Sam Smoothy


Winterland is a celebration of ski and snowboard culture. Today's mountain athletes can only stand as tall as those who came before, the pirates of the past who followed their own path and passion. This story of adventure is far from over, as a new crop of modern-day pioneers are eager to etch their names in the annals of history. The technology and style might evolve, but the rush, excitement, and pure fun remain eternal, bonding past, present, and future riders. The film will follow these individuals as they leave their own mark on these fabled locations.
The Sky Piercer
Acompanhe os atletas campeões Xavier De Le Rue, Nadine Wallner e Sam Smoothy enquanto alcançam o icônico pico do Mount Cook. Com três semanas para preparar e explorar o lado oeste, Xavier e Nadine estão confiantes de que terão a oportunidade de enfrentar a montanha, mas Sam, um local, sabe que o clima na Nova Zelândia não é tão bom. Enquanto aguardam uma melhora no tempo, o trio se aventura pela ilha sul.
Rogue Elements
In the winter of 2017, the magnitude of winter's force was on full display. Telephone pole-snapping storms pounded the Wyoming landscape. Regions to the west, recently left arid and forgotten, were gifted with unprecedented accumulation. Blizzards in Europe buried towns in an instant before disappearing just as fast, leaving the lucky few who were there to wonder if it even happened. A Bolivian expedition found grace above 18,000 feet before the elements went rogue and the humans reluctantly heeded warnings from above. 
Hokkaido Calling
“Is it possible to stand where no one has before?.” In search for the less obvious, Sam Smoothy Jeremie Heitz and Dane Tudor set out to explore Hokkaido, an island with over 15 metres of annual snowfall. And in looking for something different, they found something else.
Tight Loose
From India to Alaska, come join us as we discover unridden spine walls, massive airs, and full throttle riding in some of the wildest and most spectacular places on earth. Witness the 21-year athlete roster as they come together for a reunion-style massive group shred of the Palisades at Squaw Valley. Tight Loose is living to the fullest!
Hurt So Good
Hurt So Good is the latest collaboration between freeskiing gang (and housemates) Legs of Steel and Canadian cinematographer Andre Nutini. Made with the assistance of the Red Bull Media House, Hurt So Good promises more of the same, only we can expect the action to be even more intense. The housemates are joined by the usual array of freeskiing pals in tackling self-built obstacles up various mountains to a pumping hard-rock soundtrack.