John Mehrer

Nascimento : 1980-10-23, New Braunfels, Texas, USA


John Mehrer is a Los Angeles based Producer, Unit Production Manager and Assistant Director known for Breach, Street Survivors and Sharknado.


The PA and the Manhattan Prince
Executive Producer
Loyal, quick-thinking Lucy Woods is a Personal Assistant to the stars. Whether it’s juggling couture appointments for the Met Ball or dodging paparazzi on a coffee run, she can deal with any situation. But when Prince Rupert arrives in New York to make preparations for a masked ball, Lucy finds herself falling in love with her new employer.
My Professor's Guide to Murder
Executive Producer
Ashley is a creative writing graduate student who is one thesis away from graduating. Miles Blake, a celebrity murder mystery writer comes to her university to teach. She gets assigned to be his TA, and they strike up a sort of friendship.
Project Baby
Executive Producer
Follows the best friends of a married couple who are asked to work together to look after the couple's baby while planning the baby's first birthday party.
Her Affair to Die For
Executive Producer
A young woman’s dad becomes the obsession of her seductive roommate who will stop at nothing to possess him.
The Soulmate Search
Executive Producer
When Lindsay gets the chance to sign up to the notoriously exclusive dating service Eternity, she clashes with Will, her first date. They mutually agree this dating service has been a complete bust and make a deal to get their money back. However, when they turn up at the door, they find all the furniture gone, Eternity nowhere to be found and make a pact to find out the truth – they’ve been conned! Or have they…?
The Boyfriend Trap
Executive Producer
Identical twins Alice and Lacey are mistaken for each other by Alice’s handsome boss and Lacey’s business partner on a retreat to Trinidad and Tobago. With too much at stake for both to reveal the mix-up, they decide to go with it just for the trip. But as each other’s fresh perspectives and personalities begin to lead to unexpected romance, they find that they may have been wrong about who and what they needed in their lives all along.
Baked with a Kiss
Executive Producer
A baker who is famous for her “True Love Pie” accidentally gives the wrong dessert to a difficult customer and ends up the object of his affection.
Lies Beneath The Surface
Line Producer
Hanna notices some suspicious activity at a nearby cabin while she's kayaking by herself in a remote lake. Believing the woman and her daughter staying there might be in danger, she notifies the authorities. After the authorities find nothing wrong or unusual, they brush off Hanna. When she looks in on them, it sets off a deadly cat-and-mouse game of survival.
Lies Beneath The Surface
Executive Producer
Hanna notices some suspicious activity at a nearby cabin while she's kayaking by herself in a remote lake. Believing the woman and her daughter staying there might be in danger, she notifies the authorities. After the authorities find nothing wrong or unusual, they brush off Hanna. When she looks in on them, it sets off a deadly cat-and-mouse game of survival.
Atrás das Paredes
Executive Producer
Molly Bachman, uma jovem autora best-seller, compra o apartamento dos seus sonhos na cidade. Quando ela se acomoda, sons estranhos e batidas noturnas começam a assustá-la, e ela descobre que o apartamento tem uma entrada secreta.
Perigo no Grupo de Mães
Line Producer
Uma mãe decide se juntar à associação de pais da escola na esperança de poder se envolver mais no ensino de sua filha. Ela descobre que o conselho escolar é dirigido por uma mãe com uma propensão a dar punhaladas pelas costas - literalmente.
Perigo no Grupo de Mães
Executive Producer
Uma mãe decide se juntar à associação de pais da escola na esperança de poder se envolver mais no ensino de sua filha. Ela descobre que o conselho escolar é dirigido por uma mãe com uma propensão a dar punhaladas pelas costas - literalmente.
A Baby at Any Cost
Line Producer
When a surrogate grows too fond of the baby she carried for a young couple, they try to disengage from her. But the surrogate starts poisoning the mother (with no danger to the child) in a scam that will keep the surrogate around, and then, when mom is gone, the surrogate will get the child, the husband and the suburban life she so earnestly covets.
What The Nanny Saw
Line Producer
When nanny Kim accidentally discovers that her employer, Steven, is having an affair with his kids’ Spanish tutor, she decides to keep it to herself so as not to risk splitting his family apart. But when Steven’s mistress is murdered and he tells the police that he hasn’t seen her in months, Kim realizes she’s the only person who knows he’s lying and she’s determined to learn why.
