Kenneth Fortescue

Kenneth Fortescue

Nascimento : 1931-06-08, Kew, Surrey, England, UK

Morte : 1985-03-21


Kenneth Fortescue


A Maldição do Espelho
Charles Foxwell (‘Murder at Midnight’)
Jane Marple resolve o mistério de quando uma mulher local é envenenado e uma estrela de cinema visitante parece ter sido a vítima.
As 13 Noivas de Fu Manchu
Sergeant Spicer
Desta vez, Fu Manchu e seu exército de capangas estão sequestrando as filhas de cientistas proeminentes e levando-as para sua sede na ilha remota. Em vez de pedir resgate, Fu exige que os pais o ajudem a construir um raio da morte, que ele pretende usar para dominar o mundo. Mas o arquiinimigo de Fu, Nayland Smith, da Scotland Yard, está determinado a não deixar isso acontecer.
Lawrence da Arábia
Allenby's Aide (uncredited)
Graças ao seu conhecimento dos beduínos, o oficial britânico T.E. Lawrence é enviado à Arábia para encontrar o príncipe Faisal e servir de ligação entre árabes e ingleses na luta contra os turcos. Com a ajuda do nativo xerife Ali, Lawrence se rebela contra as ordens de seus superiores e enfrenta uma jornada através do deserto para atacar um porto turco bem protegido.
Petticoat Pirates
Paul Turner
Undistinguished British farce (in Technicolor and CinemaScope). Stoker Charlie (the diminutive Drake) helps 150 Wrens under Superintendent Maxine Audley, who've hijacked a frigate, HMS 'Huntress', to prove they're the equal of their male counterparts. Hardly a feminist masterpiece, but fans will relish the nightmare court-martial in which Drake plays all the parts
The Best of Enemies
Lt. Thomlinson
During World War II, a plane full of RAF fighter crashes in the Ethiopian desert and they are met upon by an enemy Italian patrol that allows them to go free. But, when the Brits are given orders to attack the Italians, lots of problems ensue.
Don't Bother to Knock
An Edinburgh travel agent loses his keys and his fiancé in one night. A friend finds the keys and makes loads of copies with his address attached as a joke. She gives them to him as he leaves for a holiday. He gives the keys to several women he romances across the continent. He gets engaged again by phone and arranges to meet his fiancé at his flat, but the flat isn't empty
Desert Mice
Peter Ribston
A World War II farce that follows the antics of an ENSA (Entertainment National Service Association) group. Fresh from the music halls, they bumble their way from army camp to camp.
Tank Force!
Cpl. Johnson
During World War II, members of a British tank unit in northern Africa are captured and held prisoners by Germans.
High Flight
John Fletcher
The Commanding Officer of an RAF Training School must deal with a difficult cadet, but the cadet reminds the C.O. of himself when young.
Como Matar um Tio Rico
Albert Clitterbern
A broke British nobleman (Nigel Patrick) targets his Canadian uncle (Charles Coburn), but other relatives get in the way.