Andrzej Pieczyński

Andrzej Pieczyński

Nascimento : 1956-12-17, Pobiedziska k. Poznania, Polska


Andrzej Pieczyński


White Courage
The film tells the story of two Highlander brothers – Maciek and Andrzej. After the death of their father, which Andrzej contributed to, and the loss of his beloved Bronka, Andrzej leaves the family home. On his way, he meets the mysterious Wolfram, an anthropologist and climber. He shares with him his mountaineering technique and knowledge about the Prague origins of the highlanders. Andrzej returns to Zakopane, war breaks out. To protect the Highlanders from wartime destruction, he wants to persuade them to cooperate with the Germans. Andrzej and Maciek are standing on opposite sides of the barricade. The brothers' confrontation is bloody and painful.
German Officer #1
O polonês Andrzej Wajda descreve o famoso e triste massacre de Katyn. Meses depois da invasão nazista na Polônia, em 1939, aproximadamente 22 mil prisioneiros de guerra poloneses são mortos pela polícia secreta soviética nas florestas da cidade de Katyn.
Em Nome do Sol
Na antiga Polônia, as tribos eram governadas por um sangrento e cruel Rei, que não hesitou em assassinar todos os seus familiares para permanecer no trono o maior tempo possível. Mas existiam pessoas com coragem o bastante para desafiá-lo, uma delas era o arqueiro Ziemowit. Num clima de aventura, a história se desenrola com muitas batalhas sangrentas e confrontos Vikings.
Sfora: Bez litości
zawodowy morderca pracujący dla Starewicza
O Pianista
Em 1939, quando a Polónia é invadida pela Alemanha Nazi, o pianista Wladyslaw Szpilman interpretava peças clássicas numa rádio em Varsóvia. O jovem pianista irá então partilhar o drama do povo judeu, testemunhando a sua transferência forçada para o gueto de Varsóvia e, depois, para os campos de extermínio. Determinado a sobreviver, foge do gueto dias antes da grande revolta que os alemães esmagarão com sangue. Com a ajuda de membros da resistência polaca, viverá uma existência de fome, solidão e medo, entre os escombros de um mundo que colapsa ao seu redor.
The Career of Nikos Dyzma
brat Mały
Nikos is a master of funeral ceremonies (that's undertaker to you and me) who doesn't expect much from life. After drunkenly insulting a diplomat at a party, weird things begin to happen for Nikos. The news that a mysterious stranger offended the hated Deputy Prime Minister galvanizes the political elite assembled at the banquet, and a rumor that Nikos can take care of anything spreads like wildfire, making him an idol of the masses.
In August of 1944
The movie is set in Belarus, where a team of counter-intelligence officers is given only three days to find a German radio operator posing as a Soviet soldier, behind soviet lines, on the eve of a major offensive.
A Ferro e Fogo
Czeremis, sługa Horpyny
Uma história épica sobre a revolta ucraniana contra magnatas da República Polaco-Lituana, no século XVII
The Wedding Night During the Daylight
Student Mały
The end of the 70s of the last century. A team of surveyors goes to a small provincial town. Magister ( Jan Nowicki ) and the experts accompanying him plan to build a new road in the vicinity. The geodesists' projects arouse the indignation of one of the local farmers, Biernacki ( Wiesław Gołas ). The envisaged route is to run through the land belonging to it. To save his patrimony, Biernacki is ready to pay a bribe. The dispute between the host and the surveyors is cruelly resolved in front of the party dignitaries participating in the nearby banquet. Jerzy Gruza's painting is a sharp satire of manners, criticizing social relations from the end of the Gierek era.
Weekend Stories: A Woman's Business
mężczyzna ze Śląska
A woman whose passport was denied under the previous Communist regime by a vindictive party secretary is given a chance to confront the woman and take revenge.
Tão Longe, Tão Perto
Esta sequência de Asas do Desejo de Wenders acompanha novamente um grupo de anjos que observam saudosamente a vida humana. Feito seis anos mais tarde, Berlim é um lugar muito diferente do filme anterior: unificada no papel, mas governada pelo crime, pela corrupção e pelos americanos.
Maximiliano Kolbe
Conta a história do sacerdote católico polonês que foi preso no campo de concentração nazista de Auschwitz. O filme se passa em julho de 1941 e mostra Maximiliano Kolbe que dá a sua vida por outro prisioneiro, um homem de família inocente condenado à morte por inanição em represália por uma fuga.
Private investigation
Rafal Skonecki loses his family in a car accident, caused by a drunken driver. When he is informed that the investigation is discontinued, he decides to take justice into his own hand.
Alfons lives with his grandparents on a Silesian village farm at the end of WWII. He adores his grandmother, who runs everything after her husband dies. But everything changes after the appearance of a traveling showman in the xenophobic village.
The Ring and the Rose
TV series based on William Thackeray's novel.
Mokry szmal
Der Schimmelreiter
German-Polish adaptation of Theodor Storm's novella.
Big Shar
Taksówkarz Jurek
Released from prison after five years, con-artist Szu is sent packing by his young wife; he heads for the town of Lutyn where he runs a con and attracts the interest of Jurek, a young cab driver who imagines himself a great grifter. Szu ("Sharp") teaches Jurek a few tricks enabling the young man to win some money in Wroclaw, then Sharp departs with Jola, a prostitute who offers him a mark. How that plays out, Jurek's determination to win big, Sharp's cold calculations, and the wages of sin await.
The Contract
Bearing traces of the old Anton Chekhov play The Wedding, The Contract is set during an "arranged" ceremony. The bride and groom barely know each other, but this matters not at all to their tradition-bound families. At the last minute, the bride balks. Only slightly nonplused, the groom's father, a status-seeking doctor, decides to go ahead with the expensive reception anyway. Polish director Krzysz Zanussi uses this scenario to stick it to capitalist corruption, and to society's destruction of the individual spirit. Leslie Caron, the one recognizable member of the cast, is outstanding as a wealthy, over-the-hill ballerina who happens to be a kleptomaniac.
All My Girls
Ralf Päschke
Ralf Paeschke is a film student who has to make a documentary film about a group of women working in a lamp factory. There is brazen Susie, mischievous Kerstin, lonely Anita, single Ella, withdrawn Gertrud and the imposing forewoman. When Kerstin is suspected of stealing, tension among the women mounts. Ralf demands that things be clarified, and his film plays an unexpected role in the matter.
Peter Seidel
When he reaches age 18, Peter is released from the children's home where he grew up, but this does not mean he is truly ready for adult life.
Nauka latania
Józef Biel
A story about the difficult experiences of a nine-year-old boy who tries to understand and assimilate the laws governing the world of adults. Left to himself, Tomek deeply experiences his anxieties and finally decides to rebel .
Screen Tests
Paweł Burski
Three-part film centered around a film being made by a group of young directors. In the first a working-class girl finishes school and has her first love affair, which ends badly. In the second a provincial boy with dreams of life in the theater has an affair with his boss' wife. They meet during the film's screen tests.