Emre Erkmen


Director of Photography
Faruk, who is over 90 years old, increasingly becomes the protagonist in the film his daughter is making about the impending demolition of his block of flats in Istanbul. A story about gentrification and a complex father-daughter relationship.
O Conto das Três Irmãs
Director of Photography
Em um vilarejo pobre no centro da Península de Anatólia, três jovens garotas foram entregues pelo pai a uma rica família da cidade grande, na intenção de trabalharem como babás e empregadas domésticas. Uma a uma, foram enviadas de volta, por desagradarem aos patrões. Enquanto o pai das três tenta consertar a situação, para dar melhores condições de vida às garotas, elas sonham com um futuro longe dali.
Treibjagd im Dorf
A terrible accident occurs while 13-year-old Franzi is doing target practice in the quarry . A bullet misses its target and hits his grandfather, old farmer Anton Wolf. While Anton falls into a coma , the true remainCircumstances of the fact unknown for the time being . Instead , the rumor spread in the village that Franzi 's father Franz was the shooter, especially since there were constant arguments between father and son about running the farm . A real drive hunt in the village begins .
All of a Sudden
Karsten apparently has it settled. However, in this provincial German town, a moment of weakness turns to disaster, disappointment soon fuels anger, justice hides behind hypocrisy, and evil gradually unfolds.
Elly Beinhorn – Alleinflug
Camera Supervisor
Shadows and Faces
Director of Photography
Shadows and Faces tells the story of a young girl who is separated from his shadow puppetry performer father during the ethnic conflict between Cypriot Greeks and Cypriot Turks in 1963.
2 Girls
Director of Photography
Escaping from their dysfunctional families, Behiye and Handan become best friends. Their euphoria will soon be replaced by regrets and eventual betrayal as class differences resurface.