Renato Pinciroli

Renato Pinciroli

Nascimento : 1905-01-22,

Morte : 1976-09-02


Renato Pinciroli


Cugine mie
Ottavio Bordignon
Mara, Silvia and Irene, three sisters, are sent from Rome to Padua as guests of prof. Bordignon, their uncle. First, they let off steam with the young cousin Anselmo; then, realizing that their destiny is a boarding school, they take plot their revenge.
Per amore di Cesarina
il padre di Davide
Davide Camporesi is the owner of the "Tornerai" pension in Cesenatico which he manages together with his wife Elvira and daughter Carletta, and which mainly welcomes German tourists. One day, during a trip to the countryside to buy wine, Davide meets Vindice Forattini, a former partisan comrade whom he had not seen for 30 years and who now sells agricultural feed together with his attractive daughter Cesarina. During the meeting, Davide is deeply impressed by Cesarina, and invites her to stay at the family pension. But things soon get out of hand to Davide, who finds himself romantically involved.
Perdutamente tuo... mi firmo Macaluso Carmelo fu Giuseppe
don Saverio
Son of a poor Sicilian sharecropper committing suicide (he owed half a million lire to Baron Lamia), 35-year-old Carmelo Macaluso returns to the Sicilian town, after 15 years of hard work in Germany, with a Mercedes, 100 million in his briefcase and the ambitious plan to buy the respect of the villagers ...
Oh, Serafina!
padre di Augusto
Augusto Valle is a successful young industrialist who weds Palmira, the girl working in his factory, and the two have a child despite the infant's uncertain legitimacy. Scheming to control her husband's fortune, Palmira has affairs with both the mayor and the judge to have Augusto committed to a mental institution. While there, he falls in love with Serafina Vitali, a young woman who was also put away.
Two hearts, a Chapel
Il Prete
Aristide receives a big inheritance from his mother, but when he meets a beautiful redhead at the cemetery, his life changes unexpectedly.
A Virgin Named Mary
A second coming? This time our savior chose a shantytown outside Turin, in the north of Italy, overcrowded by poor families coming from the south in search of a job in a factory, or less legal ways to survive. Young Maria (Cinzia De Carolis) can predict the future during her epileptic seizures, or at least that's what everyone believes, and her mother (Clelia Matania) sells her predictions and responses to the superstitious neighbors, after inducing her "trance" with electricity. One night the shock is too strong, and Maria seems to die: when she wakes up, she is found pregnant. And being a honest unmarried girl from the south, she is obviously still virgin... Notwithstanding the opposition of the local priest (Turi Ferro), everyone, including her, believes in the miracle, and prepares for a second coming, in a crescendo of fanaticism that is soon noticed by the press, and by the official church..
Mala, amore e morte
Cemetery Guard
A woman is killed, and Femi Benussi appears to investigate. Her clothes fall off in almost every scene as with the help of a young handsome man she seeks a resolution to the mystery surrounding the murder, and the meaning of a block of wood with cryptical markings. Femi runs afoul of a bunch of idiotic gangsters, including a mob boss whose trademark is a red rose which he carries with him at all times. Some other girl is taking her clothes off a lot as well. Eventually they wind up in a weird sex club and then a graveyard.
L'eredità dello zio buonanima
When a rich uncle dies, giving him a great inheritance, Franco will clash with other grandchildren and lawyers.
The Time of the Beginning
Paziente anziano / 'Il Capo'
A "symbolic" character traces the path of man in search of salvation in this world within his own ghosts and deformations.
Run, Run, Joe!
Boss of the Bad Guys
When a don who they were suppose to protect ends up dead, his bodyguard and bodyguard's friend must go under cover to escape the wrath of mob.
A Viagem Proibida
The charming Adriana gets sick after her husband's death. Her brother-in-law takes her on a journey to meet a doctor, while love overwhelms them.
This crime drama follows Italian police commissioner Caprile (Henry Silva) as he races to rescue the 6-year-old daughter of an important businessman. Also hoping to save her is Frank Salvatore (Gabriele Ferzetti), the old-school Mafia don accused of the crime. Caprile leans on a low-level thug (Philippe Leroy) for information and is led to Salvatore, who considers children to be off-limits as targets and hopes to restore his reputation
Società a responsabilità molto limitata
Ku Fu? Dalla Sicilia con furore
The Sicilian Franco is a sort of imitation of Bruce Lee that Don Vito, a Chinese expelled from his country because he smuggled rice from Palermo to Beijing, tries to train in the art of kung-fu with disastrous results.
Buona parte di Paolina
Paulina, sister of Napoleon I, is married to Camillo Borghese, presented as a helpless coward. She is eager to offer herself to all the young people that propose to her, and performs naked in front of the Roman people flocking to the walls of Villa Borghese, which she turned into a private residence. She also poses half naked for the famous statue of Canova, who is also presented as a effeminate and scoundrel. When her reputation as a depraved spreads, on the advice of the Pope, she is segregated away from all the men. when the French troops deport from Rome the Pope and the cardinals as well, Paulina sees prostitution as the only way to find herself some "fresh meat". Finally after seven years villa Borghese is reopened to the public, as Paulina goes back to Paris, to the great relief of the Roman people and the clerical circles.
