Lillian Shore


Viagem ao Planeta Proibido
The first manned flight to Mars returns after having been out of communications since it had arrived on Mars. What would it reveal?
The Four Skulls of Jonathan Drake
Jonathan Drake, while attending his brother's funeral, is shocked to find the head of the deceased is missing. When his brother's skull shows up later in a locked cabinet, Drake realizes an ancient curse placed upon his grandfather by a tribe of South American Jivaro Indians is still in effect and that he himself is the probable next victim.
Quadrilha Maldita
Fugindo com o saque de um assalto milionário, o implacável Jack Bruhn e seu bando de renegados dominam um remoto povoado do Oeste que está ilhado pela nevasca. Entre os moradores tomados como reféns está o rancheiro Blaise Starrett, que resolve usar de astúcia para enfrentar o bando de assassinos e salvar a cidade - e a mulher que ama.
Quantrill's Raiders
A Civil War guerilla gang plans an attack on a Kansas arsenal.
Zero Hour!
In 1950s Canada, during a commercial flight, the pilots and some passengers suffer food poisoning, thus forcing an ex-WW2 fighter pilot to try to land the airliner in heavy fog.
A few months after the end of the civil war, Major Drango is sent as military governor in a southern small town, whose citizens he must face the obstility.
Magnificent Roughnecks
Two oilmen coax a cook, an oilwoman and a gusher in South America.
O Grande Golpe
Quando o ex-presidiário Johnny Clay diz que tem um grande plano, todos querem participar. Especialmente quando o plano é roubar 2 milhões de dólares em um esquema "ninguém vai se machucar". Mas, apesar do planejamento cuidadoso, Clay e seus homens se esqueceram de uma coisa: Sherry Peatty, uma garota ambiciosa e traiçoeira que está planejando um grande golpe só seu... mesmo que para isso ela precise acabar com toda a gangue de Clay!
Abbott & Costello e o Pé de Feijão
A versão de Abbott & Costello do famoso conto de fadas, sobre um menino que troca a vaca da família por feijões mágicos.
Terra Virgem
A cattleman fights to establish a ranch in the middle of gold country.
Destination Murder
Laura Mansfield catches a glimpse of mob hit man Jackie Wales after he shoots her businessman father. At the police station, Laura identifies Jackie as the murderer, but the policeman in charge of the case, Lt. Brewster, lets him go, citing a lack of corroborating evidence. Outraged, Laura worms her way into the unsuspecting Jackie's heart, trying to snare him and mob-connected club owner Armitage in her trap.