Poa Strömberg


Um Pedaço do Meu Coração
Executive Producer
Isabella é uma mulher de negócios motivada e uma verdadeira estrela no mundo financeiro. Quando ela retorna à sua pequena cidade natal para comemorar o aniversário do pai, se sente uma vencedora em comparação com seus antigos colegas de classe. Porém, sua confiança fica abalada ao descobrir que uma antiga paixão vai se casar com uma de suas amigas de infância.
Sune vs Sune
Executive Producer
On his first day as a fourth-grader, Sune is welcomed by an unwanted surprise. A new boy is in his seat, and he's everything Sune wants to be. Not only that, but his name is also Sune - it's the worst possible start to the fourth grade.
Kingdom of Sweden
Executive Producer
Mankind has always been on the move. Sometimes escaping from something but often also searching for something else.
Os Andersson Pegam a Estrada
Executive Producer
Sune and his family discovers an old painting that could be worth a fortune. There's only one problem, it lacks a signature. Follow the Anderssons in a wacky roadtrip through Europe, filled with crazy fun.
Família Andersson na Grécia
Executive Producer
A maior parte da família Andersson não aguenta mais passar todas as férias em um trailer perto de onde moram, na Suécia. Felizmente, o patriarca da família recebe a notícia de que precisará a ir à Grécia para uma convenção de trabalho, mas quando a viagem é cancelada, ele decide dar um jeito de ir mesmo assim, sem que sua família saiba do ocorrido.
Asa-Nisse - Welcome to Knohult
Executive Producer
In Knohult things havn't changed much. Eulalia is tired of Nisse who's engaged in all sorts of inventions in his workshop or poaching in the forest rather than to repair the water pump. When Eulalia in protest begins swimming in soft drinks and water the plants with spirit Åsa-Nisse sees nothing else to do but to repair the pump. As with all his inventions he adds a few extra features ... When he starts the machine the ground rumbles and up comes oil instead of water! Now, not only Åsa-Nisse, but the whole Knohult sees their chance to become wealthy! But "Dunderpumpen", as he calles the invention, turns out to be stronger than anyone had imagined, and when shady Scanian oil magnates with support of the Swedish government wants their share of the pie Knohult declares themselves a republic...