Hayedeh Safiyari

Hayedeh Safiyari

Nascimento : 1960-01-01, Gorgan, Iran


Hayedeh Safiyari is an Iranian film editor and a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.


Hayedeh Safiyari


While Mansour is happily playing soccer on the beach, his father falls victim to gunfire between drug dealers and the water police, shot dead by a stray bullet. From then on, the enterprising lad takes on responsibility for his mother. Her dream is to open a café on the Iranian island of Hormuz, where she and her son lead a modest existence.
Silent House
Set against the turbulent backdrop of Iranian history over the last 40 years, Silent House tracks the fortunes of three generations of an upper-middle-class Iranian family. At the center of the story stands the century-old house in Tehran in which the family lived through both happy and tragic times.
Um Herói
Rahim está na prisão por causa de uma dívida que não conseguiu pagar. Durante uma licença de dois dias, ele tenta convencer o seu credor a retirar a reclamação contra o pagamento de parte da quantia. Mas as coisas não saem como o planejado. Vencedor do Grand Prix do Festival de Cannes.
The Four Walls
Kurdish composer Boran is no longer able to see the ocean, obstructed by a new building, and a tragedy befalls him…
Brother's Keeper
Yusuf and his best friend Memo are pupils at a boarding school for Kurdish boys, secluded in the mountains of Eastern Anatolia. When Memo falls mysteriously ill, Yusuf is forced to struggle through the bureaucratic obstacles put up by the school's repressive authorities to try to help his friend. But by the time the adults in charge finally understand the seriousness of Memo's condition and try to get him to the hospital, the school has been buried under a sudden, heavy snowfall. With no way out and now desperate to reach help, teachers and pupils engage in a blame game where grudges, feelings of guilt and hidden secrets emerge, as time ticks mercilessly on and threatens to run out.
Assad, along with his group, creates fake accident scenes to claim insurance.
No Choice
A young homeless girl supports herself as a surrogate mother for money. A human rights attorney tries to help her change her life, but ithe challenges seem insurmountable. This is a rarely seen side of Iranian society.
O Pequeno Refugiado
Em 2015, o corpo de Alan, um menino curdo da Síria, foi encontrado em uma praia em Bodrum, na Turquia. A imagem chocou e alertou o mundo sobre a crise dos refugiados. O filme mostra o que poderia ter acontecido a essa criança antes do dia em que o barco em que ele estava com sua família a caminho da Grécia, virou em alto mar. A história nasce de um momento de realismo mágico, quando o espírito de Alan deixa seu corpo e retorna ao mundo dos refugiados e vítimas de guerra deslocadas na esperança de conseguir uma vida melhor.
No Place For Angels
It is about the Iran women's national hockey team and the problems and the difficulties in their way to go participate in the Asian matches.
Bone Marrow
What's your problem now ?! Do you mean it's not legal ?! Does this mean everything is always legal here ?! Are we all right ?! No one has done anything wrong so far ?!
Sem Túmulo
Quatro irmãos se unem para atender ao último pedido do pai, que morreu recentemente: ele queria ser enterrado em uma vila distante, no meio do nada. O calor e os muitos dias de viagem fazem com que a experiência seja terrível, principalmente quando o corpo começa a apodrecer no carro. A exaustão e a irritação fazem com que o irmão mais velho comece a discutir com o caçula, que era o responsável por cuidar do pai.
Todos Já Sabem
Laura, uma espanhola vivendo em Buenos Aires, volta com os dois filhos para sua cidade natal nos arredores de Madri para comparecer ao casamento de sua irmã. Porém, a viagem é perturbada por eventos inesperados que tornam públicos grandes segredos.
Nava tries to convince her sister to get back with her husband, while her own fiance is cheating on her.
One night, three bored young men in a car decide to pay a visit to an older man they only know vaguely. At first he’s glad to see them but soon afterwards thinks they’ve come to burgle him and turns a gun on them. When the police turns up, they’re all taken into custody.
