Angelo Iacono


Santa Sangre
Executive Producer
Fênix é um rapaz que está internado em uma clínica psiquiátrica por achar que é uma ave. Dorme em uma árvore, come apenas peixe e sequer se comunica com as pessoas. Para entender Fênix, é necessário voltar a seu passado e conhecer a tragédia ocorrida com seus pais.
Production Manager
A young girl, with an amazing ability to communicate with insects, is transferred to an exclusive Swiss boarding school, where her unusual capability might help solve a string of murders.
Executive Producer
A young girl, with an amazing ability to communicate with insects, is transferred to an exclusive Swiss boarding school, where her unusual capability might help solve a string of murders.
Perfume and Toys
A married woman with a young daughter runs away from home to live out her dream of becoming a photo model. She becomes involved with a wealthy Italian entrepreneur while she's at it but has second thoughts once her daughter becomes ill.
Perfume and Toys
A married woman with a young daughter runs away from home to live out her dream of becoming a photo model. She becomes involved with a wealthy Italian entrepreneur while she's at it but has second thoughts once her daughter becomes ill.
Perfume and Toys
A married woman with a young daughter runs away from home to live out her dream of becoming a photo model. She becomes involved with a wealthy Italian entrepreneur while she's at it but has second thoughts once her daughter becomes ill.
Durante um violento ciclone, um barco de turismo acaba à deriva em pleno oceano. Aos seus integrantes se unem os sobreviventes da queda de um avião e do naufrágio de um navio pesqueiro. Praticamente sem comida ou água doce, e debaixo do sol quente, eles vão sucumbindo aos poucos, por fome ou por ataque de tubarões, à espera de um resgate que parece nunca vir.
Savage Three
General Manager
By day, Ovidio (Joe Dallesandro) and his two friends work at a data center. After work, they blow off steam by committing random acts of savage violence, swiftly graduating from sparking a riot at a football game to vehicle theft, rape, and murder. The police are convinced this recent spate of crimes is politically motivated, but world-weary veteran Commissario Santaga (Enrico Maria Salerno) suspects a far more terrifying explanation: that these young men are motivated by nothing more than boredom and disaffection at civilized society. As Ovidio's behavior escalates, a psychological game of cat-and-mouse ensues between the two adversaries, building towards a shocking final confrontation.
Prelúdio para Matar
Production Manager
Um pianista inglês testemunha um brutal assassinato, mas não consegue identificar o criminoso. Algo na cena o inquieta, o levando à uma compulsiva necessidade de desvendar o caso.
The Tree with Pink Leaves
Executive Producer
Little Marco suffers from his parents' divorce. He runs away from home and is hit by a car. He drags on but eventually dies under a tree with pink leaves, remembering a story his grandmother told him.
No, the Case Is Happily Resolved
When the eyewitness to a brutal murder decides not to testify, the actual murderer chooses to finger him as the murderer and claim eyewitness status for himself.
Quatro Moscas Sobre Veludo Cinza
Production Manager
O músico Roberto Tobias está sendo seguido há dias por um homem que não conhece. Ao confrontá-lo num teatro abandonado, acaba matando acidentalmente o desconhecido, e no mesmo momento uma figura mascarada fotografa o crime. A partir de então, Tobias começa a ser perseguido implacavelmente por um vilão que não pretende matá-lo, mas enlouquecê-lo aos poucos com a lembrança da culpa do ato que cometeu.
O Gato de Nove Caudas
Production Manager
Um repórter de jornal e um jornalista aposentado e cego tentam resolver uma série de assassinatos ligados a projetos experimentais de pesquisa ultra secreta de uma empresa farmacêutica e, ao fazê-lo, tornam-se alvos do assassino.
Per amore o per forza
Executive Producer
Principe coronato cercasi per ricca ereditiera
Production Manager
A prince who has become poor accepts a marriage to the daughter of an American tycoon. The girl is only interested in his title and plans a divorce, but after a while she also grows fond of him.
Un caso di coscienza
Line Producer
Discovering that a woman from their small town in Sicily cheated on her husband, a group of upper class men investigate and try to identify her.
Listen, Let's Make Love
Production Manager
When his father dies, young lad travels to Milan to attend the funeral and decides to follow in his father's footsteps as a gigolo. He is successful at finding rich women to prey on, but finds himself caught up in a bidding war.
Italian Secret Service
Unit Manager
A war hero turned unemployed is hired by a British man whose life he saved during the war, for a secret mission: to kill a neo-nazi.
Unit Manager
Andrew's brave front convinces his father that he is unaffected by his mother's death. Playmate and protector of his little brother Miles, he is often blamed when mischief goes wrong. Only when tragedy strikes does his father recognize Andrew's true qualities.
Don Camillo in Moscow
Unit Manager
Priest Don Camillo blackmails his friendly rival Peppone into letting him join a Communist delegation visiting the Soviet Union.
White Voices
Unit Manager
In 17th-century Rome, a young man in a choir of castrati falls for the beautiful wife of a powerful aristocrat.
A Sentimental Attempt
Unit Manager
Production Secretary
Prestes a rodar sua próxima obra, o cineasta Guido Anselmi (Marcello Mastroianni) ainda não tem idéia de como será o filme. Mergulhado em uma crise existencial e pressionado pelo produtor, pela mulher, pela amante e pelos amigos, ele se interna em uma estação de águas e passa a misturar o passado com o presente, ficção com realidade.
Alma Negra
Production Secretary
A man with a past gets married and it seems that he will be able to start a new life, but an unexpected inheritance gets in the way and deteriorates the relationship with his wife.
The Wonders of Aladdin
Arabic Man (uncredited)
Young Aladdin has a series of wild adventures after he discovers a magic lamp containing a genie (Vittorio De Sica).