What The Nanny Saw
Executive Producer
When nanny Kim accidentally discovers that her employer, Steven, is having an affair with his kids’ Spanish tutor, she decides to keep it to herself so as not to risk splitting his family apart. But when Steven’s mistress is murdered and he tells the police that he hasn’t seen her in months, Kim realizes she’s the only person who knows he’s lying and she’s determined to learn why.
Prisoner of Love
Executive Producer
An 18-year-old begins dating a charming 50-year-old man who treats her to shopping sprees and fancy restaurants, creating a huge rift with her mother. Mom’s instincts prove right when the man becomes psychologically manipulative, turning the girl into an emotional prisoner in his mansiIon.
The Beauty of Love
Executive Producer
Emma has built a successful lifestyle website that she puts her heart and soul into called “Classically Emma”. But when her numbers start trending down, she thinks she might’ve found her fix in a partnership with an ambitious millennial named Jill who has her own dreams.
Debutante Mortal
Executive Producer
Um grupo de garotas populares de uma escola particular decide entrar no mais prestigiado concurso de debutantes da cidade. Mas, o caminho para a desejada coroa acaba sendo muito mais tortuoso do que elas pensavam.
Cheer For Your Life
Executive Producer
A high school girl’s spirits are crushed as she suffers through a humiliating “Cheerleader Initiation Week,” but her dreams aren’t the only thing in danger when another girl on the squad turns up dead, and when she disappears herself, her mom will have to rush to save her.
My Terrorized Teen
Executive Producer
When her daughter is tormented by the mean girls of her high school, one mother must find a way to put a stop to it before the bullying becomes deadly…
Ameaça no Espaço
Line Producer
Um jovem clandestino está a bordo de uma arca interestelar para a Nova Terra. Com a ajuda de um experiente companheiro de tripulação, ele deve superar um terror cósmico malévolo com a intenção de usar a nave espacial como arma.
Ameaça no Espaço
Production Accountant
Um jovem clandestino está a bordo de uma arca interestelar para a Nova Terra. Com a ajuda de um experiente companheiro de tripulação, ele deve superar um terror cósmico malévolo com a intenção de usar a nave espacial como arma.
Sangue na Neve
Production Accountant
Uma mulher encontra a família do novo namorado pela primeira vez e se depara com o drama da misteriosa morte de um parente. Envolvida, ela começa a se questionar sobre um suposto suicídio.
Sangue na Neve
Line Producer
Uma mulher encontra a família do novo namorado pela primeira vez e se depara com o drama da misteriosa morte de um parente. Envolvida, ela começa a se questionar sobre um suposto suicídio.
Obsessão Macabra
Chloe começa a trabalhar como babá na casa de uma família que tem muitos protocolos de segurança pois a mãe é assediada pelo seu ex-marido, um músico famoso. Porém, ela logo descobre que os estranhos acontecimentos relatados não são culpa do ex, mas sim da própria mulher que quer tê-lo de volta.
Street Survivors - A Verdadeira História do Acidente de Avião do Lynyrd Skynyrd
Line Producer
Em 1977, um avião que levava Lynyrd Skynyrd para um show fica sem combustível no ar e acaba caindo em um pântano, fazendo um dos sobreviventes buscar ajuda em uma fazenda próxima.
Canção de Inverno
Durante o Natal, o amor pela música e os problemas familiares aproximam Clio e Fred. Enquanto Clio lida com a morte de seu pai e a dúvida em ter filhos, Fred procura se reunir com sua filha.
Killer Reputation
Line Producer
Hollywood PR maven Adrienne takes pride in her low profile and good reputation. Yet she risks both to help a fading action star accused of killing his ex-wife. She believes he’s innocent because she knows him better than most; they were college sweethearts. But whoever the real killer is, no one in Gareth’s life is safe, and once again… that includes Adrienne. Shara Connolly, Mark Lawson, Anna Hutchison star.
The Matchmaker's Playbook
Line Producer
After a career-ending accident, former NFL recruit Ian Hunter is back on campus, and he's putting his extensive skills with women to work as one of the masterminds behind a successful and secretive dating service. But when Blake Olson requests the services of Wingmen, Inc., Ian may have landed his most hopeless client yet. As Blake begins the transformation from hot mess to smokin' hot, Ian realizes he's in danger of breaking his cardinal rule....
