Dr. Coron Perry
Through their individual trials and turbulence, three strangers are drawn together under one roof.
Tara and Ella Hines are sisters living very different lives. Tara is a big city architect with a fighting spirit that has brought her great success. Ella, a few years younger, never left the hometown of their youth and has been the primary caretaker of the family. Estranged for 40 years, they are brought together finally with the death of their mother. Through a series of flashbacks, their childhood in rural 1960s Georgia unfolds. The "Coloreds only" bathroom and side entrance to shops. The train tracks that separated the town by skin color. We see them navigate this world full of inferiority and bullying, ultimately leading to Ella's decision to become white. As the sisters lay their mother to rest, the past rises up to meet them and we're finally shown the moment that tore their family apart.
Walter Lee
Tara and Ella Hines are sisters living very different lives. Tara is a big city architect with a fighting spirit that has brought her great success. Ella, a few years younger, never left the hometown of their youth and has been the primary caretaker of the family. Estranged for 40 years, they are brought together finally with the death of their mother. Through a series of flashbacks, their childhood in rural 1960s Georgia unfolds. The "Coloreds only" bathroom and side entrance to shops. The train tracks that separated the town by skin color. We see them navigate this world full of inferiority and bullying, ultimately leading to Ella's decision to become white. As the sisters lay their mother to rest, the past rises up to meet them and we're finally shown the moment that tore their family apart.
É 1968 e quatro jovens aborígines australianas talentosas aprendem sobre amor, amizade e guerra quando seu grupo feminino The Sapphires entretém as tropas americanas no Vietnã.
Huge Doorman
Tentando esquecer seu passado sombrio, Logan, mais conhecido como Wolverine, parece ter encontrado o amor e a felicidade com Kayla Silverfox. Mas a paz de Logan é abalada quando Victor Creed, seu irmão cruel, assassina brutalmente Kayla. A sede de vingança de Logan o leva ao programa Arma X. Ele passa por um processo doloroso para fortalecer seus ossos com adamantium, o que o torna praticamente indestrutível.
Giant Pirate
Peter (Levi Miller) é um garoto de 12 anos que vive em um orfanato em Londres, no período da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Um dia, ele e várias crianças são sequestradas por piratas em um navio voador, que logo é perseguido por caças do exército britânico. O navio escapa e logo ruma para a Terra do Nunca, um lugar mágico e distante onde o capitão Barba Negra (Hugh Jackman) escraviza crianças e adultos para que encontrem pixum, uma pedra preciosa que concentra pó de fada. Em pleno garimpo, Peter conhece James Hook (Garreth Hedlund), que tem planos para fugir do local.
Após derrotar as máquinas em seu combate inicial, Neo ainda vive na Nabucodonosor ao lado de Morpheus, Trinity e Link, o novo tripulante da nave. As máquinas estão realizando uma grande ofensiva contra Zion, onde 250 mil delas escavam rumo à cidade e podem alcançá-la em poucos dias. A Nabucodonosor é convocada para retornar a Zion e participar da reunião que definirá o contra-ataque para salvar a humanidade da extinção. Entretanto, um recado enviado pelo Oráculo faz com que Neo retorne à Matrix.
In this sequel to the made-for-TV sci-fi thriller Chameleon, Bobbie Phillips returns as Kam, a beautiful but deadly (and genetically altered) government agent who is called into action when a criminal genius stages a daring raid, taking the clientele of an exclusive casino hostage.
Marine biologist Jack Ellway and his son Brandon are drawn to the Polynesian island of Malau to study the effects of recent seismic activity on the area's marine life. Along with the local doctor Alyson Hart, they soon become caught up in the investigation of a series of recent drownings with unexpected results. As Jack explores the surrounding ocean for a mysterious marine creature, Brandon discovers and befriends a three-foot-long baby creature that is able to leave the ocean and walk on land. As more dangerous and giant creatures come onto the island, and the military begins to take offensive action, Jack must risk everything to save the creatures, the island and his son. Written by ADAM G. THOMAS