Stefan Szmidt

Stefan Szmidt

Nascimento : 1943-08-11, Biłgoraj, Polska


Stefan Szmidt


War of Love
Kamerdyner Radosta
Klara and Aniela are two young girls who decide not to get married. This decision makes bachelors even more eager to conquer them. Adaptation of the classic comedy by Aleksander Fredro.
General Nil
generał Tadeusz "Bór" Komorowski
Generał Nil is a Polish historical film, based on the life of general Emil August Fieldorf, pseudonym "Nil". The film was directed by Ryszard Bugajski and was released in 2009.
Em Nome do Sol
Na antiga Polônia, as tribos eram governadas por um sangrento e cruel Rei, que não hesitou em assassinar todos os seus familiares para permanecer no trono o maior tempo possível. Mas existiam pessoas com coragem o bastante para desafiá-lo, uma delas era o arqueiro Ziemowit. Num clima de aventura, a história se desenrola com muitas batalhas sangrentas e confrontos Vikings.
Pan Tadeusz
A grand and patriotic tale of Poland's struggle for freedom just before Napoleon's war with Russia. Written in poetic style by Adam Mickiewicz, this story follows two feuding Polish families as they overcome their old conflicts and petty lives. However, they are able to unite as one with their patriotic and rebellious efforts to free the country they deeply love from Russian control.
A Ferro e Fogo
wachmistrz Skrzetuskiego
Uma história épica sobre a revolta ucraniana contra magnatas da República Polaco-Lituana, no século XVII
Piłkarski poker
trener "Powiśla"
A comical behind the scenes look at the Polish Football League where everybody involved including the clubs’ management, players, and referees are trying to get some.
Boczny tor
Old couple dreams about a cruise.
Sunday Pranks
dozorca, ojciec Rycha
Made in 1983, shelved for four years. A chilling tale about kids playing in a bombed-out Warsaw courtyard on the day of Stalin's death, while their parents are away at the church or a memorial procession.
Der Schimmelreiter
German-Polish adaptation of Theodor Storm's novella.
Czerwone weze
Józef Stanczak
An adaptation of Helena Boguszewska's well-known novel from 1933. The film takes place two years before Colombian ants take control of a plane flying to the States.
Daimler-Benz Limousine
poeta Andrzej Podhorski
Two brothers of German heritage live in the Polish town of Poznan. Michal is the sensitive brother who likes literature, Andrzej is the daredevil with no intellectual bent, and between the two of them, they steal the German consul's Daimler-Benz limousine, on a lark. When they are caught by the police, the German consul unexpectedly forgives them their prank -- but in the meantime, the episode has put the brothers in touch with a Nazi underground group who want to prepare the way for the pending German invasion (set to occur within a matter of days). Andrej helps the group kill the German consul and then they blame the death on the Poles -- giving the Germans an excuse to cross the border. Not only the consul, but "artistic" types like Michal are also killed for the same reasons. After these murders, Michal realizes his brother is no better than the group he joined, and decides to set his own course in the face of the rising threat of invasion.
Polonia Restituta
major Albin Fleszar, żołnierz Legionów
A two-part historical film covering the years of the First World War and the post-war period up to 1919 - until the signing of the peace treaty in Versailles near Paris. An attempt to show the great and complicated process of regaining an independent existence by a nation within its own state. The screen shows characters from history textbooks: Józef Piłsudski, Ignacy Paderewski, Roman Dmowski, Wojciech Korfanty as well as representatives of the world political scene, incl. David Lloyd George, Woodrow Wilson, Georges Clemenceau, Vladimir Lenin and others.
The Palace
Set in 1944. A shepherd boy enters an abandoned palace he has seen only from the distance since he was a boy. Once he enters the palace, strange things begin to happen as though he was dreaming the events rather than living them.
The Spiral
In what appears to be an inexplicable incident, a man drives up to a resort hotel in midwinter, throws away his car keys, enters, and proceeds to agitate everyone he meets with his urgency -- a message he is somehow unable to communicate. Then he leaves, disappearing in the snow. Later, the people he appeared to have upset have gathered to search for him and find him frostbitten, but alive. Visiting him at the sanatorium to which he has been taken, they gradually discover what was really happening.
Królowa pszczół
Stefan Szymczak, ojciec Tomka
Where the Water Is Pure and the Grass Is Green
komendant MO
The young Kuriata takes the position of the secretary of the City Committee in Grodów, where a corrupt clique ruled for many years. Kuriata begins to introduce competent people to managerial functions, which is enthusiastically received by workers who want changes for the better.
Robert, ziec Zofii
Zofia is an elderly woman living in an retirement home. Separate from the rest, she talks seldom and then only about visiting her daughter's family for Christmas. When she comes to her daughter's home unannounced, her stay is spoiled by the damage to her son-in-law doctorate bookmarks which she removed unknowingly during dusting. She then spends Christmas in an empty restaurant, surrounded by waiters and musicians waiting to be tipped.
Jarosław Dąbrowski
Walery Wróblewski
Heads and Tails
In spring of 1954, thanks to amnesty, Marcin Nowak - a political prisoner - get released from prison and tries turn his life back to normal
A Woman's Decision
The main character is a bookkeeper, 40, who lives a quiet, uninteresting life with her husband and son of school age. She realizes that soon she won't be needed much at home as the boy grows up and the relationship with her husband crumbles. It's only when an embezzlement is discovered at the office and she stands up to her management, that she realizes life has more to offer. She meets a well-off former classmate, married to an American. Then she meets Jacek and starts contemplating possibilities of a new start. She discovers love for the first time, but turns to old ways rather than to break loose.
The Deluge
During the Swedish invasion of Poland, the brave warrior Andrzej Kmicic, considered a traitor to the nation, fights for a country, redemption and love across the 17th-century Polish territories.
The Nest
Mieszko's knight
Told in flashback as Mieszko lies feverish in his bed just before the Battle of Cedynia, Gniazdo recounts how the revered leader extended Poland's borders, formed an alliance with Emperor Otto I, and ultimately strengthened his country's autonomy by achieving victory during that crucial battle in the year 972.
It's Spring, Sergeant
Kierowca autobusu (niewymieniony w czołówce)
How I Unleashed World War II, Part I: The Escape
The Scythe
On the night of August 31, 1939, Dolas, from a platoon reinforcing a train station on the German border, falls asleep in a train car and unknowingly crosses into Germany. The moment he shoots a German, who he thinks is a saboteur, the German invasion of Poland begins, and Dolas is convinced it was his fault. He is taken to Stalag POW camp, the first destination in his odyssey around Europe.
przyjaciel księcia Gintułta (nie występuje w napisach)
Set in the time of Napoleon wars, shows how the wars swept over the unfortunate Polish country at the beginning of the XIX-th century. Story revolves around the Polish legion under command of General Dabrowski, who then fought on Napoleon's side with the hopes of Poland's revival.
Chłopak w kawiarni (niewymieniony w czołówce)