Jesús Marín


Traición en el aire
Las caguamas ninja
A group of workers at a beer factory fight crime together.
Veneno Para As Fadas
Assistant Director
As histórias de bruxaria que a cozinheira conta para a pequena Verônica lhe despertam a imaginação. A chegada de Flávia, uma nova colega de turma, faz com que Verônica se apresente à nova amiga como sendo ela mesma uma "bruxa". Diante da descrença de sua amiga, Verônica se aproveita de uma série de circunstâncias para a convencer de que ela tem feito bruxaria para causar as tais "situações". A inocência dessa brincadeira adquire uma ar macabro, quando Verônica insiste com Flávia para que ela a leve junto nas sua férias na fazenda da família, onde poderá preparar um veneno para as fadas. Aí é quando esta brincadeira se torna realmente perigosa.
Assistant Director
Minister with four virgin daughters inherits a bordello. The land contains a silver mine and the corrupt sheriff tries to force them to leave.
First Assistant Director
O pacato vilarejo de Cabo Blanco perde o clima de paz com a chegada de um navio inglês. Um ex-combatente americano, que atualmente mora na região, se vê ameaçado pela beleza de uma viúva e a presença de um ex-oficial nazista, que chegam com a expedição.
Tintorera! Assassino dos Mares
Second Unit Director
Um enorme tubarão-tigre ("Tintorera", em espanhol) traz morte e pânico ao litoral do México. Enquanto isso, uma jovem inglesa é cobiçada por dois valentes caçadores de tubarões, que se tornam os próximos alvos do animal assassino.
El elegido
A guy is peer-pressured, despite his reluctance, to play the role of Christ in a local production of the Passion Play.
Tragam-me a Cabeça de Alfredo Garcia
Assistant Director
Alfredo Garcia engravida a filha de um latifundiário mexicano que, revoltado, oferece 1 milhão de dólares por sua cabeça. Um músico arruinado descobre que o procurado já está morto e corta a cabeça do defunto para receber a recompensa.
O Magnífico
Assistant Director
François Merlin, escritor de romances de espionagem, projeta seu alter ego, no personagem que ele criou: Bob Saint-Clair, um super espião, inteligente e carismático, cujos feitos heróicos e conquistas amorosas vem compensar sua vida medíocre e frustrada. Ficção e realidade se mesclam, pois François cria seus personagens baseando-se nas pessoas que o cercam. O grande vilão, o Coronel Karpoff é, na vida real, seu editor e a bela espiã Tatiana é Christine, uma estudante de sociologia, vizinha de François.
Um por Deus, Outro pelo Diabo
Assistant Director
Um filme de Western que marca a estréia de Sidney Poitier como diretor. Buck (Poitier), um ex-sargento Confederado da Cavalaria, escolta escravos libertos até a fronteira do Colorado. Junto com ele vai sua esposa (Ruby Dee) e um condenado picareta com uma bíblia na mão, chamado de O Padre (Belafonte). Atacados por racistas caçadores de recompensa, determinados a devolvê-los à sua antiga condição de escravos, Buck e seus seguidores têm que usar toda coragem para continuar seu caminho e ajudar a construir o Velho Oeste.
Black Wind
Assistant Director
The building of a railroad under tough conditions from searing heat to freezing cold in the Sonora desert provokes clashes of passion and struggles between the engineers and the workers at the campsite. The workers also contend with sudden dust storms that are called the 'black wind'. Based on true events.
The Golden Cockerel
Assistant Director
A poor, but very lucky man in the cock fighting, is hired by a rich man, but both are in love with the same woman
La gitana y el charro
Assistant Director
Caravan of gypsies sets up camp outside an old-style Mexican hacienda.
Los bravos de California
Zorroesque adventure pitting two swordsmen against a newly-appointed governor who wastes no time in displaying his despotic tendencies. Sequel to En El Viejo California.
En la vieja California
Bastard son kidnaps legitimate heir in attempt to suborn their father's estate... but a surrogate comes forward to impersonate the real heir while the other problem getss resolved.
The engaging and sentimental tale begins when the little boy (Ricardo Ancona) starts manifesting a greater and greater talent at music and at the same time, a supersensitivity to sounds. His overly astute hearing drives him into the woods and away from the cacophony of the town's hustle and bustle. Once in the woods, he meets a kindly old hermit who teaches him how to play the violin he made. After the old man dies, the violin ends up at a pawn shop, and each night the boy sneaks in to play it in secret. It is this haunting, nightly music that sets the town on edge -- people think an evil spirit is on the loose.
El ánima del ahorcado contra el latigo negro
Masked rider leads a posse to defend their town from crimes related to appearances of a hanged man come back from the grave.
El gran espectáculo
Assistant Director
Sueños de oro
Assistant Director
Por ellas aunque mal paguen
Assistant Director
Don Anastacio, an aristocrat passing through a rough patch,He will make marry his daughter Isabel with wealthy rancher. Isabel and her family refuse to work, Jose Manuel takes them to the ranch, where they are forced to work for food.
Doña Perfecta
Assistant Director
Liberal farmer Pepe has arrived in Santa Fe to visit his aunt, Dona Perfecta. While he's there, Pepe is eager to teach the traditional-minded townspeople a new way of living. Unfortunately for Pepe the people of Santa Fe aren't eager to embrace change, and when the citizens begin to voice resentment Pepe is forced to seek refuge with his sympathetic aunt. Dona Perfecta is just as traditional as any of the other townspeople though, and only suffers Pepe due to the fact that he is family. When Pepe and his cousin Rosario fall deeply in love, the situation quickly comes to a head.
You the Rich
Script Supervisor
Pepe el Toro is married to Celia la Chorreada and they have two children.
Angelitos negros
Script Supervisor
Starring Mexican star Pedro Infante, "Black Angels" is about a couple formed by a beautiful woman and a singer, both white, who are parents of a black girl. The woman blames him, but the girl will suffer the racist treatment from her own mother. Mexican version of the famous novel by Fannie Hurst "Imitation of Life"
The Pearl
A poor Mexican diver discovers a valuable pearl in the ocean, but it brings his family only trouble