Biopic about a General in the Mexican Revolution. Sequel: Persecucion y muerte de Benjamin Argumedo.
Dramatization of a popular '70s corrido.
Don Jorge
While attending the birth of Isabel, the wife of foreigner Felipe, Mama Santos predicts that "something terrible is going to happen in the town." From this omen, calamities will torment the locals.
El pelos, El negro Tito, Alambres, Coco e Serafín, engraxates do Equador, não podem comprar uma bola de futebol. O ex-jogador Cantera, aleijado devido a uma lesão, faz com que o famoso jogador Spencer lhes dê ingressos para ver um jogo e eles jogam com uma bola de trapos, mas são expulsos do campo pela gangue do adolescente Félix. Seu pai, um assaltante, é ferido e o médico que extrai uma bala se opõe a que sua filha seja namorada do boêmio Leonardo. Jorgito, um rico colega de classe de El pelos, convida as crianças pobres para o seu aniversário e dá-lhes uma das bolas que lhe dão, mas o bando de Félix leva-a embora. El pelos e Tino tentam recuperá-lo, mas são acusados de roubo. A filha do médico e o boêmio fogem e uma antiga namorada do médico, solteirona porque ele não a sequestrou, o convence a deixar a filha casar com quem ele quiser.
Rich man who owns an island sanctuary is involved in some shady business. Meanwhile, his daughter... and also meanwhile, the tribe of hippies that are racing around on dune buggies...
Rich man who owns an island sanctuary is involved in some shady business. Meanwhile, his daughter... and also meanwhile, the tribe of hippies that are racing around on dune buggies...
Rich man who owns an island sanctuary is involved in some shady business. Meanwhile, his daughter... and also meanwhile, the tribe of hippies that are racing around on dune buggies...
Abel (segment "Soledad")
Three tales of horror, isolation and insanity set in Mexico.
Dr. Leobardo Druso
Escape-artist-mentalist-martial-arts superhero vs. mad scientist and monsters.
Gonzalo de la Puente
A motorcycle gang goes to a mansion where a party is being held and joy turns into tragedy.
An ambitious businessman searches for the perfect candidate to train and turn into a great boxing champion.
Tancredo, a poor man, is in love with a rich girl, who does not return his feelings. One day when she is bathing in a river, a flood sweeps her away and Tancredo is unable to save her. Mad with grief, he steals the sun. The gods call Apolinar to restore light to the earth, but he is obstructed by the magician of darkness, until by means of a telescope he is able to send a bag of light to Tancredo, now grown old. Tancredo goes to the seashore and opens the bag of light as an offering to his beloved, whereupon the sun returns to the earth.
Don Carlos Martinez
Shmuck makes a superhero costume, rides his bike to crime scenes. He gets involved with something big involving US capitalists taking over local Mexican businesses.
Fiftyish head of household tries to hang onto his fun-loving youth while imposing his most rigid value judgements on his young-adult children.
Mayor Salinas
Two Air force pilots are best friends in that competitive, always picking fights with each other way.
Heist movie: bank teller develops an elaborate game plan to lift money from the vault where she works.
A family gathers to celebrate Mother's Day, that day a woman discuss many problems about her woman condition; husband, children and grandchildren will hear she tired and overwhelmed silenced by submission and obedience. Analysis of the family and gender roles.
PG (segment "La rebelde")
Anthology film: three "sophisticated" rom-com scenarios.
Two young adults, brother and sister, discover that both were adopted, and they start to develop grown-up feelings toward each other. Is this the worst, most perverse thing to ever happen? Opinions differ.
Sgt Canales, el tigre de San Fernando
Miguel Cañete is a village man who is called up by the Navy to do military service, but he lives alone with his little brother and doesn't know where to leave him...
Jaime Botel
A man, torn inside by two passions, falls for the woman against whom he sought revenge, believing her to be responsible for the death of his brother.
Two brothers try to kill their stepfather to avenge the death of their mother.
Tired of the monotony of her work, Mary O'Hara, executive of an important American company, travels to Acapulco for a few days in search of love and adventure. On the beach, her high hopes fade, since she only meets unscrupulous playboys. She declines all offers she gets until she meets Pancho el Golfo, a young man who makes a living as he can.
Javier Almada
Adult seduces and abandons a teenaged girl, she has a baby. Fifteen years later...
A young and innocent girl is betrayed by the man whom she loves and has to become a prostitute because her family rejects her.
The Secret Agent Lafargue locates the evil Professor Marcus headquarters, who with the help of Dr. Bellini and an android of his invention, plan to conquer the world. Lafargue is discovered and severely injured, so he is unable to remember where it is the basis of Marcus or what their plan. To resolve this situation the authorities call the Agent Zero team.
