Josep Maria Domènech

Josep Maria Domènech


Josep Maria Domènech


La fossa
Josep ancià
The Fish Tamer
A story about a friend's tribute to a lifelong sea lover.
The Forest
The life of a spanish couple gets complicated when the Civil War begins and a strange green light appears in the woods, opening the door to the world of the Bream Lords.
Thirty years after exile, Francesc Lamban journalist returns to the city where he was born to reunite with an old friend, attorney Ernest Salesa. The event takes place on the beach that saw the end of their relationship, and this fact is not accidental: Salesa has a business at hand transcendental and mysterious and has to convince Lamban to be part of it, at whatever price . While that behave remove ghosts from the past and the terrible memory of a love lost tragically common.
La balada del estrecho
Samuel returns to town after many years after fleeing for drug problems. Life has not gone well and things do not change back. He has inherited the old hotel of Leo, an old friend, who had dealings with André, a drug dealer who stole before he died. Now he claims the drug André Samuel, but he knows nothing and with the help of Matthew lays out a plan where all are revealed.
Vicky Cristina Barcelona
Vicky (Rebecca Hall) e Cristina (Scarlett Johansson) são amigas e passam férias em Barcelona. Vicky está noiva e é sensata nas questões do amor. Cristina é pura emoção e movida a paixão. Durante uma exposição de arte, as duas se encantam pelo pintor Juan Antonio (Javier Bardem), que as convida mais tarde, durante um jantar, para uma viagem. O que elas não sabiam é que o galante sedutor mantém um relacionamento problemático com sua ex esposa Maria Elena (Penélope Cruz). E as coisas ainda ficam piores porque as duas, cada uma de sua forma, se interessam por ele, dando início a um complicado "quadrado" amoroso.
Santi, um adolescente que sofre de uma rara doença que o impede de estar em contato com a luz solar, muda-se junto com sua mãe para uma pequena cidade nas montanhas. Mas lá as coisas não correm tão bem quanto o planejado. Uma série de estranhas mortes tomam lugar naquela região, e Santi torna-se o principal suspeito. Agora, a única maneira de provar sua inocência será desvendando o terrível segredo que esconde a aldeia e os seus habitantes.
Le vieux Ben
L'est de la brúixola
The concern of a group of people to avoid the sale of the Barcelona pension where they live is altered by the appearance of Dabashree, an Indian woman, and her 8-year-old son. The mysterious mission that Dabashree takes to Barcelona will awaken the curiosity of the inhabitants of the inn until an unexpected event will cause the woman to reveal her secret.
Barcelona, 2002. A coffin is carried to the cemetery of Montjuïc in a chariot drawn by horses. The lifeless is Pep Grau, an old fisherman found drowned and subject to his boat by a complicated knot sailor. The Pep voiceover Grau, portrayed with affection and humor the curious characters he met in life, recounts the difficult moments of his childhood during the Civil War, and finally, we are introduced to Lola, the woman of his life , which has a fish stall in the Boqueria Market beautiful and, after the death of Pep, begins receiving anonymous gifts. Silvia, a teenage ambitious and attractive, is the attorney for the insurance company. Mario, her boss and lover, asked to investigate the strange circumstances surrounding the death of the fisherman. Silvia's inquiries aa allow us to know other characters, like the maverick Dr. Cipriano Mera, Pep old comrade, and his son Gabino Mera.
Cuban Rafters
The story of Cuban refugees who risked their lives in homemade rafts to reach the United States, and what life is like for those who succeed.
A Seita
Cinco anos após o assassinato da filha, um casal recebe um telefonema misterioso que pode guiá-los até os responsáveis pelo crime.
The Color of the Clouds
Clementina befriends Lola’s nerdy lawyer, Valerio, and slowly a romance develops between them. Meanwhile, old fisherman and model-maker Colo has found a consignment of drugs floating in the sea and tries to get rid of them to raise money to save Lola’s house. The adventure element of pic is in a smuggling gang’s attempt to recover the drugs.
Havanera 1820
Capità Gatell
The year is 1820, and trade between Cuba and Catalonia is a booming business, although the goods that arrive to Cuba are not always the products that were shipped, in some cases, they simply arrive "lumps" or "coal". As it appears in the logbooks of the ships. 'Havanera 1820' is a film that tells stories of love and adventure in a time when Cuba confronts the Spanish colonizers.
Garum (Fantastic Contradictions)
Demiurgo principal
Enric Germa, restless painter of paintings, travels to Garum to visit Norbre Estru, an art collector, married to Lebia, a beautiful and provocative woman, with whom he falls in love and with whom he maintains a passionate relationship with his back to her husband . Maia, Naga, Lasia and Rala, a group of splendid and magical women, dispute Enric's love. During your stay in Garum, you will experience fantastic situations and meet strange beings who will introduce you to unimaginable dimensions, which will lead you to a surprising and unexpected ending.
Mi general
A group of generals of the army meet for a course about NATO and new weapons. In the beginning everything is normal but as the time passes they behave more and more like school children.
Victòria! 3: El seny i la rauxa
Victòria! 2: La disbauxa del 17
Victòria! La gran aventura d'un poble
In the middle of the first world war, Barcelona is the center of multiple operations related to war, although Spain is a neutral country.
The Truth on the Savolta Affair
Matón (uncredited)
Barcelona between 1917 and 1923. Is the era of gangsterism, during which gunmen clash between anarchists and thugs paid by The Patronal showed a shocking number of deaths. The confrontation between anarchists and workers of the factory owners Savolta arms worsens when Savolta family decides to end the rebellion hiring murderers hired and plotting to hide their illegal transactions with Germany. Adapted from the novel by Eduardo Mendoza.
Companys, procés a Catalunya
Dr. Anguera
Los restos del ejército republicano cruzan la frontera francesa. Entre los exiliados Lluis Companys, presidente de la Generalitat catalana y Aguirre, presidente de Euskadi. Con la invasión de Francia por las tropas alemanas, termina violentamente el exilio de Companys. La Gestapo lo entrega, no respetando su carácter de refugiado político al gobierno de Franco. Conducido por el Conde de Mayalde es trasladado a Madrid y posteriormente a Barcelona. De las torturas políticas se pasa al ¿simulacro? de juicio y el Presidente es condenado a muerte. Con el fusilamiento, motivado por el odio y no por razones de seguridad, se trataba de cerrar un proceso de democratización y libertad que había adquirido sus expresiones más clarividentes en Cataluña.
Cuarenta años sin sexo
The Beginning at Fifteen
Paco (uncredited)
A story of the sexual adventures of three fifteen year old girls: Elisa, Marian and Susi.
The Burned City
The film depicts ten years of Catalan history, from 1899 with the defeat of the Spanish side in the Cuban War of Independence to the Tragic Week 1909.
Libertad provisional
A small-time delinquent young man and a book saleswoman at home delivery, who occasionally engage in prostitution as a derivative of her work, try a way of coexistence on the basis of mutual freedom schemes.