Toshio Takahara

Toshio Takahara

Nascimento : 1923-05-01, Tokyo, Japan

Morte : 2000-02-26


Toshio Takahara


Barrow Gang BC
Film about a pirate radio station.
Waga seishun no eleven
Soccer movie.
Himitsu Sentai Gorenger: The Bomb Hurricane!
Commander Kenpachi Edogawa
The Gorenger head for Matsuyama to prevent the Black Cross from firing a missile to destroy Japan. Himitsu Sentai Gorenger: The Bomb Hurricane is a theatrical film based on the Himitsu Sentai Gorenger television series. It was originally shown on July 22, 1976 (between Episodes 56 and 57 of the TV series) as part of the Toei Manga Matsuri film festival. It was the only Gorenger film that was a completely original work and not a theatrical version of a TV episode.
Esquadrão Secreto Gorenger
Commander Kenpachi Edogawa
O mundo está em um estado de caos e desespero após sucessivos ataques da organização terrorista conhecida como o Exército da Cruz Negra. A única esperança do planeta Terra é a força de paz internacional EAGLE, que possui tecnologia e recursos suficientes para se opor à Cruz Negra. No entanto, um ataque surpresa da Cruz Negra destrói várias bases japonesas da EAGLE, matando centenas de soldados. Porém, das cinzas da destruição, se erguem cinco sobreviventes. Cinco jovens com forte senso de justiça e habilidades prodigiosas. Utilizando a mais avançada tecnologia disponível, a EAGLE os transforma no Esquadrão Secreto Gorenger. Assim se iniciam as aventuras da primeira equipe em uma grande linhagem de heróis coloridos que conquistaram gerações.
Touch of Love
Yukichi Aoki
Shinta is a sixth grader in Kawasaki City a troublemaker that dreams to become a soccer player. Yoshiko, a classmate who moved to Kawasaki from Iwate Prefecture two years ago, is a gloomy girl who suffers from asthma due to the polluted air in Kawasaki and is ostracized by her class. Shinta is placed next to Yoshiko in class and their stories will take a turn.
The Class of the Sewage Canal
The struggle of a young man and boys who try to create the environment where they can speak their minds freely.
Shadow of Deception
It was five years ago when Minako spent a night with Sozo, younger brother of her ex-husband. She now lives in a local town with a rich old man who owns a dry goods store. Minako travels to Tokyo on business every three months, during which time she continues to meet Sozo, who has married the daughter of his respected teacher.
The Sea Anemone
Kenzo Kawai
The story of a sexy girl with a passion for attracting men and counting the money she entices from them with her body.
Scrap Collectors
Based on a story by Akiyuki Nosaka.
The Daring Nun
One of the nuns at Senjuan is Sister Shunko (Michiyo Yasuda). Unlike the usual nun, however, she often goes out to see the world, being of the opinion that nuns should not lead cloistered lives but should see something of modern life. She makes the acquaintance of a young girl named lkuko (Kayo Mikimoto) and saves her from the advances of a gangster named Goro (lchiro Nakatani). In the meantime she turns down several propositions and, in revenge, one of her admirers denounces her to the Mother Superior (Kuniko Miyake). This lady is of liberal views, however, and refuses to do anything about it. Then Shunko is visited by Goro's gang boss who wants lkuko back and says he will blackmail Shunko unless she agrees.
Rebellion of Japan
Suzuko, a woman in her twenties who has a brother with political problems (due to communist reprisals), lives for over five years in a love affair with Tate who's a young lieutenant in the Army, ultimately becoming a right-wing fundamentalist revolutionary. She marries another man, one totally dedicated to the rigorous practices of Noh theatre, in an arranged marriage, but the bond that connects her with Tate is too strong.
The Lovable Tramp
Saotome is a white-collar worker on the brink of a burnout who one day strikes up a friendship with Gen, a boorish drifter who approaches life one day at a time.
The Great White Tower
The story contrasts the life of two doctors, former classmates and now both assistant professors at Naniwa University Hospital in Osaka. The brilliant and ambitious surgeon Goro Zaizen stops at nothing to rise to a position of eminence and authority, while the friendly Shuji Satomi busies himself with his patients and research.
An original warrior directed by Toshio Takagi, directed by Eisuke Takizawa of “Kiriko's Tango” by Toshio Yasumi, a comedy, cheerful widow. The photo was taken by Minoru Yokoyama from “Asakusa no Toko Odoriko Monogatari”
The Gambling Monk