Pepe Castaño
Maria is a young orphan who lives with her wealthy aunt. Maria sings in a cocktail bar with his friends, who form a rock band, and enjoy the night with them. One of his friends, Ernesto, is in love with her, though she does not seem to feel the same about him. In fact, multiple existential doubts and feel a strange emptiness in his life suddenly drive to enter a convent as a novice, breaking Ernestos' heart. However, with her cheerlul character, open and rebellious, not appear to conform to life in the cloister, and especially have problems with the novices director , who often punished for trying to take the right path. In the convent, which also functions as children's hospital, she meets a doctor with which it takes quite right for the contrast between his two characters, but his way with love and mutual respect.
Jaime Esquivel
Public health thriller: rabies in Mexico City.
Repressed middle-aged Catholic gets into a troublesome relationship with the prostitute next door and her little boy.
Camarada Osky Popovsky, primer ministro
Na Pepeslávia, um país poderoso do bloco oriental, a embaixada da pequena República dos Cocos está prestes a atingir uma importância decisiva, já que em uma próxima assembléia que todas as nações realizarão para discutir o futuro do mundo, o voto da pequena republica pode decidir o triunfo de um ou outro bloco. O ministro das Relações Exteriores López (Cantinflas) trabalha na embaixada, que todos conhecem como "Lopitos" e cuja posição é a última das autoridades, até um dia, por uma série de golpes sucessivos em seu país, a presidência chega à Padrinho de "Lopitos", que nomeia imediatamente seu afilhado embaixador na Pepeslávia.
Roberto Santander
Pragmatic young woman plots out her flirtations with five rich, eligible bachelors to play to the weaknesses of each one. Then she has to pick one for keeps.
Inspector Tomás Mateos
Dr. Satan, a mad scientist and sorceror, plans to take over the world. In order to do so, he wakes up three zombie slaves from the dead and attempts to make a deal with the devil. He sends his zombie servants to do harm to anyone who stands in his way. Will anyone be able to stop him?
Wandering cowboy stops to help a widow out against the man who killed her husband.
Late 16th century: two Azteca teens are very much in love, but older folks have designs on each of them. This can't end well...
Foreign mining concern resorts to illegal tactics to buy up land; two brothers are orphaned and dispossessed and they become outlaws in revenge.
Julio Gálvez Sr.
Young-adult movie about a crew of 8 or 10 upper-middle-class boys and girls -- mostly about the romance between two of them.
The Protector
Daniel Wolf, scientist with a brand new rocket ship and a girlfriend/secretary is sent to 'the planet of the eternal night' to fight the guy who has threatened earth. He is supposed to go alone, but his assistant sneaks in the ship somehow, along with two other guys.
Dr. Van Nielsen
Neutron, a wrestler/superhero, investigates a series of murders at a sanitarium.
The family of a dying man celebrates his wake while the man is still alive, showing their darker, selfish ambitions and trying to take the best part of the inheritance.
A mature woman looks for a judge to hand over after having murdered a man and recounts everything that happened. Sequel to "Historia de un canalla".
Fiscal Gómez
A woman betrayed and betrayed by a man falls into despair and ends up killing him.
Licenciado Miguel Gaudal
Independently-wealthy woman tries to break free of repressive, conservative cultural constraints.
Two rival gangs of outlaws are terrorizing a small town; el Comandante and his sidekicks pit them against each other and pick up the pieces.
Lawman on horseback cracks a case involving stolen gold bullion, the title to a mine, an evil twin and a plucky pre-adolescent boy. First in a series.
Arnulfo is a man weaving baskets. Remedios has given birth in front of the house of a woman and her aid, but the village is spread the word that the child born as a child God and an atheist would think exploit to their advantage the "miracle ".
El Demonio
O pobre e faminto camponês Macario sente saudades de uma boa refeição. Então, no Dia de Finados, a esposa prepara um peru assado. Na hora do jantar, Macario recebe a vista de três espíritos: o Diabo, Deus e a Morte. Cada um quer dividir o peru com Macario, mas ele só oferece a comida a Morte. Como recompensa, a Morte dá a ele uma garrafa de água capaz de curar qualquer doença. Logo Macario está mais saudável do que qualquer um na cidade. Mas isso desperta a atenção da população e, mais que isso, causa medo a todos, levando Macario a uma verdadeira inquisição.
After the US annexation of Texas, a landowner from Guanajuato faces problems from bigoted new neighbors.
Gangsters kidnap the writer of a crime-drama radio program to plot their heists for them.
Heaven Can Wait scenario; a young woman dies forty years ahead of schedule because her guardian angel made a mistake... so the divine powers that be put her back on earth in a new body.
Enrique Vallarta
A beautiful woman, fatally ill of the heart, is torn between the love of a poor sculptor and a forced marriage with the sadistic son of a millionaire.
Empty nest syndrome, #1388.
Raúl Olmedo
A humble tramp is turned, for a couple of days, into the richest and most famous man in México.