

Tokyo Zombie
Fujio e Mitsuo, dois perdedores, que trabalham numa fábrica de extintores e passam os dias discutindo e desperdiçando tempo. A dupla sonha em se tornar campeã em jiu-jitsu e passam muito tempo treinando. Um dia acabam matando seu chefe por engano e o enterram numa montanha que mal sabem ser um depósito de lixo tóxico onde são desovadas hordas de zumbis comedores de carne.
Blind Love
The films plot hinges on a bizarre love triangle involving a loser ventriloquist, his assistant & a blind woman - Hikari is blindly (literally) in love with Daisuke, a failing ventriloquist yet when she finally musters up enough courage to meet him face to face and present him with some flowers backstage she mistakes his assistant for him. For some reason Daisuke and his assistant decide to follow through with the mistaken identity farce which leads to some amusing complications, particularly in the bedroom.
Frog Song
Akemi Kudo
Walking out on her husband after discovering his infidelity, Akemi Kudo (Konatsu) finds refuge in a comic-book shop, where she meets Kyoko Ito -- a would-be manga artist. Soon the unbridled Kyoko introduces Akemi to a new world of sensual experiences, but their fragile friendship is put to the test as Akemi contemplates returning to her two-timing spouse.
Bitter Sweet
A young couple in love prepares to marry, but--contrary to the popular stereotype--the woman develops a classic case of "cold feet" and seeks the advice of an older man. In no position to offer solid counsel since his own marriage is failing, he instead allows her to seduce him.