One summer day, the chief monk of the Hojuin Temple dies. Harumichi rushes back to town hearing about his brother's death and requests for a grand funeral. He had been unwilling to take over the family business and had chosen a life as a middle school teacher far away from home, but considering the circumstances, he changes his mind. As the new chief of Hojuin, Harumichi scrambles around day after day for donations. He has kept strictly to the straight and narrow, until he passes a bicycle race track where the sounds of cheering fans induce him into a new way of life...
Cases of Umon:A Woman with An Umbrella
Talking Denroku
Ryutaro Otomo as the Edo magistrate Umon Kondo is out to solve a crime that centers around the murder of a jail guard & the escape of a criminal who is later himself killed. His dying words in Umon's arms were, "I didn't kill the guard." The murdered criminal had been a safe-cracker & only his girlfriend knows where he hid a fortune. She is kidnapped, so the plot gets thicker & thicker.
Bad Girl
Wakae is a 15 year old girl who lived under the same roof with her alcoholic father and stepmom. Her mother had died years ago. She spends her nights at a rundown bar, sharing drinks and cigarettes with the lowlife drunks. She has nowhere to turn and no one to talk to, until she is reunited with her childhood friend, Saburo, who brings warmth to her heart.
Love in the Air
Satake Shoji had been a trapeze artist in the Ezaki Circus, but when Shingo, his team mate, slipped and fell to his death, he had felt responsible and, sick at heart, left the circus for a life at sea. On land again Shoji goes to a cabaret where he is soon involved in a brawl. Kasamatsu, the owner of the cabaret, impressed by Shoji's strength, offers him a job as his bodyguard. The next morning Shoji visits Shingo's grave and meets Miyako, Shingo's former sweetheart, who is still a trapeze performer and now the star of the Kuroko Circus which Shoji realizes Kasamatsu intends to control.
Hitotsu no inochi
1962 Japanese movie
The Man with a Shotgun
Ryoji, a wanderer, arrives in a remote mountain town, carrying a shotgun and claiming to be a hunter. He quickly becomes embroiled in a web of trouble surrounding the town's mill.
Quick Draw Joe
Detective Kimura
One day, a lone horseman rides into town with a wounded man strapped behind him. Joe, the Ace, had captured one of the bandits who had held up the armored payroll car headed for the dam construction site, takes the wounded man to the police and claims the reward offered. He is told to wait until the driver of the armored car returns to identify the bandit and goes over to the Blue Star where he is introduced to Mishima, the owner of the cabaret, who is highly respected in the town. Joe then meets Saburo, while fishing, and his lovely sister, who seem to sense the real man beneath the rough appearance and take him into their home. Word reaches Joe that the bandit he'd captured had been shot and he hurries over to the hospital.
Guerra e Humanidade III: Uma Prece de Soldado
Chôsen e Iku Heichô
Nesta parte final da trilogia, Kaji é o único sobrevivente de sua unidade e acaba se rendendo ao exército Soviético. Ele é preso na Sibéria, onde espera melhor tratamento do que recebeu de seu próprio exército, mas, ao contrário, é acusado de assassinato e ameaçado de execução. Kaji tenta, desesperadamente, recuperar sua liberdade.
Todos Porcos
Dr. Miyaguchi
Um jovem opta por trabalhar como cuidador de porcos da Yakuza ao invés de arranjar um emprego normal. Contrariado pela namorada e acreditando ser apenas um trabalho como outro qualquer, acaba sendo jogado em meio ao mundo do crime.
Life of a Country Doctor
A skilled country doctor's talents are such that he can even perform operations as difficult and novel as removing a patient's kidney for the first time in Japan. Unfortunately for him, however, his wife's addiction to gambling is of such a magnitude that he is down to selling his underwear to make money. The image sticks and he becomes known as the 'underwear doctor.' On the other hand, his successful surgery's patient is so grateful he himself wants to become a physician.
Ore wa Ginza no kiheitai
A youth film starring Kōji Wada and Mayumi Shimizu
The Murderer Must Die
A year ago, Tetsuo Yazaki was unemployed and wanted money, attacked a police box in Kobe, robbed a policeman of his pistol, attacked Hamamatsu OS Theater and Nagoya Shinwa Bank, and succeeded in robbing a large amount of money.
Age of Nudity
The story deals with a juvenile delinquent gang surviving through petty thievery. However, everything gets screwed up when they accidentally steal big bucks from the Yakuza.
