Alex Ball

Alex Ball


Alex Ball


A Snow Globe Christmas
While clasping her favorite Christmas snow globe, a cynical, overworked TV executive rants about how the movies she produces lie, making you think dreams come can come true. Upset, she tries to smash the globe, but instead it bonks her on the head, knocking her out. She wakes up in a perfect snow-covered town like the one in her globe.
40 Dias e Noites
Após um desastre natural, bióloga reúne DNA de diferentes espécies para preservar a vida na Terra.
Agent Forrest
A herdeira de uma cadeia de hotéis de luxo é sequestrada por uma quadrilha de traficantes de escravas sexuais. A assistente da herdeira precisa encontrar um maneira de resgatá-la.
Hold Your Breath
Burly Guard
There is an old wives tale that you should hold your breath when passing by a cemetery because an evil spirit rejected by both heaven and hell can get inside of you when you inhale. Somewhere in a carload of college kids on holiday doesn't follow the rules when driving by a graveyard, allowing a spirit of a recently executed serial killer to get inside him/her to begin a killing spree of body-jumping carnage.