go out for a bounce and get caught in a tree.