Kiku and Isamu: Two Siblings Born in Japan
Newspaperman B
Kiku and her brother Isamu are social outcasts, children of a prostitute mother and black GI father, in postwar Japan.
Voice Without a Shadow
Shigeo Kotani
Asako, a former telephone operator once heard the voice of a murder suspect which has continued to haunt her. Years later her husband invites his boss, Hamazaki, over for dinner and she realises his voice is suspiciously like that of the killer. Before she can investigate further, Hamazaki is found dead and her husband becomes the prime suspect.
The Naked Sun
A young, struggling couple are making every sacrifice so they will one day in the not-too-distant-future, have enough money to get married. As they have agreed on this procedure, it comes as a shock to the young woman to find out from her husband-to-be that he just loaned all the money they had saved to a friend. She is understandably miffed, and a big disagreement results. But after some time goes by, she discovers why the friend needed the money so badly, and the couple are back on solid footing again.
Rusty Knife
Udaka is a new, post-war city where corruption has already taken hold. A persistent district attorney wants to arrest and convict Katsumata, a laughing, self-confident thug. The D.A. gets an anonymous letter about the suicide five years' before of a city council member. Evidence about the case leads the D.A. to Tachibana, struggling to go straight after involvement with the mob and a prison sentence for killing the man responsible for the rape and suicide of his fiancée. One of Tachibana's friends is Keiko, the daughter of the dead councilman and the ward of another powerful official. How do these stories connect?
A Lenda do Sol dos Últimos Dias do Xogunato
Saheji, um rebelde engenhoso, é obrigado a permanecer em um bordel para pagar sua dívida. No início, ele é tratado como um hóspede indesejável que nunca vai embora, mas logo se envolve com os hóspedes, anfitriões, criados e garotas de alterne – resolvendo os problemas de todos com sua inteligência.
Yellow Crow
In this Golden Globe winner for Best Foreign-Language Film, director Heinosuke Gosho -- a master chronicler of Japanese middle-class life -- presents the story of Kiyoshi Yoshida (Koji Shitara), who feels estranged from both parents after his father returns from war. How the boy adapts to life with the virtual stranger his father has become is the film's focus. Chikage Awashima, Yûnosuke Itô and Yoshiko Kuga also star.
Ai Sureba Koso
Furuno (segment 2)
Till We Meet Again
Sonejiro dedica sua vida inteiramente à pesquisa. A jovem dona de casa Yachiyo está decepcionada com seu marido Kappei, que se sente mais atraído pela escalada e por outra mulher. A felicidade de todos entra em jogo quando o pai de Yachiyo é apresentado a Sonejiro.
The Sacrifice of the Human Torpedoes
Ensign Kawamura
Twenty-Four Eyes
Schoolteacher Hisako Oishi struggles to imbue her students with a positive view of the world despite the fact that war is looming.
The Street Without Sun
Young man
Os Sete Samurais
Samurai with Gun
No século XVI, durante a era Sengoku, quando os poderosos samurais de outrora estavam com os dias contados, pois eram agora desprezados pelos seus aristocráticos senhores. Kambei (Takashi Shimura), um guerreiro veterano sem dinheiro, chega em uma aldeia indefesa que foi saqueada repetidamente por ladrões assassinos. Os moradores do vilarejo pedem sua ajuda, fazendo com que Kambei recrute seis outros ronins (samurais sem mestre), que concordam em ensinar os habitantes como devem se defender em troca de comida. Os aldeões dão boas-vindas aos guerreiros e algumas relações começam. Katsushiro (Ko Kimura) se apaixona por uma das mulheres locais, embora os outros ronins mantenham distância dos camponeses. O último dos guerreiros que chega é Kikuchio (Toshiro Mifune), que finge estar qualificado mas na realidade é o filho de um camponês que almeja aceitação.
At the End of the Clouds
A movie that depicts the tragic fate of many Yokaren flight-academy pilots.
Vacuum Zone
Just before the end of the war, Japanese soldier Kitani is released from prison, having served his term for theft. Told in flashback, viewers learn about Kitani's past and reasons behind his prison sentence.
Listen to the Voices of the Sea
This film is strongly anti-war film. The film is based on the collection of writings by Japanese student soldiers who died during World War II. The film is located to Burma. It shows the everyday problems of soldiers in contrast of their ideas and the cynicism of their commanders. Soldiers are also victims of military bullying by their commanders.