Vladimir Chukhnov


A Glass of Water
Director of Photography
When a small state is threatened with capture by a much stronger one, only one thing can save it: the emergence of a competitor comparable to the invader. In a graceful and witty play by Scribe, hostilities unfold around a young officer, in whom the modest saleswoman of a jewelry store, the omnipotent Duchess of Marlborough and the Queen of England herself fell in love at the same time.
A Ascensão
Director of Photography
Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, um grupo de guerrilheiros russos lutam para sobreviver no meio do frio e dos nazistas. Dois soldados são enviados para procurar comida em uma vila próxima, mas são surpreendidos por uma patrulha alemã.
On Thursday and Never Again
Director of Photography
On the eve of his wedding, a young doctor leaves Moscow to see his mother who lives in a nature reserve. Things are complicated by the fact that the doctor's ex-girlfriend is also there, and she is expecting a child.
The Paradise Apples
Director of Photography
Political pamphlet based on the story of the Finnish writer Martti Larni "Socrates in Helsinki". Spring of 1944. In the paradise, which has long been settled by the philosopher Socrates, a fired soldier Vittori Virten arrives. The philosopher respected the newcomer with great respect, and they even became friends. Once having distinguished himself before God, the heroes get a vacation on Earth and go on a journey: the soldier decides to visit his family in Laconia, and the sage just wanted to see the world — did he think it once, and decided to join the soldier...
Family Happiness
Camera Operator
Omnibus film featuring early works by Chekhov