Ryan Jeremy Woodward


A Place in the Middle
Eleven year old Ho'onani dreams of leading the hula troupe at her inner-city Honolulu school. The only trouble is that the group is just for boys. She's fortunate that her teacher understands first-hand what it's like to be 'in the middle' - the ancient Hawaiian tradition of embracing both male and female spirit. Together they set out to prove that what matters most is to be true to yourself.
Os Vingadores: The Avengers
Storyboard Artist
Loki, o irmão de Thor, ganha acesso ao poder ilimitado do cubo cósmico ao roubá-lo de dentro das instalações da S.H.I.E.L.D. Nick Fury, o diretor desta agência internacional que mantém a paz, logo reúne os únicos super-heróis que serão capazes de defender a Terra de ameaças sem precedentes. Homem de Ferro, Capitão América, Hulk, Thor, Viúva Negra e Gavião Arqueiro formam o time dos sonhos de Fury, mas eles precisam aprender a colocar os egos de lado e agir como um grupo em prol da humanidade.
Cowboys & Aliens
Storyboard Artist
Em 1873, um estranho (Daniel Craig) sem memória vai parar em Absolution, cidade inóspita para visitantes e dominada pelo medo imposto pelo pulso forte do "Coronel" Woodrow Dollarhyde (Harrison Ford). Mas o inesperado acontece quando máquinas voadoras atacam a cidade e sequestram seus habitantes. É quando os humanos descobrem que precisam combater a invasão alienígena, forçando os homens brancos, bons e maus, e ainda os peles vermelhas a unir forças contra a ameaça extraterrestre.
The Turtle and The Shark
The Turtle and the Shark is one of the most popular Samoan legends. It tells the story of a man and a woman who are deeply in love. Unfortunately, the man is chosen to be the next meal to the cannibal King Malietofaiga. To avoid this horrible fate, they flee to another island. However, fearing their act of disobedience would bring dishonor on their families, they willingly gave up their lives at the cliffs of Vaitogi. The gods had mercy on them and transformed them into a turtle and a shark to live together, forever.
The Turtle and The Shark
The Turtle and the Shark is one of the most popular Samoan legends. It tells the story of a man and a woman who are deeply in love. Unfortunately, the man is chosen to be the next meal to the cannibal King Malietofaiga. To avoid this horrible fate, they flee to another island. However, fearing their act of disobedience would bring dishonor on their families, they willingly gave up their lives at the cliffs of Vaitogi. The gods had mercy on them and transformed them into a turtle and a shark to live together, forever.
Thought of You
A breathtaking, fantastic, and inspiring hand-animated film which explores the themes of love and loss, through expressive figure drawings and contemporary dance.