Jón Atli Jónasson


A film inspired by real events in the Icelandic underworld. A young man has a one night stand with the former girlfriend of a violent criminal and is kidnapped by said criminal and his gang in an effort to blackmail him. When that doesn't work they decide to bring him to the countryside to the home of an old friend. There they proceed to torture the poor man...
A film inspired by real events in the Icelandic underworld. A young man has a one night stand with the former girlfriend of a violent criminal and is kidnapped by said criminal and his gang in an effort to blackmail him. When that doesn't work they decide to bring him to the countryside to the home of an old friend. There they proceed to torture the poor man...
Arnaldur, a 16-year-old boy living a normal teenager's life in Reykjavik. One day, coming home from school, he finds his brother in the bathtub, dead. Despite clear signs of a suicide, Arnaldur is convinced that his brother's teacher is somehow responsible so he decides to take matters into his own hands and avenge his brother.
A young couple, physiologist Agla and filmmaker Gunnar, wake up at a glacier drilling camp only to find the camp mysteriously abandoned and their co-workers gone. When searching for the lost team they realize they’re up against an unknown deadly force.
Durante o inverno de 1984, um barco pesqueiro naufraga no Atlântico Norte, nas proximidades da Islândia. Os tripulantes tentam sobreviver, mas as águas geladas impedem que essa tarefa seja facilmente concluída, restando apenas Gulli (Ólafur Darri Ólafsson), um homem bom, de fé, querido por todos, e com uma vontade de viver inacreditável. Após nadar por cerca de seis horas e enfrentar vários percalços, ele consegue contato com a civilização. Após a incrível experiência vivida, Gulli terá ainda que viver com a dor da perda dos amigos e, pior, a incredulidade de todos, que não entendem ele ter sobrevivido a uma situação tão extrema e insistem em fazer testes para saber como isso pode ter acontecido. Baseado em fatos reais.
The Nail
Robert is an important man with big responsibilities. One day he has an accident that blurs the border between the man and the beast within. Robert acts out and suffers the consequences.
Scratches: Part 1
No plot found
The Magician
The Magician is a strong and personal story, about how one‘s imagination can help make unbearable situation bearable.
A Man Like Me
A postal worker falls in love with the Chinese waitress at a Chinese restaurant. They start dating and quickly fall in and out of love, the waitress returning to China. The young man looks for comfort in his father but he's too preoccupied with winning the Eurovision song contest. After listening to loser friends talk about what Sylvester Stallone would do in his situation, the postal worker decides to buy a ticket to China and follow his love to her home.
Eldborg - Sönn íslensk útihátíð
A documentary about the Eldborg music festival
Eldborg - Sönn íslensk útihátíð
A documentary about the Eldborg music festival