Celicia Arnold


O Impossível
American Tourist's Wife
Maria, Henry e os seus três filhos viajam até à Tailândia para passarem as suas férias de Natal, esperando encontrar alguns dias de descanso num paraíso tropical, quando o seu mundo é, de repente, virado do avesso. Sem aviso prévio, um enorme tremor de terra no oceano despoleta um gigantesco tsunami... uma das maiores catástrofes naturais de que há registo. Esta é a sua história.
Husband and wife doctors Paul and Kim Jordan need a drastic change. Distraught by the inexplicable death of their baby, Paul (C. Thomas Howell) convinces Kim to abandon their American lives and join a medical mission in Thailand. It seems to be just the distraction they need, until the day Paul is kidnapped by human traffickers who need a surgeon to operate on their wounded leader. Kim is left alone in a strange country, trying desperately to find her husband with no proof of what happened. While captive on the gangs' secluded island, Paul is caged with Malcolm Andrews (John Rhys-Davies), an Englishman being held for ransom. With nothing to do but talk, the two men quickly clash over philosophy, as Malcolm relies on a bold faith in God and Paul believes no god would allow these evils to happen in the world. Paul takes another hit when he finds his patient's condition much worse than he can handle on his own in such primitive conditions... Written by Anonymous (IMDB.com).