O Homem da Terra: Holoceno
Unit Production Manager
O filme conta a história de um professor de "Homem da Terra" de 15 mil anos, John Oldman, que ensina no norte da Califórnia, ao perceber que não só ele finalmente começa a envelhecer, mas quatro estudantes descobriram seu segredo mais profundo.
Bethany - A Amiga Imaginária
Line Producer
Uma jovem é assombrada por seu amigo imaginário de infância. Muitas surpresas lhe aguardam ao voltar para casa.
A Father's Secret
Line Producer
Carrie Evans, a beautiful young attorney with aspirations to become partner like her fiancee Steven Riggs, learns some disturbing facts about her family and her boss Caswell Foxx as she researches a big case. She becomes so entrenched in the case that it causes her to risk her career, freedom and her relationships.
Wishing for a Dream
Actress Mika Andrews and her filmmaker boyfriend, Louis Digman struggle through the stresses, hopes, desires and disappointments of the entertainment industry to succeed in 'Hollywood.'
Alpha House
Unit Production Manager
Quando duas promessas calouros são aceitos na maior festa de fraternidade no campus (Casa Alpha), eles pensam que têm tudo. Isto é, até que o assistente de reitor obriga os Alphas para compartilhar sua casa com uma irmandade ou face expulsão da escola. Não querendo ver o seu sonho de se tornar Alphas destruído, as promessas convencer os outros membros da casa para ter de volta o que é deles, travando uma batalha épica entre os sexos para lutar pelo seu direito de festejar.
Unit Production Manager
O filme segue a jornada de uma jovem enviada para a prisão por ter assassinado o seu padrasto. Anna Nix esta preste a conhecer o mundo tenebroso de um presidio, onde ela descobre relações complexas, drogas, doença mental e sua busca por redenção. E o pior ainda, terá que lutar por sua sobrevivência!
100 Degrees Below Zero
First Assistant Director
After freak climate and weather events destroy the world around them, a group of rogue scientists attempt to reverse the deadly new ice age.
First Assistant Director
A herdeira de uma cadeia de hotéis de luxo é sequestrada por uma quadrilha de traficantes de escravas sexuais. A assistente da herdeira precisa encontrar um maneira de resgatá-la.
SWAT Team Member (uncredited)
A herdeira de uma cadeia de hotéis de luxo é sequestrada por uma quadrilha de traficantes de escravas sexuais. A assistente da herdeira precisa encontrar um maneira de resgatá-la.
Super Cyclone
Second Assistant Director
Base petrolífera atinge vulcão subterrâneo. Como resultado, surge tempestade violenta.
The House Across the Road
Executive Producer
A Perfect Christmas Pairing
Winter sets in as top chef Grace Cooke, at the helm of a high-end restaurant, rakes in rave reviews due to her gastro-scientific approach to cuisine. She’s close to a Michelin star when a bad review from a top critic rocks her world. With her boss’ blessing, she takes time off to see her family at their winery B&B over Christmas. There, she connects with worldly travel writer Asher St. James, and sparks fly with family traditions as Asher helps her reconnect with her roots.
Love's Secret Ingredient
Executive Producer
Leah and Jonas come from two different worlds: Leah owns a small organic market and Jonas is a huge celebrity chef and reality star. When they both come to a crossroads in their careers, they find a unique opportunity to help each other professionally. What they don't see coming is the way they affect each other personally. Can they both get past their pride and workaholic tendencies to find work-life balance together?
Lean into Love
Executive Producer
When beauty brand Bloom decides to close its flagship store and focus on online sales, content creator Jenny must find a way to deal with the backlash from their loyal fanbase and spin the news into a positive thing via their social media. On top of that, Bloom is pivoting to eco-friendly products and a wellness angle, so Jenny spends the seaside corporate retreat in Miami trying to capture the “life” in “work/life balance.” Her drive to achieve clashes with the chill vibe of activities director Nate. Sparks fly between these two as Jenny realizes Nate is a thrill-seeker who has work/life balance figured out, but there’s one problem… he’s the brother of her boss.
The Plus One
Plot unknown
Love's Playlist
Executive Producer
When streaming music exec Amanda volunteers to lead a make-or-break company launch party, she’s partnered with Sam, a seemingly arrogant brand rep. Amanda’s unaware that Sam is also the man she’s been flirting with in an anonymous online chatroom. As the two grow closer, and Amanda finds out Sam’s true identity, she must navigate her feelings for the man she once thought she couldn’t stand.