Damien Jouillerot
Nascimento : 1985-09-23, Besançon, Doubs, France
To strengthen family ties, to free his teenagers from their digital addiction, to reconnect with his roots in the region of his childhood; this is why Régis decides to take his wife and children on a surprise vacation in the Vercors. An old ruined house lost in the forest. No water, no electricity, even less network or wifi. Nothing is going to happen as planned
1793, French Revolution. For three years now, Charette, a young man retired from the Royal Navy, has been back home. In the country, the anger of the peasants rumbles: they call on the young retiree to take command of the rebellion. In a few months, the idle sailor becomes a charismatic leader and a shrewd strategist, bringing in his wake peasants, deserters, women, old people and children, of which he makes a formidable army. The fight for freedom has only just begun.
1912. Montmartre is terrorized by the Parisian mafia. Charlotte and Milo belong to the Apaches gang and are ready to do anything to regain their freedom and run away to America.
Sylvain Dubois
Stella is 6 but she is going to school for the first time. Happy, exuberant (maybe too much) she is a lovely child, but is often absent. Her parents say she is fragile. She tells her teacher, Céline, she fell when asked why she has a few bruises. Is it child abuse or real immune deficiency? The doubt is growing in the mind of those who meet the child. Worried, Céline notes every injury until the day the family moves without telling anyone.
Etienne, Baker
Um dia, Alexandre toma coragem para escrever uma carta à Igreja Católica, revelando um segredo: quando criança, foi abusado sexualmente pelo padre Preynat. Os psicólogos da Igreja tentam ajudar mas não conseguem ocultar o fato de que o criminoso jamais foi afastado do cargo, pelo contrário: continua atuando junto à crianças. Alexandre toma coragem e publica sua carta, o que logo faz aparecerem muitas outras denúncias de abuso cometidas pelo mesmo padre, além da conivência do cardeal Barbarin, que sempre soube dos crimes, mas nunca tomou providências. Juntos, Alexandre, François e Emmanuel criam um grupo de apoio para aumentar a pressão na justiça por providências. Mas eles terão que enfrentar todo o poder da cúpula da Igreja.
6AM. Sophie takes a swig of Redbull as she stares at the screens lighting up the window-less ground control station. In this secret location, Bruno and her are using a drone to spy on a Middle East village. One pull on the joystick's trigger & they can wipe out every single living creature in a 30-yard perimeter.
A cop and his son have to put away their differences while undercover on a therapeutic trip.
It is the life in a village, this cloistered world that produces stories, boredom, some necessary friendships, the author says. During a day, he paints a portrait of the past Clement with his band of mates, his parents, his sister, the stories told, the pictures in his house, his room intact and videos that remain of him.
Today, Andre comes out of his peaceful retirement : on order from the mayor, he has to lead through mounts a troop of sandwich men on bike to attract the spectators to the inauguration of the local cinema. In spite of his determination, the former postman has a great deal of difficulty in taming his young and passionate team-mates.
One year after the death of his mother Tristan finds himself stuck between his 'two families'. His dad on one side, and on the other, his own new family, his wife and 6 month old daughter.
Paramedic #1
Georges e Anne são octogenários, pessoas cultas, professores de música reformados. A filha, igualmente música, vive no estrangeiro com a família. Um dia, Anne é vítima de um acidente. O amor que une este casal vai ser posto à prova…
Robin Dogis
Separated at the birth of his mother who has only time to entrust to a member of his family, Guillaume de Villon, when he should have been killed, François will as well go to the ill-known taverns of the Latin Quarter that the Court of the Duke of Orleans, passing by the benches of the university. This marvelous poet at the same time as a scoundrel of morality will have a life where fights, robberies, imprisonments and final banishment will be linked. Leaving Paris, Villon will disappear.
