Pamela Wallace


Color My World with Love
Emma's daughter Kendall becomes engaged, but Emma is concerned as Kendall and her fiancé have Down Syndrome and Emma worries she's not ready to take this step.
Vida Nova em Mitford
Cynthia é uma autora de livros infantis cuja inspiração desaparece ao se divorciar. Para mudar um pouco de ambiente, decide viajar a uma pequena cidade chamada Mitford, onde conhece pessoas e lugares novos, e também se permite viver uma aventura inesperada de amor verdadeiro.
Em Busca de uma Família
Alex tem paixão pelo aprendizado, instigado pela mãe amorosa que tem um doutorado e fala seis línguas. Porém, sua mãe sofre um acidente que a deixa bipolar, fazendo que que não tenha mais condições de cuidar da criança. Quando Alex encontra refúgio na escola, corre o risco de perde-la, e agora ele deve encontrar novos pais. Baseado na historia real de Alex Chivescu.
When a privileged law student gets a homework assignment to help a disadvantaged single mother find—and keep—a job, he learns that some of the greatest lessons aren’t taught in school.
A Soldier's Love Story
Ten year old Jared Marshall's life crumbled down after his parents' divorce a year ago. Not only does his dad put his job first since, mother uproots him from Iowa by moving in with her ma so she can take a job in California. When Jared's class writes letters to US troops in Bosnia from the nearest base, kindhearted Sergeant First Class Vince Carerra, who grew up fatherless and got divorced because his wife wasn't faithful while he was on tour of duty, takes to the kid and starts a correspondence with 'fatherly' advice. Once his unit returns to Fort Sebastian, Vince calls on Jared's home, warmly welcomed. Vince becomes Jared's personal baseball coach and after some Cupid encouragement, his mother's boyfriend, but on an understanding not to commit because he's likely to be redeployed.
Living Out Loud
A wife and mother, diagnosed with breast cancer, decides to truly live her life, which has become comfortable and predictable, and the family must adjust.
A Very Merry Daughter of the Bride
Executive Producer
A wedding planner looks to persuade her mother not to marry a man she's only known for a brief period of time, until an unexpected development forces her to re-examine her feelings.
O Eterno Legado do Amor
Missie volta a morar com seus pais e precisa se acostumar com a vida de mãe solteira após a morte de seu marido. Precisa encontrar forças e manter-se firme para superar obstáculos e vencer desafios.
Last Chance Cafe
Executive Producer
After uncovering evidence that her stepfather was murdered by her D.A. ex-husband and a ring of corrupt cops, a young woman is forced to flee with her daughter. She winds up hiding in a small, rural town, and things take a turn for the better when she falls head over heels for a local ranch owner -- but is danger still hot on her tail? Stay tuned!
Last Chance Cafe
After uncovering evidence that her stepfather was murdered by her D.A. ex-husband and a ring of corrupt cops, a young woman is forced to flee with her daughter. She winds up hiding in a small, rural town, and things take a turn for the better when she falls head over heels for a local ranch owner -- but is danger still hot on her tail? Stay tuned!
Though None Go With Me
Elizabeth Leroy devotes her life to serving God but her faith is tested over the years as she has to overcome many hardships and sorrows.
Meet The Santas
Because she is marrying the man who assumed the mantle of Santa Claus last December 26, Beth's postponed wedding has to be rescheduled for Xmas eve. Overwhelmed by selling the house she and her son share and the prospect of the duties of Mrs. Claus, she has to call on her estranged socialite Grinch of a mother to arrange the wedding. Of course her mom has never met the fiancé nor his family and has no inkling of his secret. This is a sequel to 2004's Single Santa Seeks Mrs. Claus.
Meet The Santas
Because she is marrying the man who assumed the mantle of Santa Claus last December 26, Beth's postponed wedding has to be rescheduled for Xmas eve. Overwhelmed by selling the house she and her son share and the prospect of the duties of Mrs. Claus, she has to call on her estranged socialite Grinch of a mother to arrange the wedding. Of course her mom has never met the fiancé nor his family and has no inkling of his secret. This is a sequel to 2004's Single Santa Seeks Mrs. Claus.
Single Santa Seeks Mrs. Claus
Nick's plan to let fate bring his wife to him must be altered because he must replace his father as Santa Claus on December 26. Ernst, the right-hand man to several generations of Santas, generates a list of potential mates. Nick dutifully sets off to meet them, but fate may have a candidate after all.
Straight From the Heart
Jordan Donavan, a photographer in New York, is so disappointed when after five years of going steady Edward Morgan offers her not marriage but just to move in with him, that she accepts the match-making arranged via a magazine by her female friend with Tyler Ross, a horse rancher in the West, whose candidacy was actually also posted by his sister. After a bad start they soon grow closer.
Borrowed Hearts
Single mom Kathleen Russell (Roma Downey) and her daughter Zoey pretend to be Kathleen's boss's "family" so he can close a major business deal with the mysterious Mexican financier Javier Del Campo.
Laid up after an accident on the slopes, ski champ Marti Gerrard receives a wrong-number phone call from software tycoon Connor Hill. The two hit it off and become regular phone friends... until Hill's wife is murdered and Marti realises that she may be his only alibi.
O Preço de Uma Escolha
O aborto é o tema comum de três histórias passadas em diferentes ocasiões: em 1954, jovem viúva recorre ao aborto quando fica grávida do cunhado, meses após a morte do marido; em 1970, família decide se a mãe, que já tem 4 filhos, deve dar à luz o quinto; e nos anos 1990, jovem que engravidou de professor chega à clínica em meio a uma manifestação.
A Murderous Affair: The Carolyn Warmus Story
A married man meets a beautiful woman and they begin an affair.
Vivendo um Conto de Fadas
Kelly Carter trabalha para o famoso estilista Francesco e tem o sonho de poder desenhar sapatos para ele. Após enfrentar alguns fracassos e não conseguir chamar a atenção do chefe, Kelly encontra uma fada bondosa que lança um feitiço em seus sapatos. Depois disso, ela se transforma na modelo Prudence toda vez que usa os calçados enfeitiçados. Kelly vai ao baile de Francesco e ganha seu coração, mas agora precisa fazer o estilista amá-la por quem ela realmente é.
Paixões Proibidas
Uma jovem norte-americana, Casey Cantrell (Stone), vai a Inglaterra para realizar o último desejo de sua falecida mãe: entregar uma misteriosa carta, nas mãos de um rico aristocrata. Michael, o charmoso filho do lorde Bredon, apaixona-se imediatamente pela moça, deixando seu pai furioso. Acusada de oportunista, Casey é tratada com ironia e desprezo pelo lorde, mas Michael desconfia da relação do pai e passa a investigar os reais motivos daquela gressividade repentina.
Dreams Lost, Dreams Found
A young American widow is mysteriously drawn to a historic castle in the Scottish Highlands and finds herself at the center of a 200-year old ghost story.
Love with a Perfect Stranger
Beautiful wealthy American businesswoman meets eccentric Irishman on an Italian train, who sets out to woo her. What ensues is something neither imagined happening.
A Testemunha
A viúva amish Rachel e seu filho Samuel pretendem viajar e, na estação de trem de Filadélfia, o menino presencia o assassinato de um policial e reconhece outro como assassino. Para protegê-los, John Book, o policial encarregado do caso, resolve levá-los de volta para a comunidade a que pertencem e que recusa os benefícios da vida moderna. Ao ser ferido pelos assassinos, o detetive precisa ficar na comunidade até se recuperar e encontra dificuldades para se adaptar ao novo estilo de vida.