Antonio Méndez Esparza


Something Is About to Happen
A woman whose life takes a definitive turn the day that loses her job as a computer programer.
Something Is About to Happen
A woman whose life takes a definitive turn the day that loses her job as a computer programer.
Courtroom 3H
Through different legal cases and the complexity of the State of Florida’s legal processes involving minors, the film shows how delicate legal resolutions can be for children, who are ultimately the ones most affected by these judicial decisions.
Courtroom 3H
Through different legal cases and the complexity of the State of Florida’s legal processes involving minors, the film shows how delicate legal resolutions can be for children, who are ultimately the ones most affected by these judicial decisions.
Nada Além da Vida
Standing on the edge of adulthood, Andrew yearns to find his purpose as a young African-American in today's America. With his mother longing to find more to her life then parenting, Andrew is forced to take on the mounting pressure of family responsibility. His search for connection with an absent father, leads him to a dangerous crossroads.
Nada Além da Vida
Standing on the edge of adulthood, Andrew yearns to find his purpose as a young African-American in today's America. With his mother longing to find more to her life then parenting, Andrew is forced to take on the mounting pressure of family responsibility. His search for connection with an absent father, leads him to a dangerous crossroads.
Aqui e Ali
Depois de trabalhar vários anos nos Estados Unidos, Pedro retorna ao México e é recebido por suas filhas e sua esposa, que sentiram sua falta. Mas a vida em sua cidade não é igual a que conheceu em Nova York. Ele será capaz de regressar?
Time And Again
Time and Again (Una y otra vez) explores the difficulties and pressures faced by Pedro, a Latin American immigrant living in New York and working in a factory, and his love story with another immigrant from Latin America.
Time And Again
Time and Again (Una y otra vez) explores the difficulties and pressures faced by Pedro, a Latin American immigrant living in New York and working in a factory, and his love story with another immigrant from Latin America.