Silvia Voser


Ken Bugul - Personne n'en veut
The Day When...
Chantal Akerman reads a script detailing the woes that befell her on the day she thought about "The Future of Cinema". The camera continuously rotates 360 degrees around her apartment as she rereads the script at an exponentially increasing speed. At its heart, an homage to Godard.
The Film to Come
If any single piece can act as a key to Ruiz, it may be the 1997 short Le Film à Venir (The Film to Come). The titular film is a holy fragment of celluloid that can only be seen by a secret society known as the Philokinetes. They watch it on a loop, somnambulating through a life that is unreal by comparison. It is the belief of the Philokinetes that film has an existence “independent from humans. Cinema, they said, is the primeval soup of a new life form. There from were to emerge pure screening creatures. Which is to say, non-topical beings.” - n+1
Le Franc
A penniless, fast-thinking musician buys a lottery ticket which he glues to his back door, in hopes of eventually retrieving his instrument from his exasperating landlady. —but the ticket wins...
Samba Traoré
Executive Producer
Samba foge para sua aldeia, depois de um assalto a um posto de gasolina. O amigo morre num tiroteio. Samba escapa com o dinheiro, mas perde a paz. Ele conhece Saratou. Os dois passam a viver juntos, dando apoio um ao outro, na tentativa de esquecer o passado. Saratou tem um filho de dez anos, Ali, de um homem a quem abandonou. Salif, um amigo de infância, e sua mulher Binta, testemunham o ato de desespero de Samba de se livrar de seus pecados.