Mary Sellers

Mary Sellers


Mary Sellers


Loon Lake
Madeleine and Rosy, age 15, both have issues with boys and sex, which they want to resolve this summer. They are vacationing at a cabin on Loon Lake in Maine. When they meet two local guys at the general store they naively accept an invitation to a secret rendez-vous at a secluded pond on a mountaintop for skinny dipping. After the meeting goes wrong, the girls get lost in the woods and as night falls a happy outing turns into a nightmare.
Loon Lake
Madeleine and Rosy, age 15, both have issues with boys and sex, which they want to resolve this summer. They are vacationing at a cabin on Loon Lake in Maine. When they meet two local guys at the general store they naively accept an invitation to a secret rendez-vous at a secluded pond on a mountaintop for skinny dipping. After the meeting goes wrong, the girls get lost in the woods and as night falls a happy outing turns into a nightmare.
The Room Next Door
Grace Waits
Martin Yakobowsky is a brilliant lawyer whose family originally comes from Poland. He is assigned by his legal practice to resolve a contentious case in the prevalently agricultural town in the heart of Iowa, where he was born. After his initial reluctance, due largely to his having cut off all ties with the community of his birthplace, Martin decides to return to the town.
The Childhood Friend
Jenny Cohen
40-year-old Arnold Gardner is put in charge of the talk show "The Twenty-fifth Hour" after the death of the former host Duncan Mackay. His role on screen creates immediate interest and the program becomes a great success with TV audiences. This proves to be a period of great satisfaction for Arnold, but his childhood friend, Eddie Greenberg, suddenly comes on the scene. Eddie is ill and frustrated by lack of success, and is so resentful and envious of Arnold's fame that he wants him to make a full public confession of a "sin" he committed in his young days.
The Blonde in Black
The Crawlers
People from a small town are attacked by evil radioactive tree roots growing in the forest.
Ask for the Moon
No-nonsense workaholic Marco runs the family business along with his older brother. When the latter suddenly disappears, Marco has to put aside his job and family to search for him together with Elena, his brother's girlfriend.
Elisa and Karl are in a department store at closing time planning to steal a shirt, but Karl has to run to retrieve the car. And in the dark, after closing, Elisa witnesses a murder. Only problem is, she's blind. And when a police officer who was protecting the witness is killed it becomes more difficult for the Commissioner. And even more complicated when his relationship with Elisa starts to become a love-hate relationship.
The Mask of Satan
In this loose remake of Black Sunday (1960), a group of skiers in Northern Italy land in a huge crevasse where they find the body of a long dead girl covered by a mask. Out of curiosity and nothing better to do they remove the mask and start playing games with it. Turns out this dead girl is the witch Anibas who had been condemned to die by burning and the mask put on her face to prevent her return.
Italian erotic thriller television series that originally aired on Italia 1 from September 29 to December 22, 1989. It is based on the Valentina comics series by Italian artist Guido Crepax. The series follows a Milanese fashion photographer, Valentina Rosselli, and her supernatural encounters and investigations.
A Última Tentação de Cristo
People at Sermon
Jesus (Willem Dafoe) é um carpinteiro que vive um grande dilema, pois é quem faz as cruzes com as quais os romanos crucificam seus oponentes. Resumindo, Jesus se sente como um judeu que mata judeus. Vivendo um terrível conflito interior ele decide ir para o deserto, mas antes pede perdão a Maria Madalena (Barbara Hershey), que se irrita com Jesus, pois não se comporta como uma prostituta e sim como uma mulher que quer sentir um homem ao seu lado. Ao retornar, Jesus volta convencido de que é o filho de Deus e logo salva Maria Madalena de ser apedrejada e morta. Então reúne doze discípulos à sua volta e prega o amor, mas seus ensinamentos são encarados como algo ameaçador, então é preso e condenado a morrer na cruz. Já crucificado, é tentado a imaginar como teria sido sua vida se fosse uma pessoa comum.
A group of unlikely companions receive a radio call leading to a deserted house with a grisly past. After exploring the house, the group makes the foolish decision to split up, leading to a trail of death and destruction as the house unleashes its deadly past. Along the way expect severed heads, exploding light bulbs, demonic clown dolls, and creepy children.
Onze Dias, Onze Noites
In eleven days time, Michael is due to wed his fiancée Helen. However, a chance meeting with Sarah, a total stranger, threatens to destroy all his plans as he is seduced on the spot and finds himself unable to resist her.
O Pássaro Sangrento
A troupe of struggling stage actors rehearsing for a small-town production of a play panic after finding out they are locked in the theater with a killer wearing an owl mask.
The Immigrant
Emigrating vampires roam the streets of America (starring Mary Seller)