Lola Guerrero


El crimen de una novia
This documentary tells the facts Lorca inspired to write "Blood Wedding", through the eyes of Maria Botto, actress whom Rafael Amargo intends to participate in the girlfriend role in a montage, mixing theater and dance, on the well-known work of Spanish poet and playwright. What initially began as a simple interest of an actress to know and understand her character, ends up becoming a rite of passage in search of the reality of the facts, the crime of Níjar, occurred on July 22, 1928 in a small town Almeria.
Da Cama Para a Fama
Script Supervisor
Alfredo Lopez (Javier Cámara) é um vendedor fracassado de enciclopédias, que vive na Espanha dos anos 70. Convidado por seu chefe para um simpósio, ele e sua esposa Carmen (Candela Peña) são surpreendidos com o anúncio do novo projeto da empresa: a confecção de uma Enciclopédia Sexual Visual, que contará com fitas de casais de vários países europeus. A proposta do chefe é que seus empregados rodem seus próprios filmes eróticos, que seriam destinados exclusivamente aos países escandinavos. O casal, em crise financeira, aceita a proposta e inicia suas produções com uma simples câmera Super 8. Essa nova atividade rejuvenesce a paixão do casal, que fica famoso em toda a Escandinávia. Alfredo se empolga com a repercussão e influenciado por seu grande ídolo, Ingmar Bergman, planeja sua primeira incursão em uma película não pornográfica.
His Master's Voice
Script Supervisor
Basque Country, Spain, 1980s. In Bilbao, a gray city dominated by political corruption and nationalist terrorism, Charli works as a chauffeur for Oliveira, a businessman engaged in shady deals. Alarmed by a series of threats and attacks, Oliveira decides to entrust Charli with the protection of his daughter Marta.
Do It for Me
Script Supervisor
Andrés's wealthy father-in-law runs a textile factory; he retires and brings Andrés to Madrid, with wife and son, to run the company. Andrés works long hours, but his wife is bored, and there are tensions at home. When Isabel, a femme fatale, spots Andrés at a party, he's easy prey - but soon, she might be falling for him, perhaps enough to dump her boyfriend Paco, a small-time cocaine dealer. What if Andrés falls for her? What would he sacrifice to have her? And what about his wife; will she fight to keep him?