Dimitrius Pulido

Dimitrius Pulido

Nascimento : , Chicago, Illinois, USA


Dimitrius Pulido born in Chicago, IL. His father is from Mexico and his mother's family is from Athens, Greece. He started his acting career with a small role in _Raw Deal (1986)_ . He moved to Los Angeles, to work on General Hospital" (1990)_. He lives in Austin, Texas, where he worked on _The Change Up (2011)_ with Ryan Reynolds, andMachete (2010) with 'Danny Trejo',Sin City A Dame To Die For with Joseph Gordon-Levitt. He has appeared on indie films Curse of Babylon ,Flashes,Harbinger,Inhumane.He has a strong interest in supporting organizations that help abused children and women and would like to get more involved as a spokesperson to share his own personal experiences. He would like to further his career so it can be used as a vehicle to get more help for these causes. - IMDb Mini Biography


Dimitrius Pulido


The Wraith Within
Alfred Jones
Five friends revisit their hometown for their high school reunion. Soon they will learn that their quiet Texas town is the home of a long, sinister curse.
Alita: Anjo de Combate
Cyborg Jacking Victim
Abandonada em um ferro-velho de Iron City, a ciborgue Alita é encontrada pelo cientista Dyson Ido. Revitalizada, ela acorda sem memória e reconhecimento do mundo em que se encontra. Determinada a conhecer seu passado e explorar suas habilidades surpreendentes de luta, Alita se torna uma poderosa caçadora de recompensas, combatendo forças mortais.
At a secret government facility, behavioral scientist Rachel Moreno runs an experimental drug trial on a group of prison inmates to find out what caused their violent behavior.
Jesús Gonzaga
A 12-year-old girl begins having terrible nightmares, which eventually turn into visions and warnings from her deceased grandmother. Soon, the nightmares become all too real.
Flashes: Deixe a Realidade Para Trás
Dr. Sciama
Um marido tranquilo, porém angustiado procura a ajuda de seu psiquiatra para desvendar as causas de sua vontade de viajar entre múltiplas realidades.
Sin City: A Dama Fatal
Maitre d'
Dwight tem seu confronto final com a mulher dos seus sonhos e pesadelos, Ava. Ela consegue ler mentes e transforma-se exatamente no que os homens desejam. Repleta de mulheres fortes, anti-heróis e vilões cruéis, seus caminhos se cruzam pelas ruas e bares da cidade do pecado.
Any Last Words?
Inspired by the life of Bat Masterson. After a violent war has broken out between the Cowboys and Native Americans, Bat finds himself lying on the ground, badly wounded, after a heroic showdown. Shot and on the brink of death he is visited by Mobius. As Mobius consoles him they revisit Bat's choices and how they have defined his life. He'll be left to make his toughest one yet, whether to live and fight or die.
Eu Queria Ter a Sua Vida
Greased Up Lorno Guy
Dave é advogado e pai de família. Mitch é um solteirão sem rotina. Depois de uma noite de bebedeira, uma reviravolta acontece: eles acordam em corpos trocados. Agora, os amigos precisam correr para não estragar a vida um do outro e fazer tudo voltar ao normal.
Legion of Iron
Mad Dog
It's an ordinary date night for Billy (Kevin T. Walsh) and Alison (Camille Carrigan) until mysterious forces whisk them away to an underground arena, where Billy must fight other captives for the wagers of wealthy men and the pleasure of Queen Diana (Erika Nann). When he's not battling for his life or protecting Alison from Diana's lecherous bodyguards, Billy attempts to rally his fellow slaves into a full-blooded revolt.
Jogo Bruto
Body Guard (uncredited)
Um agente do FBI quer ter uma revanche com a organização da Máfia e envia um antigo agente do FBI (Arnold Schwarzenegger) para destruir a organização por dentro dela.