When Mahi's son dies in a car accident, Behrouz who has returned to Iran to sell his properties, attends the funeral. Their old romance catches up while Behrouz has planned to marry Sara and go back to Canada with her.
O Apartamento
Emad e Rana são casados e encenam a montagem da peça teatral "A Morte de um Caixeiro Viajante", de Arthur Miller. Um dia, eles são surpreendidos com o alerta para que eles e todos os moradores do prédio em que vivem deixem o local imediatamente. O problema é que, devido a uma obra próxima, todo o prédio corre o risco de desabamento. Diante deste problema, Emad e Rana passam a morar, provisoriamente, em um apartamento emprestado. É lá que Rana é surpreendida com a entrada de um estranho no banheiro, justamente quando está tomando banho. O susto faz com que ela se machuque seriamente e vá parar no hospital. Entretanto, é o trauma do ocorrido que afeta, cada vez mais, suas vidas.
A Dragon Arrives!
An orange Chevrolet Impala drives across a cemetery towards an abandoned shipwreck in the middle of a desert landscape. It is the 22nd of January, 1965. The day before, the Iranian prime minister was shot dead in front of the parliament building. Inside the wreck, a banished political prisoner has hung himself. The walls are covered in diary entries, literary quotes and strange symbols. Can they help Police Inspector Babak Hafizi in his investigations? Will they shed any light on why there is always an earthquake whenever somebody is buried in this desert cemetery?
The Dance of the Horses
The film is based on a true story. It talks about the end of War and defeat of forces and the relation between Kurds and Arabs by the end of 1991.
Night Shift
A woman searches for her husband on the streets of Tehran.
A police officer finds himself haunted by a traumatic childhood memory as he searches for a missing man in the rugged mountains of Iraqi Kurdistan, in this striking feature debut by Batin Ghobadi.
Time to Love
Bita (Hatami), a successful lawyer specializing in championing the cause of women’s rights in divorce cases, is blind to the trouble brewing in her own marriage. A snatch of gossip and a problem client with an unwanted pregnancy unexpectedly bring Bita’s problems home. (Gene Siskel Film Center)
Kissing the Moon-Like Face
Ehteram Sadat and Forugh are neighbor. Their sons disappeared during war and they have been waiting for their dead bodies for almost thirty years.
From Iran, a Separation
In March 2012, Iranian movie "A Separation" by Asghar Farhadi, won the Oscar Award for the Best Foreign Language Film. For the Iranian people this was more than a cinematic award. When sanctions and threats of war with Iran covered the world headlines, Farhadi talked about Iran's love for peace and the rich culture of the Iranians on the stage when receiving his award. This time the Iranians voice was heard through someone other than the government officials. This documentary shows the reaction of the Iranians to this Oscar award and has a general view on Iran's society of today.
A Separação
Simin deseja mudar-se para garantir um futuro melhor para a família, mas seu marido Nader não quer por causa do pai doente. Ela entra com um pedido de separação e Nader contrata Razieh para cuidar de seu pai enquanto trabalha. Certo dia ao voltar para casa encontra o pai sozinho, desmaiado e amarrado à cama; Razieh aparece e os dois discutem, na sequência Nader empurra a mulher e dias depois, é notificado que Razieh estava grávida e teria perdido o bebê. Os dois terão que resolver a situação na justiça, e tem pontos de vista muito diferentes do que aconteceu durante a briga.
Negar is a married woman who works at a musical company. When she is given an assignment to collaborate with an Iranian expat Orchestra leader, she...
Ninguém Sabe dos Gatos Persas
Recém-saídos da prisão, dois jovens músicos, um homem e uma mulher, decidem formar uma banda. Juntos, eles andam pelo submundo de Teerã à procura de outros instrumentistas. Proibidos pelas autoridades de tocarem no Irã, eles planejam fugir de sua existência clandestina e sonham em tocar na Europa. Porém, sem dinheiro e sem passaportes, nada será tão fácil.
