Lydia Lenossi

Lydia Lenossi


Lydia Lenossi


Aphrodite is thirteen and a half. Her friends call her Tin-Tin. Aphrodite is in love with Lou. Aphrodite wants to grow up...
Dream hotel
Ruby Cairo
Miss Abousief
Baseball cards and a food-aid worker help a woman follow her shady husband's money trail around the world.
Η άλλη όψη
A film by Tasos Psarras.
Érotas sta Kýmata
In a television contest, three boys and three girls, high school graduates earn a 7 day cruise on the Aegean islands. They accompany a professor and a professor. Infinite contingencies, funny incidents and peculiar coincidences occurring on board
Η Κατίνα Και Το Σόι Της
Στόχος η εκδίκηση
An actor's troupe puts up a variety show.
Εδώ είναι Βαλκάνια
A forgotten satirical (and occasionally dark) comedy about sex life in the Greek countryside.
Εδώ είναι Βαλκάνια
A forgotten satirical (and occasionally dark) comedy about sex life in the Greek countryside.
I am...
I am ... a "prostitute". The film refers to the harrowing life of a prostitute, Rita, who is a daughter of a prostitute - with her mother now in a very difficult situation as she is ill and miserable. However, she seems to be reconciled with her fate. But when she learns that her promoter, Takis, is trying to corrupt her daughter's daughter, she rages up and goes to the murder.
Καταζητείται το πρόσωπο της ημέρας
The trial of a young rapist and murderer becomes the reason for his past to be revealed, through the telling of events that preceded the assassination.
Δώστε την τσόντα στο λαό!
Amantes de Verão
Casal de namorados americanos Michael e Cathy vão para a Grécia passar o verão na Ilha de Santorini onde, apesar de seu amor por Cathy, ele se sente tremendamente atraído por Lina (Valerie Quennessen), uma misteriosa arqueóloga francesa. A beleza exótica de Lina fascina Michael, e ele se vê entre a mulher que ele ama...e a mulher que ele deseja. Mas quando ele revela seu conflito a Cathy, ela surpreende a ambos indo confrontar Lina. O que surgirá desse confronto tornará este o verão mais delirante e instigante de suas vidas.
Ο Τσαρλατάνος
Balamoutis' secretary
Twenty Women and I
A bunch of women dominates Kostas Filipou's life. His mother Smaro and his three sisters: married Rika - who wants to take a divorce -, religious Fanouria and Tzela the student. The last two have to get married. There are also the women who work at the women's lingerie business that he runs, many of whom see him as a potential husband, as well as Betty, a colleague deeply in love with him, whose mother pressures her to get married. When Kostas secretly marries Betty, who rents with her mother an apartment above theirs, Smaro decides to find both of them a mate. She suggests to Betty the neighborhood's electrician- but Kostas finds a way to break the match- and to Kostas a young woman from Veroia- but Betty manages to break the match. The revelation of the couple's marriage relieves everyone and the fact that Betty is pregnant brings the desired peace and serenity.