Suzanne Savoy
Nascimento : , Wilmington, Delaware, USA
Gregory Archambault is a dark comedy about a suicidal writer who can't commit suicide because he's not satisfied with his suicide letter. After receiving his 300th plus rejection letter for his novel, Gregory sets down a path to write the perfect suicide letter, but he runs into the problem that he can't write one that satisfies him.
A fateful chain of events begin to unravel after two brash insurance salesmen go knocking on the wrong door and find themselves trapped in a stranger's basement.
Um filme de Tim O'Connor
Um jovem negro aceita trabalhar para um homem branco paraplégico e acaba dando início a uma grande e inusitada amizade. Versão americana de "Intocáveis", filme francês de 2012 que fez grande sucesso mundial.
Town Clerk
A policial de New Jersey Laurel Hester (Julianne Moore) e a mecânica Stacie Andree (Ellen Page) estão em um relacionamento sério. O mundo delas desmorona quando Laurel é diagnosticada com uma doença terminal. Como sinal de amor, ela quer que Stacie receba os benefícios da pensão da polícia após a sua morte, só que as autoridades se recusam a reconhecer a relação homoafetiva.
Dr. Regina Larose
Sgt. Tom Schmidt is waiting to come home from the Iraq War. But first, he has to get through the Elm County Hospital Physical Therapy Program to relearn how to walk again. Elm County's Physical Therapy Department is good, but it is really famous for its mental health center, and the doctor's seem intent to capitalize on Tom's newfound celebrity from the Falujah torture case that put him in his wheelchair and made headlines around the world. Tom is forced to play their game in order to regain his freedom, but finds there is something more sinister at play.
Furious Woman
Luke é um ex-policial durão que salvou uma menina oriental das mãos de bandidos dentro de um trem do metrô. O único problema é que ele não fazia ideia de que ela era portadora de uma informação extremamente importante, capaz de mobilizar a máfia russa, chinesa e ainda policiais corruptos. Agora, ele também tem o que todos querem e vai defender com a própria vida para que a justiça seja feita, nem que para isso seja necessário começar uma guerra urbana.
Chapin Headmistress
Set in the world of New York City's elite private kindergartens, The Best and the Brightest centers on a fresh-faced young couple, Samantha and Jeff, who have only recently moved into town. The comedy centers on their dawning realization of the lengths they must go to in order to get their five-year-old daughter into school.
Deirdre Walker
Quando um ator pomposo conta boa garota Alexa que ela não viveu, ela embarca em uma jornada ousada que a leva para o misterioso bad boy Johnny.
Susan Lombardo
A passion for golf drives this story about fame, schemes and paying the bills. Having successfully failed at everything, Anthony "Babe" Lombardo rises from his couch potato life with one last hope. He invents the perfect golf swing that he believes will revolutionize the game. Determined to make it bankable, Babe frantically maneuvers amidst suspicious investors, vanishing friends and a disenchanted wife.
Alice Graham Baker
In this true life murder mystery, we know early on "whodunnit" (the butler, actually), but the surprising charm in the story stems from the fact that the lawyer is honest and morally upright. The story of William Marsh Rice and his legacy, Rice University, where much of the film was shot.
Melissa Mills
Down-on-his-luck lawyer Warren Blackburn defends wealthy Texan Johnnie Faye Boudreau, who is accused of murdering her husband.
Gameshow Wife
A man who doesn't like stable work environments has been away for too many years, and finds out his wife has divorced him and is planning to remarry. He comes home to confront her, trying to convince her not to get married, aided by the daughter, who loves him despite his wandering ways. The couple finds out they still have feelings for each other but must decide how best to handle the contradiction of their lifestyles.
Personalities clash when a city executive and a small town seamstress are thrown into jail for crimes they didn't commit and then escape, handcuffed together.
Estranhas mortes levam agente do FBI e seu parceiro a descoberta inusitada: um alienígena de 2 metros de altura injeta heroína em suas vítimas e depois usa um método especial para retirar a substância de seus corpos.
Emily Cashen
O confronto de uma família com as forças do mal, vindas do passado. O filho de um casal que acaba de comprar uma casa antiga percebe uma estranha presença no porão. Crimes se sucedem, mas ninguém acredita nele.
Martha Knight
A boy kidnapped by two mismatched hitmen puts them at each other's throats while being driven to their employers, possibly to be killed. Cohen, an older professional becomes increasingly irritated with his partner Tate, a brutish killer, when their prisoner uses unnatural guile and resourcefulness to play them off against each other.
The story of a 10-year old boy genius who invents a mentally interactive communication device for the U.S. Military and is then kidnapped by a shadowy organization and rescued by a famous stunt pilot.
Gino, a bank executive is not having a good day. After giving birth to their eighth child, his wife insists that he have a vasectomy, something he doesn't even want to think about. On top of that, he discovers that other family members are stealing money from his bank.