Jane Mallett


Dr. Martha
One of Bob Hunt's neighbours' electricity is cut off because she cannot pay the bill. She is assisted by contributions, and the bill is paid entirely in pennies, though the clerk is belatedly told that payment is not accepted in such a large quantity of coins. Unfortunately, the electric company fails to reconnect the power due to a communications snafu, and the elderly woman is taken to hospital suffering hypothermia. Hunt sets off on a vendetta of revenge, sabotaging assorted support systems.
Nothing Personal
Little Old Lady
Environmentally concerned lawyer Abigail Adams works with Professor Roger Keller in his effort to protect baby seals from slaughter.
A Cosmic Christmas
Grandma (voice)
Three aliens from an unknown planet, who bear a strong resemblance to the Biblical Magi, visit earth to know the true meaning of Christmas. Peter, a young boy, and Lucy, his goose, are the first to encounter them. Unable to find the true meaning of Christmas in town, Peter takes them to his family's house in the woods. While Peter's grandmother tells the aliens about her memories of Christmas, Marvin, one of the town's bullies, steals Lucy. In the chase to rescue Lucy, Marvin falls through the ice in a lake. Peter attempts to rescue him but falls into the lake as well. The townsfolk, who were out searching for the aliens, attempt to save the boys but their human chain isn't long enough to reach them. The three aliens, who had sworn not to interfere with events on earth, decide to help in order to learn the meaning of Christmas.
Um Filme Doce
Mrs. Alplanalpe
A história entreligada de duas mulheres: uma é a vencedora do concurso Miss Mundo cujo prêmio foi se casar com um magnata do petróleo e que foge desse casamento tumultuado para Paris, tem um caso selvagem com um famoso rock star, El Macho e se muda para uma comunidade radical. A outra dirige um barco carregado de doces e açúcar, atraindo homens e rapazes com sexo, morte e conversa revolucionária.