Christopher Manley
Nascimento : , Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Director of Photography
Quando Steve Dallas, um mulherengo apresentador da previsão do tempo, fica sabendo que o pai de seu excêntrico amigo Ben Baker morreu, os dois vão à cidade na qual Ben passou a infância e descobrem que ele herdou a fortuna da família. A dupla mal-ajambrada luta contra a formidável irmã de Ben e tem que lidar também com a linda viúva de seu pai, de 25 anos.
Director of Photography
Há milhares de anos atrás, reinou o grande faraó-criança Tutankamon. Poucos sabem os detalhes da sua vida, ninguém sabe os segredos de sua morte. Mas, isto está por mudar...O destemido arqueologista Danny fremont tem certeza de que, se achada, a lápide de Esmeralda do rei Tutankamon teria o poder de controlar o mundo. Infelizmente, a única pessoa que acredita nele é seu inimigo arqueologista Morgan Sinclair, um membro de uma sociedade secreta que quer a lápide para lançar um mal inimaginável no mundo e não vai parar até obter o que quer.Com a ajuda da egiptologista Dra.Barakat, fremont se aventura no vale dos reis em busca da Tumba Tutankamon, atrás de um mistério que mudará o mundo para sempre...
Director of Photography
Like most kids, Ned idolized his father and dreamed of following in his footsteps. Unfortunately, his father was a two-bit crook who spent most of his life in jail. Without a family of his own, Ned falls in with the Aryan Brotherhood. Soon after, Ned is placed in a mental hospital where he is mesmerized by a young black girl who believes Adolf Hitler was reincarnated in her.
Director of Photography
Struggling actor John Person agrees to drive a blue suitcase from Los Angeles to the small town of Baker, Calif., and hand it over to a mysterious cowboy in return for having his credit card debt of $27,000 paid off. Upon his arrival, John can't find the cowboy but receives an ominously head-shaped package he's supposed to hang onto. While waiting, John gets close to Ruthie, whose psychotic boyfriend, Randy, keeps threatening to kill him.
Director of Photography
When police are puzzled by several horrific murders, they assume they have a serial killer on their hands. But soon they realise that the unimaginable has happened. A killing machine from another world has arrived on Earth determined to brutally execute human beings. Finding themselves out of their depth they are forced to rely on a mysterious alien hunter that has volunteered his help.
The true story of Pete and Ray, two down-and-out alcoholics living in the Haight district of San Francisco in the late '80s. Their outrageous and hilarious harangues make THE ODD COUPLE seem entirely tame by comparison. Watch as the two gentlemen imbibe mass quantities of vodka, report each other to the police and get hauled off to jail, raising the ire of all whose lives they disrupt.
Director of Photography
Jeffrey Dahmer (Jeremy Renner) é um assassino cruel cuja uma de suas marcas registradas é o canibalismo. Considerado um monstro, Dahmer matou, esquartejou e se alimentou de alguns órgãos de 17 rapazes em Wisconsin. Enquanto o serial killer decide qual será o destino da próxima vítima em potencial, Dahmer é guiado por uma sequência de flashbacks de seu passado.
Director of Photography
Após a morte de seu parceiro, Parker é visto fugindo de um assalto a banco numa pequena cidade. As autoridades locais Ray Decarlo e Tommy Meeker o perseguem. Ferido, conhece Natalie Wright, ex-mulher de Ray, que o protege e vão à sua procura. John Kendall, um jovem agente do FBI, ao descobrir que o carro usado para a fuga é de Parker sai numa caça, com dose extra de perseguição e tiros, a fim de evitar que Parker testemunhe sobre o dinheiro roubado do tráfico de drogas pelos policiais corruptos.
Director of Photography
John William 'Will' Cooper is a modern-day rancher, maintaining his ranch in hard times along with his friend and foreman Amos Russell. When Will's estranged daughter Jake returns to the ranch for her grandfather's funeral, father and daughter clash over how to run the ranch and over the death years before of Jake's mother, which she blames on Will. Crisis comes in the form of insurmountable debt, and it is only by working together that Will and Jake have any chance of saving their home and their family.
Director of Photography
Tara Talbot is afflicted with the rare genetic condition hypertrichosis: she is covered head to toe in hair. She lives her life in Harley Dune's Travelling Freak Show, on display as the 'Terrifying Wolf Girl', but underneath she is just a teenage girl who longs to be normal.
Director of Photography
A man joins a secret club for those who are seeking to end their lives, only to rediscover his will to live upon meeting the club's only female member.
Director of Photography
Two film students must find a movie in the AMC vault. They have until midnight. If they survive and find the film they can leave the vault. If not then they will die and become part of the movie forever. So where is "The Phantom Eye?"
Director of Photography
Emily Russo and her son are victims of a carjacking that results in the Sam's death. No one believes that thugs dressed as cops are the perpetrators; in fact Emily is accused of committing the murder herself and inventing the carjacking story as a cover. On the run from the police, she tries to find and killers on her own and discovers that the crime might not have been as random as it first appeared.
Documentary on the making of the 1997 film 'Spawn.'