Beautiful, Rich, Slight Physical Defect, Seeks Soulmate
signor Fiore, il padre di Michele
Le notti peccaminose di Pietro l'Aretino
L'invocatore di Satanasso
The Cat in Heat
A man returns home to his wife from a business trip only to find a dead body in their yard.
Armiamoci e partite!
French General
Franco and Ciccio work as waiters in an inn in France. The day Ciccio officially takes French citizenship, the First World War breaks out between Germany and France and all citizens are forced to enlist.
So Sweet... So Perverse
Industrialist Jean is living a jet set life in late sixties Paris. He comes to the aid of a frightened young woman (Nicole) who is under the domineering control of her abusive boyfriend, Klaus. Although married, Jean develops a romantic relationship with Nicole. However, he may have gotten himself involved in more than he bargained for.
Era uma Vez no Oeste
Bidder (uncredited)
Enquanto os construtores ferroviários marcham imparavelmente através do deserto de Arizona a caminho do mar, Jill chega à pequena cidade de Flagstone com a intenção de começar uma nova vida.
One More to Hell
Bank director
Johnny King, a rebellious drifter, sets out to avenge the death of his mentor and friend, Steve, after he has been murdered for his land by the Ward Brothers. After causing some trouble for the Wards, Johnny faces a new opponent, his outlaw friend, Meredith.
Quem Dispara Primeiro?
Ringo e Harry são amigos que sonham em fazer fortuna facilmente. Mas sempre que tentam dar um golpe algo sai errado, e os dois têm que sair fugindo da justiça e de Roger Pratt e seu bando, pois esse perdeu seu irmão num duelo com Rigo. Depois de tentar dar um golpe em uma cidade, montando um telegrafo eles acabam sendo descobertos e fogem novamente para um sítio comprado por Rigo. Acreditam que vão viver tranquilos, mas o bando de Roger Pratt cerca o sítio atrás de vingança.
Felizes Para Sempre
Carpaccio, Rodrigo's servant
Nápoles, século XVII. O Príncipe Rodrigo Ferrante y Davalos (Omar Sharif) nobre espanhol de grande encanto e coragem, está a viver em Itália. Ele tem de encontrar uma esposa e a corte impõe-lhe a escolha entre sete belas princesas. Mas ele apaixona-se por uma camponesa simples, altiva e temperamental, de rara beleza e de enormes virtudes, chamada Isabella (Sophia Loren). O amor deles, fulminante e repentino, vai, no entanto, deparar-se com muitos obstáculos... mas a bela e destemida jovem do povo vai derrotar as delambidas e inexperientes princesas, desmascarar os seus truques e fraquezas e acaba por casar com o príncipe Rodrigo.
A Noite do Prazer
A trilogy of comedic tales set in the Middle Ages.
Menage Italian Style
The Police Officer (uncredited)
In Italy in the 60's it is difficult to get a divorce. Carlo gets a visit from his Swedish wife, but he is already remarried. Every time he meets a new woman, he vanishes away from the last wife.
Seduzida à Siciliana
presidente del tribunale
Two young men in a village in Sicily raping a girl. In the end, two skilled lawyers will succeed in getting them to complete the trial, but one, who in the meantime has fallen in love with the victim.
O Bandido Giuliano
Pinciroli (uncredited)
Sicilian bandit Salvatore Giuliano's bullet-riddled corpse is found facedown in a courtyard in Castelvetrano, a handgun and rifle by his side. Local and international press descend upon the scene, hoping to crack open the true story behind the death of this young man, who, at the age of twenty-seven, had already become Italy’s most wanted criminal and celebrated hero.
Divórcio à Italiana
Um barão siciliano casado se apaixona por sua prima e promete casar com ela, mas como o divórcio é ilegal ele deve inventar um crime de adultério para acabar com sua esposa. Ferdinando Cefalù está desesperado por se casar com sua prima, Angela, mas ele já é casado com Rosalia e o divórcio é ilegal na Itália. Para contornar a lei, ele tenta persuadir sua esposa para ter um caso para que ele possa atraí-la e matá-la, pois ele sabe que receberá uma sentença leve por matar uma mulher adúltera. Ele convence um pintor a conquistar sua esposa para um caso amoroso, mas Rosalia prova ser mais fiel do que ele esperava. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
A Aventura
Uma mulher desaparece no meio de uma viagem de barco no Mediterrâneo. Durante a busca pela mulher, seu namorado e sua melhor amiga ficam atraídos um pelo outro. Um grupo de ricos italianos saem numa viagem de iate para uma ilha vulcânica deserta no Mediterrâneo. Quando eles estão prestes a deixar a ilha eles se dão conta de que Anna, o personagem principal até este ponto, desapareceu. Sandro, o namorado de Anna, e Claudia, a amiga de Anna, tentam sem sucesso encontrá-la. Enquanto procuravam a amiga desaparecido, Claudia e Sandro desenvolvem uma atração entre eles. Quando voltam à terra continuam a busca sem sucesso. Sandro e Claudia se tornam amantes, e quase esquecem a Anna desaparecida. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
A Sicilian nobleman is very jealous of his mistress and when she gets married flies off his handle and commits a murder of which an innocent man is accused. He is however tormented by his conscience.