Mary O'Hara

Mary O'Hara

Nascimento : 1885-07-10, Cape May Point, New Jersey, USA

Morte : 1980-10-15


American screenwriter and novelist.


Mary O'Hara


Em FLICKA, uma adaptação contemporânea de Minha Amiga Flicka, famoso livro de Mary O'Hara, Katy McLaughlin, uma garota de 16 anos, sonha em continuar a tradição de sua família trabalhando no rancho de seu pai, no Wyoming dos dias de hoje. Mas o pai de Katy deseja uma outra vida para ela: quer que ela vá para a faculdade. Um dia, Katy encontra uma linda égua selvagem, à qual ela dá o nome de Flicka ("linda garota" em sueco), e decide domá-la. Mas Flicka e Katy são mais parecidas do que ela poderia imaginar. Como Katy, Flicka desdenha a autoridade alheia e não quer abrir mão de sua liberdade sem brigar. Será que Katy conseguirá domar sua amada Flicka e provar que todos estão errados sobre sua égua selvagem? Será que seu pai vai encontrar uma forma de apoiar sua filha, mas ao mesmo tempo mantê-la a salvo nesse momento de mudanças em sua vida? E será que a família McLaughlin conseguirá manter sua vida no rancho que trabalharam tanto para construir?
Green Grass of Wyoming
The romance of a rancher's niece and a rival rancher's son parallels that of a stallion and a mare.
Thunderhead - Son of Flicka
A young boy tries to train Thunderhead, a beautiful white colt and the son of his beloved Flicka, to be a champion race horse.
Minha Amiga Flicka
Ken (Roddy McDowall) é um menino muito sonhador. Ele acaba de voltar do colégio interno para o rancho de seus pais, que sobrevivem de valiosos cavalos. Só que o garoto traz uma notícia nada agradável: ele tirou notas baixas e vai ter que repetir a quinta série, para o desgosto de seu pai, Rob (Preston Foster). A mãe de Ken, Nell (Rita Johnson), consegue convencer Rob a deixar o menino escolher um cavalo para si, a fim de lhe dar um senso de responsabilidade. Ken então escolhe o cavalo que sempre sonhou: uma potra selvagem e arisca, a quem chama de Flicka, desagradando, novamente, o seu pai, já que ela é o animal mais selvagem de todo o rancho e muito difícil de ser domado.
O Embuste
Silent film drama..
The Honeymoon Express
Chief Standing Rock's tribe has a treaty protecting their fishing grounds, but a canning corporation is violating the treaty through intimidation and force. The tribe is divided as to how to handle the threat. Standing Rock's son, Braveheart, is sent to college to study law so that he can protect their rights, but others in the tribe, led by the hot-tempered Ki-Yote, want to provoke a more violent confrontation.
The Home Maker
A man's life seems to be falling apart. He's bored with his job, gets passed over for a promotion and, when the pressures get to be too much, he tries to commit suicide, but he even fails at that and manages only to cripple himself instead of killing himself. Forced to stay at home, he finds the role of "househusband" enjoyable--until his wife takes a low-paying job with his old company, and rapidly rises up the corporate ladder.
Black Oxen
A Manhattan playboy falls for a mysterious European woman, whom he notices is an exact double for a famous socialite who disappeared at the turn of the century. At first he thinks it's just a coincidence, as the beautiful young woman he's romancing is much younger than the woman who vanished, who would be in her late 50s or early 60s by now. Soon, however, he begins to believe that maybe it's not such a coincidence after all.
The Age of Desire
Janet Loring is a young widow with a young son. She marries millionaire Malcolm Trask, but doesn't tell him about her previous marriage or her son, Ranny. Abandoned to the streets by Janet, Ranny eventually moves in with a bookseller and her granddaughter Margy. As the years go by Janet comes to regret abandoning her son and takes out ads looking for him. Marcio, a vicious blackmailer, sends Ranny to Janet posing as her son, not knowing that the young boy actually is her son. Complications ensue.
Peg o' My Heart
PEG O MY HEART (Metro Studios, 1922), directed by King Vidor, under the supervision of J. Hartley Manners, introduces the legendary theatrical actress Laurette Taylor (1884-1946) to the screen reprising the role she made famous as a poor Irish farm girl who inherits a fortune but would rather have happiness instead. While a bit too old for the character supposedly in her late teens or early twenties, Laurette was tailor made for it.
The Prisoner of Zenda
A kingdom's ascending heir, marked for assassination, switches identities with a lookalike, who takes his place at the coronation. When the real king is kidnapped, his followers try to find him, while the stand-in falls in love with the king's intended bride, the beautiful Princess Flavia.
Turn to the Right
Joe is the son of a poor widow and in love with the daughter of the town’s richest and meanest man. The couple is determined to marry and plan their “dream house.”
There Are No Villains
In San Francisco, California, Rosa Moreland of the Secret Service is unable to obtain evidence against suspected opium smuggler George Sala. She then advises Detective Flint of her plan to develop a relationship with John King, an impoverished, disabled ex-soldier who Rosa met in George's office. After claiming to have lost her home in a fire, Rosa is invited to stay in John's modest flat. He receives money from a mysterious source, enabling them to afford a more expensive apartment, and they soon fall in love. Although Rosa secretly witnesses John receiving a package from George, she tells the skeptical Flint that her lover is above suspicion. John agrees to end his association with George if Rosa will marry him, and, realizing that a wife cannot legally testify against her husband, she agrees.
The Last Card
Ralph Kirkwood is falsely tried for murder. He is found guilty after being represented by lawyer, Tom Gannell. Kirkwood's wife believes she knows the identity of the real killer and sets about trapping him.