Barry Crocker

Barry Crocker


Barry Crocker


Além de Hollywood
Quando o cinema australiano alcançou o público internacional na década de 1970 por meio de filmes de arte respeitados como Picnic na Montanha Misteriosa (1975), de Peter Weir, um novo underground de cineastas de exploração de baixo orçamento estava produzindo consideravelmente menos filmes intelectuais. O documentarista Mark Hartley explora esta era desenfreada de sexo e violência, completa com clipes de alguns dos filmes mais ultrajantes e entrevistas com os próprios cineastas renegados.
The Sounds of Aus
The Sounds of Aus tells the story of the Australian accent: how it came about, how it has evolved over two hundred years of colonial and cultural history, and how it is today.
Katy Manning's World Down Under
Have you wondered what it’s like being a star from Doctor Who living in Australia? Almost the only star in fact! That’s exactly the life Katy has led for the last 20 years (off and on) and you wouldn’t believe the things she gets up to! Well probably you would! In this absolutely, totally and utterly unique production, Katy - Interviews Louise Pajo, Sue Willis, Robert Kitts and Keff McCulloch at an Aussie Doctor Who convention - Gives us a whirlwind tour of Sydney - Introduces us to the best friend who was her flatmate during Doctor Who - Embarrasses her children again - Persuades her partner, Aussie legend Barry Crocker, to step in front of the camera with her - Takes a sideways look at Doctor Who fandom in Australia. There really is only one Katy Manning … Thank God! This World is too small for any more!
O Casamento de Muriel
Porpoise Spit, Austrália. Muriel Heslop (Toni Collette) tem 22 anos e nunca teve muitos amigos, já que as roupas que usa são fora de moda e, ainda por cima, vive ouvindo as canções do ABBA. Além disto, está acima do peso e nunca demonstrou muitos talentos. Sua vida muda ao conhecer Rhonda Epinstalk (Rachel Griffiths), que também é excluída do meio social. Sonhando com uma vida livre, elas fogem para Sydney. Apesar das críticas de seu pai, Muriel acredita que possa enfim encontrar a felicidade e coloca como primeira meta se casar. É quando ela conhece e se apaixona por um famoso nadador.
Barry McKenzie Holds His Own
Barry McKenzie
Barry McKenzie's Aunt Edna is kidnapped by Count Von Plasma, the vampire head of an isolated Eastern European dictatorship who mistakes her for the Queen of England and thinks that kidnapping her will draw tourists to his country. Barry and his mates set out to rescue her and bring her back to Australia.
The Adventures of Barry McKenzie
Barry McKenzie
Barry McKenzie sets off for England with his aunt, Edna Everage, to advance his cultural education. Bazza is an innocent abroad, fond of beer, Bondi and beautiful sheilas, but he soon settles into the Australian ghetto in Earls Court, where his old mate Curly has a flat.