Reverend Miller arrives in Tucson where he wants to build a church. But on the very day of his arrival a gang carries out a raid on the bank and the people of Tucson, who are suspicious of the new reverend because he carries a gun, immediately blame him for the robbery. The sheriff saves him from lynching by putting him in jail. Then he asks the priest to find the gang and the booty; thus Miller becomes the Reverend Colt. His exceptional skill means that he can shoot hats off people's heads and their pistols from their pockets, but he never kills.
Reverend Miller arrives in Tucson where he wants to build a church. But on the very day of his arrival a gang carries out a raid on the bank and the people of Tucson, who are suspicious of the new reverend because he carries a gun, immediately blame him for the robbery. The sheriff saves him from lynching by putting him in jail. Then he asks the priest to find the gang and the booty; thus Miller becomes the Reverend Colt. His exceptional skill means that he can shoot hats off people's heads and their pistols from their pockets, but he never kills.
Adventurers endeavor to find a tomb that houses a legendary diamond.
Um forasteiro chamado Bob Ford chega à Pousada do Sol após ter fugido de uma prisão. Ele está tentando encontrar o esconderijo de um enorme tesouro do qual possui o mapa. Contudo, Bob precisa da ajuda de um garoto, sobrinho do dono da pousada, que conhece toda a região de Sierra Blanca, para ser seu guia, caso contrário, nem com a ajuda do mapa o forasteiro conseguirá por as mãos no valioso tesouro. Mas sua determinação atrairá a cobiça de homens traiçoeiros, que farão de tudo para chegar primeiro ao lugar secreto!
In order to overturn the government of some exotic country, the rebels decide to hire an experienced American diver (George Hilton). His risky mission: recover from the botton of the sea a treasure, which would provide financial support to their endeavor.