Makeup Artist
The lackluster and plodding Bolweiser has the (mis)fortune to be married to the town’s siren; his trusting nature leads him into serious trouble when she beds nearly every available guy.
Makeup Artist
Adventure movie based on Jack London's novel "Son of the Wolf".
Makeup Artist
With the help of God, the loveable safecracker Paul Wittkowski – aka “Cracker-Paulie” – manages to escape the clutches of the cops. He dresses up as a priest and ends up in a village, whose pastor is in dispute with an influential businessman. To help the pastor and a young widow, Paulie has to use his own special abilities. This work leads him back to the path of righteousness. He contacts the police and, after serving his time, starts a new life with the widow.
Makeup Artist
Em 1952 na então Tchecoslováquia, o gerente e palhaço do Circo Cernik, Karel, é investigado pela policia secreta comunista devido a manter em sua trupe diversos artistas estrangeiros. Além disso, sofre com problemas familiares: a esposa Zama está insatisfeita e a filha Tereza se enamorou de Vosdek, um dos trabalhadores do circo que nunca contou nada sobre seu passado. Quando Karel desconfia haver um informante da polícia dentre os membros do circo, ele começa os preparativos para por em prática um plano que vinha elaborando há três anos: o de cruzar a fronteira policiada, a "Cortina de Ferro", e fugir com todo os artistas para o Ocidente.