Colleen Passard


The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Love's Sweet Song
Suzette Chambin
In the seventh film in the series, in April 1916, a disillusioned Indy hops the ocean to Europe where he figures the Great War might offer him a greater sense of purpose.
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Treasure of the Peacock's Eye
In the eighteenth film in the series, in late 1918, the Great War may have ended, but a new adventure begins for Indy when a mysterious man's dying words send him and Remy on a thrilling treasure hunt for one of Alexander the Great's most treasured possessions. Pursued by a dangerous one-eyed man, Indy follows the trail of the diamond from London to Alexandria to the South Seas where he has a run-ins with murderous Chinese pirates, is captured by savage headhunters, and meets anthropologist Bronislaw Malinowski.
Afraid of the Dark
Nurse With Knitting
A little boy, obsessed with blindness and violence, slowly gets trapped in his own delusions.
Almôndegas 3
Rudy é um rapaz tímido que vai passar o verão numa colônia de férias decidido a perder a virgindade. Seu jeito desengonçado, porém, só consegue metê-lo em confusões. Mas a situação começa a mudar quando o fantasma da atriz pornô Roxy Dujour aparece para lhe dar dicas de como conquistar as mulheres. Além disso, ela repagina o visual nerd do garoto e o ensina a colocar um salame dentro da calça para aumentar a "segurança", por assim dizer.
Sgt. Schicklegruber
Within two weeks, Sgt. Hardbutt has to clean up the crime in the streets before the Governor arrives. Hardbutt is forced to supplement his overworked staff with civilian "recruits" who he schemes to use to a disastrous advantage.