À Procura de Elly
Após passar anos na Alemanha, Ahmad (Shahab Hosseini) volta ao Irã e seus amigos organizam três dias de comemoração. Sem que o resto do grupo saiba, Sepideh (Golshifteh Farahani) convida para a festa a jovem Elly (Taraneh Alidoosti), professora de sua filha. Ahmad, que acabou de se separar da namorada alemã e gostaria de começar uma nova vida com uma iraniana, vê em Elly a mulher perfeita. No dia seguinte, no entanto, ela desaparece misteriosamente. O clima entre os amigos torna-se amargo e tenso e eles iniciam uma pequena investigação para descobrir o paradeiro da moça.
Half Moon
Mamo, an old and legendary Kurdish musician living in Iran, plans to give one final concert in Iraqi Kurdistan. After seven months of trying to get a permit and rounding up his ten sons, he sets out for the long and troublesome journey in a derelict bus, denying a recurring vision of his own death at half moon. Halfway the party halts at a small village to pick up female singer Hesho, which will only add to the difficulty of the undertaking, as it is forbidden for Iranian women to sing in public, let alone in the company of men. But Mamo is determined to carry through, if not for the gullible antics of the bus driver.
Fireworks Wednesday
A última quarta-feira antes do solstício de primavera abre o Ano Novo Persa, as pessoas soltam fogos de artifício seguindo uma tradição zoroastriana antiga. Rouhi, passando seu primeiro dia no novo emprego, se vê no meio de um tipo diferente de fogos de artifício - uma disputa doméstica entre seu novo chefe e a esposa. No dia anterior a sua viagem de férias para Dubai, uma mulher que acredita que seu marido é infiel, pede a ajuda de Roohi, uma jovem enviada por uma agência para limpar a casa. Ela pede a Roohi para marcar uma consulta e recolher informação no salão da mulher de quem ela suspeita. Roohi é noiva, inocente em termos de discórdia conjugal. Ao longo do dia, ela, o casal, seu filho pequeno, a irmã da esposa e seu marido, e a esteticista se envolvem em uma série de trocas, confrontos, e prevaricações. São as suspeitas da esposa injustificadas; está o comportamento dela ameaçando seu casamento? Atos de bondade podem dar errado. E a viagem para Dubai?
Tartarugas podem Voar
Em uma vila de curdos no Iraque, na fronteira entre o Irã e a Turquia e pouco antes do ataque americano contra o país, os moradores locais buscam desesperadamente uma antena parabólica, na intenção de ter notícias via satélite sobre a proximidade da guerra.
This documentary shows us how a Daf elaborated. It's about a family that all their children are blinded and they're running their family business. They're making Dafs which is an Iranian hand percussion musical instrument and nowadays it's mostly played in Kurdish folk songs.
Marooned in Iraq
During the war between Iran and Iraq, a group of Iranian Kurd musicians set off on an almost impossible mission. They will try to find Hanareh, a singer with a magic voice who crossed the border and may now be in danger in the Iraqi Kurdistan. As in his previous films, this Kurdish director is again focusing on the oppression of his people.
Low Heights
A person wants to hijack an airplane to go out of Iran and cure his sick son.
Dead Wave
Even after ten years, Lieutenant Morteza Rashed still has nightmares of corpses and dolls floating around after the fall of the Airbus plane by those who served aboard USS Vincennes at 1988. He has been holding a grudge towards them ever since they attacked this plane, and is always looking for an opportunity to take revenge...
The Bride of Fire
A tragedy in which a young woman from an Arab tribe, prevented from marrying her non-Arab Persian lover is forced against her wishes to marry her cousin.
The Red Ribbon
A man and a woman fight over the rights to a property.
The Glass Agency
The Glass Agency is the story of a war veteran living in post war Iran. It depicts veterans who are suffering from social problems after the war. Society does not understand them and the standard social norms are not in harmony with their personalities.
Ghatel va Vahshi