Billy Ray Jr
30 avril 1962. La guerre d'Algérie est terminée depuis deux mois, mais Charles de Gaulle a négocié avec le FLN lors des accords d'Évian la poursuite d'essais atomiques dans le désert du Sahara. Sous les yeux des officiels réunis dans un poste d'observation situé à 5 km du lieu de l'explosion, le Taourirt se fissure libérant un nuage radioactif : ce sera l'accident de Béryl.
Le dauphin
Jeanne Poisson, the headstrong, ambitious, witty and erudite, catches the eye and heart of French King Louis XV at a costumed ball. She masters the art of seduction well enough to become accepted even by the Queen, corpulent mother of ten. As a sensibly chosen Royal 'favorite' mistress she is soon ennobled Marquise of Pompadour to facilitate her introduction at court. The immature dauphin (crown prince) proves a bitter and unrelenting enemy, joined by his imposed Saxon bride, and his sister at her deathbed. Although friends at court help Pompadour return, her health gives way.
September 1960: on a purely punitive basis, eight scouts must climb the solid mass of Brévent to 2500 meters of altitude. The so beautiful and so majestic mountain which draws up face them very quickly reveals dangerous. All the techniques of orientation learned at the scouts will do nothing there. The teenagers find themselves delivered to themselves. Lost in the abrupt throats, the eight boys are confronted cold, with the hunger and the fear.
Désiré Landru - husband, lover - and murderer. Based on documented facts, this is the full story of one of the most ambiguous criminals and lovers of the 20th century, the first modern serial killer.
A lifelong fan of Charles Aznavour, a drifting 50-year-old man one day sets out to meet his idol.
Daniel Massu
At a French boarding school for troubled youth in the early 1970's, the Headmaster and his wife decide that their son Daniel, who is fifteen years old but looks younger, should finally go live in the dorm with all the other students, as they do not want it to seem Daniel is receiving any special treatment. Daniel is now faced with the challenge of earning the trust and respect of the other students, who all come from troubled backgrounds.
Um homem deixa o filho de 8 anos com o sogro que mora perto da geleira onde a mãe do menino morreu.
35.000 A.C., em plena pré-história. A tribo dos Cabelos Limpos passa os dias de forma tranquila, guardando para si a fórmula secreta do xampu, enquanto que a tribo dos Cabelos Sujos passa o dia a se coçar e queixar. Até que um dia ocorre na tribo dos Cabelos Limpos o 1º crime da história da humanidade: a morte de uma mulher. Intrigados nos motivos que fariam alguém matar uma pessoa que morreria de qualquer forma, os integrantes da tribo tentam descobrir quem foi o autor do crime.
Zézé Perrin
During the night of August 4-5, 1952, three Englishmen, Jack Drummond, his wife Anne and their daughter Elizabeth were murdered near their car near the farm of the Dominici family, in the commune of Lurs in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence. Denounced by two of his sons, the patriarch Gaston Dominici was judged and condemned without any real evidence.
A good-natured kid struggles to earn his mother's love without much success.
Lucien, Jacques's son
Lucien, 14, can’t understand why his father, a serious and respected teacher, makes a fool of himself by dressing up as a clown and giving a show. André, Lucien’s father’s best friend, feels for the teenager and decides to reveal something from their mutual past that will explain the reason for Lucien’s father’s strange behavior.
Paris, verão de 1942. Na França sob a ocupação alemã em plena 2ª Guerra Mundial vive Edmond (Gérard Jugnot), o dono de uma salsicharia. Sem querer Edmond toma parte da deportação da família de seu vizinho, que é judeu. Quando Simon (Jules Sitruk), o filho do vizinho, reaparece no local descobre que agora Edmond e sua família estão morando na antiga casa de seus pais. Sentindo-se culpado e querendo evitar problemas com os alemães, Edmond esconde o garoto e suas duas primas, ambas órfãs de guerra. Entretanto a situação se complica, pois torna-se cada vez mais difícil esconder as crianças do coronel Spreich (Götz Burger), a quem o genro de Edmond presta serviços.