Sándor Oszter

Sándor Oszter

Nascimento : 1948-09-02, Győr, Hungary

Morte : 2021-10-29


Sándor Oszter


O Bandido
Security man at bank
Entre 1993 e 1999, um homem roubou 29 instituições financeiras em Budapeste. Bancos, correios e até mesmo agências de viagens foram vítimas de sua onda de crimes. A polícia não tinha pistas e nenhuma esperança de encontrá-lo durante seu período de seis anos. A única pista deixada nas cenas do crime era o aroma distinto do uísque. A mídia batizou-o de “Bandido de Whisky”. Nunca machucando fisicamente ninguém, muitos começaram a seguir avidamente suas escapadas através da mídia. Um imigrante da Transilvânia, que também era goleiro de uma das maiores equipes de hóquei da cidade, chamado Attila Ambrus, foi finalmente identificado como o “Bandido de Whisky”. A polícia finalmente o capturou ... ou assim eles pensaram.
Argo 2
A fekete bojtár
István Sinka, known in the farm world of the Great Plains only as Black Burdock, is a decent, honest fellow. He stands out among his peers with his education and literacy. He and his love, Piroska, are happily planning their lives when an unexpected tragedy occurs.
The crew of Tibi Balogh sets out on a journey across Hungary to get the ancient Gold Owl statue, as well as the Milk Man. The treasure is worth millions, who gets there first?
Pénzt, de sokat!
1859. Exploiting the Austrian-French-Italian conflict, Kossuth sends Batiszy Kristóf back from the emigration to organize the Hungarian Legion. Batiszy's company gets into trouble, Austrians are waiting for them, Hungarian authorities chase them, people stand still. Demolition of the troop is the task of Görgényi László chief district administrator, who used to be an officer in the revolution once.
Diário Íntimo
János (voice)
Profundamente marcada pela prisão do pai, do qual nunca mais recebeu noticías, em 1938, na ex União Sovietica, para onde a família tinha emigrado e pela morte da mãe por epidemia de tifo, a diretora hungara, Márta Mészáros, nos apresenta uma obra semi autobiográfica... 1947. Uma jovem Hungara, Juli, orfã (seu pai, comunista refugiado na União Sovietica, foi fuzilado durante as purgas estalinistas), regressa ao seu país em ruínas, depois da guerra mundial.. Ela é confiada a uma tia, Magda, uma resistente antifascista e firme defensora do novo regime na Hungria... Venceu o grande prémio do jurí, em Cannes.
The Revolt of Job
The story of a childless Jewish couple in WWII-era Hungary who adopt a Hungarian boy and raise him with their values and traditions.
After five years of hard work in America Juraj Hordubal (Anatoliy Kuznetsov) returns back home. He is looking forward to his wife Polana (Libuse Geprtová) and his little daughter Hafie. The family and the village welcome him with hesitation. Everybody believed that Juraj died in America because Polana stopped receiving money from him already two years ago. Polana's farm was prospering first of all thanks to the young stable boy Stepán (Sándor Oszter). Men in the pub first indicate and then say to Juraj directly that Polana has been unfaithful to him with Stepán.
The Music's the Thing
The Fortress
A World War II-style "war game" setting the wealthy customers against skilled mercenaries goes awry when the simulated war gets too real.
A csillagszemű
Ida regénye
Balogh Csaba
The Legend About the Death and Resurrection of Two Young Men
The director of Meztelen Vagy was imprisoned for many years during the latter part of the Stalin era and is known for his highly imagistic and symbolic storytelling techniques. This film tells its story in the same way, and at no point is the story made explicit. Images of love, death, suicide, violence and mutilation dominate.
The Agitators
After the World War I, enthusiastic young people found the intellectual group of Hungarian Communist Party. Their aim is to propagate the communist ideology to the people and get the workers on their side. They have fierce discussions on the new ideas, though their movement is not very successful. They clash with their opposition, attempt to lead people to the Red Army, but without success.
Rózsa Sándor
The main character of this film reminiscent of political writing is Laci, the young and ambitious factory worker. He lives with his brother's family. After an unsuccessful attempt to escape from his native country and the prison sentence which follows it he gets employed by Pray, the progressive thinker, at a newly established computer centre. It is here that Laci learns to know Anna, the new-leftist university student, daughter of the general manager. Tóth, although he does not favour their relationship, does not oppose it either.