Natalya Dmitriyeva

Natalya Dmitriyeva

Nascimento : 1945-06-28, Ленинград, СССР (Санкт-Петербург, Россия)


Natalya Dmitriyeva


No Return
Тревоги первых птиц
Путешествие в другой город
When leaving, leave
Виктория, жена Пашки
Незаметный, скромный бухгалтер Сулин часто попадает в полусмешные-полугрустные ситуации — часто робеет, боится идти наперекор хоть кому-то. Пока однажды случай не помог ему вспомнить, что и он был когда-то решительным и отважным.
Private Bumbarash, considered lost in the First World War, suddenly returned to his native village, where no one recognizes, because the money for the memorial service a long time ago employed for other purposes. In a country already in full raging civil war in the tiny village of power is changing every half: red, white, anarchists, gangsters, again red and white for them again, and so on to infinity ... Amid all this chaos Bumbarash tries to arrange his life and personal happiness.
Впереди день
I Accept the War
When the Bridges Are Raised
Intensely and for a long time Valery was looking for an occasion for achievement. Seventeen years of boring life have formed a scornful gait among the young man in protest towards an eventless world. But ordinary everyday difficulties came, followed by the responsibility for making decisions. And it turned out that everyday life is not just past days. This is real life.